0576 It's An Issue, Not Your Identity
Sermon Tone Analysis
Faith That Deals With Issues
Mark 5:35
Whatever Satan can do, sin can do! Whatever faith can do, God can do
Satan can do nothing without sin, God can do nothing without faith
Faith acts now.
Faith sees invisible.
We are household of faith.
Hide faith. Let go of sin.
Faith is not blind.
Faith moves mountains. Fear creates them
God speaks faith
1. Issue became your identity
Faith separates you from your issue. Weakness but not weak
Faith changes your position, then your condition
Daughter not woman; faith, not issue
Crippled man position was changed ---- it opcovered his condition
Sicknesses does not make you SICK....your still healthy.....
Doctor does not put health, he removes sicknesses
Your not sick, trying to get well but well trying to get over sickness
///faith comes by hearing
Hearing will increase or decrease your faith
Healing about Jesus, not just healing
Please tell me about Jesus....not your drama, not your issues
////faith grows confession
She said to her self, but God heard her
Don't let your situation dictate your confession
Confessing is drawing you closer or further from Jesus
Your life will follow in the direction of your confession
///faith touches His garment if it can't reach His hand
Clothes - can transfer power. Cover not reveal. Modest. Beautiful. Insecure.
She stops bleeding. He started
--/God can use any medium....not Jesus but his clothes
--/Not everyone who touches Him gets changed. Casual vs faith
--/Being close to Jesus does not mean you got faith. Physically seeing Him, did not help their faith. If Bible can't help your faith, NOTHING WILL
///faith connects you with power to deal worth issue
Money does not fix everything. People can't do it either. Time either.
People don't satisfy but magnify
Jesus promised to weak, uneducated, persecuted believers - got power
2. Having issues, she had to have FAITH, touch Jesus
Having daughter with issue, he had to have FAITH, for Jesus to touch
Bail other people out with your faith ---- Currency is faith
Faith on their behalf will not save them but bring Jesus to them
Faith will remove veil -
We believe what we behold
We become what we behold