Ready for Rain
10:2 Zechariah 10:1 admonishes the nation to pray to the Lord, realizing that all blessings come from him. Verse 2 contrasts sharply with v. 1, lamenting that trusting in idols results in nothing but judgment and sorrow.
This connection between rain and idolatry is made explicit in Zech. 10:2. Instead of asking God for rain (10:1),7 the leaders of the community have been looking to other gods for help.8
In Deuteronomy, Moses told the Israelites that an essential distinction between Canaan and Egypt lay in the source of water (Deut. 11:10–12). Rather than using the consistent flow of a great river like the Nile, God’s care comes in the form of rain and results in abundant crops of all types (11:14–15). This care, however, is linked to the faithfulness of the Israelites to his covenant demands (11:13), and they are warned specifically about the temptation “to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them” (11:16), behavior that will result in God’s wrath and discipline expressed through withholding rain and fertility (11:17).