Priests had ritual but no fire
Priests had crows. Crowds followed dead man. Jesus stopped the crowd and healed the dead man
The God that answers by fire is true God
Fire fell on altar not hype
Don’t settle for smoke but only for ashes
Anointing breaks the yoke doesn’t just make you feel good
Fire burned everything Elijah build
Fire killed false prophets – old system, ritual, programs, opinions
Fire brought brokenness to people – repentance
Fire removed dry spell – where everything is dry things don’t grow
1 Kings 18:20-40
Israel - Fire doesn’t descend on doubt but on devotion
Weekends and breaks from God need to stop
What are you waiting for to make a decision that God is God?
Prophets of Baal - Fire doesn’t fall on ritual but on relationship
They had an altar. They prayed earnestly. They cut themselves. They prophesied. The God that answers by fire is God
Elijah - Fire doesn’t come on majority but on obedience
Repair the altar of God – get your life in order