Acts 16:16
+ Ice Cubes + Charm + Healing + Lost Son
-- You Can't Enjoy Pleasures of Sin. Amnon did not enjoy Tamar. Judas did not enjoy 30 sheckels
-- Fortune Telling Is Demonic Activity. She gave hope for profit. Demon was behind so called truth! Good stamens, demon behind it! Greater power is power of God! Glory showdown Elijah, Moses verses the witch! The only thing that nutralizes the power of enemy is power of God
1. Before prayer
2. Not asking
3. Spirit brought profit though slave (drugs profit, mafia power)
4. Power of God stops satans profit
Light against darkness. False with real. Truth and error
5. Demonic spirit behind fortune telling
6. Good statements inspired by Satan
Gods word is sword, it's sharper than any other. Don't lose the edge!
It's not by our godliness or power but by the Name
Doctors treat, Jesus heals
Natural sickness medicine can cure, spiritual problems on,y Jesus can cure
It's not all up to you but certaintky not all up to God. You got a role to play
If spirit is behind your set back, than on,y Jesus name can solve it