Mark 2:1
They were convinced that Jesus can heal, but not that Jesus can forgive
We are convinced that Jesus can forgive, not that He can heal
Jesus does both
Sin is root of all pain. Forgiveness strikes at root of all pains
We need forgiveness more than healing
Jesus heals, no problem He can't solve
You have power over that, that had power over you
When Gods power is present, healing is like breathing
Jesus saw faith, faith finds a way, faith positions us where we can attract His attention
Faith honors Jesus! Jesus honors faith!
Faith is now!
Household of faith!
Jesus is my healer if he heals me or not
Do not be misled by your situation! Don't let your citation dictate your confession
If you handle your good times will care, they will turn into good times!
If Jesus supports your position!!!!
Faith sees invisible, believes the impossible, receives incredible
If Jesus is my coach!
Greater works! Fig - Mountain - All things