Those who get treated unfairly (Falsely accused)
Those who get treated fairly (Salary, criminals)
Those who have favor
Don’t set a price for your labor, trust God with your reward
Favor came to those who got treated unfairly but refused to be offended
Satan accuses God before you and you before God
Brothers took my past, but I will not give them my future
People place you in prison but your offense keeps you there
Old mule and dirt
Make lemonade out of lemon
People can put you on the cross, but bitterness will keep you there
Forgiveness doesn’t change the past but it enlarges your future (VIDEO)
Forgiveness is the gift you give to yourself (PRAYER)
Choose mercy over fairness. New every morning. Fills the earth
Napoleon – it’s not mercy it had to be deserved
Jesus deleted the account of Peter’s wrong doing
Choose goodness over fairness
God is good. Fairness is not enough. Life and more abundantly
Expect good not because you’re good but because God is good