John 10:9; 12:9
How to survive bad times?
How to thrive in good times?
Jesus is light of world
You are the light of world
Jesus is eliminates in good times. CS Lewis
Faith eliminates in hard times
Light within me is stronger than darkness around me
46, 10 years, 5 miscarriages, 2 fibroids, doing deliveries, predicted sex of baby
Prophecy - mother raised you up, husband, before you conceived, accident
Prophecy - your grandma raised you up
Work of Jesus - zero to hero
Glory of God is not just a feeling or cloud but lives changed
People came to Jesus cause of Lazarus, they came to Lazarus cause of Jesus
Lazarus was not stealing glory, by attracting attention, magnet to Jesus
Miracle is magnet - draws people to you, draws people to Jesus
Example of Nicky Cruz, prostitute in Jericho
Lazarus helped their faith
Criticism is easy price, while others face death threats
Level of attack goes to another level, death threat
Don't leave combiner to chase a mouse