0409 The Field of Favor
Sermon Tone Analysis
The Field of Favor
Ruth 2:1-3
Ruth had bad family
Same effect your earthly family had on your life up to this point, your new spiritual family has from now on
You did not choose your earthly family but you can choose your heavenly
Blame too much absence of our earthly father instead of living in the presence of heavenly Father
Earthly father is not perfect, heavenly Father is
Nicky Cruz – Satan family. 1 out of 17. Abused. Beaten & recovered 10 days later
Ruth had a loss
The loss of her husband didn’t become the loss of her life. Life is not over when something dies
Death is just a shadow, real death crushed Jesus. Stephen fell asleep. Lazarus is asleep…its not final…
Lot was a veil, when he walked out, Abraham saw the promise land…seed has to die to bear fruit…
Shake off loss, don’t be imprisoned by it
Three crosses: Jesus was not standing by hanging. Knife – take it by the handle
You’re planted not buried. It’s comma not period
Field of Favor
Grace is when you reap what you haven’t sown. Law was fulfilled in Christ. Grace is not fair, cause cross wasn’t fair. Don’t allow labor to determine your reward but God’s goodness. Mercy takes away what you deserve, goodness gives you what you don’t deserve. Napoleon
Grace is person not principle. Religions trust principles, we trust person. Justice is not good against bad, but God against you. Religions don’t have relationship, cause you can’t have relationship with theology
Grace build her future, when sin ruined her past. Same effect sin had on your past, God’s grace will have on your future. Grace has more constructive power than sin destructive
Grace is place of habitation not just a place of visitation. It’s not heaven’s welfare program. Mature and graduate. When you visit, your stomach if full, when you live, your womb is full. When you live, you are able to produce, when you visit you are able to survive
You live out of grace instead of coming to it
When stomach is full stop coming here and start living here…
Starvation of condemnation…whom am i? Moabite without grace, mother of Jesus with grace
Full belly with empty womb…forgiven but not fruitful
Full belly is survival, full womb is thriving
Stomach hurts….????
Peter and John, you’re closer to Jesus when you live in grace. You can’t clean the house with dirty rag
If you don’t get grace, you will die
Three stages of life. Thos who go to hell are those who reject God’s grace
Hell is place designed for Satan, torment, utter darkness (morning wouldn’t come), worms don’t die, fire is not quenched, gnashing teeth (anger & pain), bottomless pit (falling further), hopelessness (hope of dying), loneliness, and eternal. Jesus preached 33 times. 11 times a year.
Hell is “Gehenna” eternal cosmic dumb
It’s not a joke. Flood – 8 saved; Sodom and Gomorrah – 4 saved!!! Cross is the proof!!!
People don’t go there because they have sinned but because they rejected God’s grace
You don’t choose if you will live forever, but you choose where you will live forever