0498 New Year Resolution
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2010 was year of shaking. It began with a magnitude 7 earthquake in Haiti 230k died, followed by an 8.8 quake in Chine. Followed by eruption of the Iceland volcano that sent tons of ash into the skies over Europe and shut down air travel. While ground shook, economies in Europe teetered. As floods displaced 13 million people in Pakistan, Americans worried that we might drown in federal debt.
There were plenty of negative things that happened in this year, no wonder the biggest movie of the year was Inception – guy escaped from reality by dreaming. We had oil spill, WikiLeaks scandal, double digit unemployement, angry debats about Obamacare, illegal immigration stuff, in October 33 Chilean miners climbed out of a dark shaff and donned T-shirts that read “Gracias, Senor”
25,000 people just attended IHOP conference. Revival broke out in Mobile Alabama…over 160k watching online – Thursday – Saturday. Bishop Lavy Knox bound to wheelchair for 22 years. Francis Chan stepped down of church of 4k…Pastor Wendel died.
One mission worker said that in 2010…more Muslims have come to faith in last 10 years than in last 15 centuries. Tv, internet, radio has been the instrument. And spiritual dreams.
In 2010 china’s economy grew to become the second largest in the world. Jaeson Ma said that since 1970 the number of Christians has grown from 1 million to 70 million in China. What’s happening in Asiah is actually the greatest move of God in human history”
Megachurches grew inspite of the recession. Only 4 percent of megachurches had to cut salaries or budget.
TB Joshua prophesied: Earthquake close to the Sea…India Fire….Governmental Plane Crush…China Earthquake
Whitish Thing in the Sky….Plane Turning back….President of Nigeria….A Prime Minister Resigns….India Train
FiFA soccer game – predicted the score….Plane went mission in Cameron….Natural Disaster….Korean Tensions
Death of Elizabeth Edwards…..Death in Nigeria – religious reasons
Who did you become this year? Not what did you accomplished? Or goals reached or money earned?
Receive not earn. GRACE – CROSS – not SELF-RIGHTESOUNESS
Jesus increase. I decrease. I am friend of God. STANDS. HEARS. REJOICES.
World defines success when you increase, God defines success when He increases in your life
Jesus is the solution for your resolution
It’s mistake to decide what you want to do before you determine who you want to be
What you are ultimately determines what you do!