0597 The Tipping Point
Sermon Tone Analysis
Tipping Point
Life is demanding. People are demanding. You are demanding. What you are demanding is in the word of God, your complaining is not needed!
It's better to live poorly on benefits of Gods goodness than to love richly on products of your sin
Until you experience God there would be dissatisfaction in your life, to know what life is all about
In just a blink of Gods eye, and snap of Gods fingers, He is going to take you from your problem to solution
Refresh your understanding about reality of life. See grace behind good, see Satan behind evil...nabuchanozar did not see hand that held him...Balaam did not see sword against him
Salvation in Jail
Deliverance & Reconciliation
Power of Gods Word
Matthew 25
All is Gods gift. He is owner, we are stewards.
- Gesa is my steward, I am owner.
- we don't have it? You coming to much. Treat me wrong
God does not give the same, He is not fair
- fairness died in Garden. If I can't do it for everyone I will withhold it from anyone
- average teenager uses it 86 times a day..,,92.7 billion results in google
- if God is fair, you go to hell and Jesus does not go to the cross
It's not how you get that matters but what you do with it
- Jesus did not ask for more bread, complained for little but gave thanks...
Assignment is to grow, real danger is not failing but playing safe
- ship in the harbor is safe but it's not where they belong
- faith zone verses safe zone
Our definition for faithfulness sometimes falls with Gods definition of laziness
- we are not encouraged to keep but to share our faith
- to eat an egg you have to break a shell - break out of safe zone into faith zone
- procrastination is my weakness, it only brings me sorrow, I should it give it up, in fact I will do, tomorrow
What you receive from God affects how you perceive God
- Naomi & Job and others - Satan is accuser
How you perceive God will effect what you will receive from Him
- Jesus and religious leaders - revelation leads to demonstration
(perception effects reception)
(Jesus was not healer but stumbling block)
Are you faithful when feelings are gone?
- When feelings leave, the word stays
- Your true colors show up not in His presence but in His absence
- Work the Word, don't Bury it (read, speak, hear, obey, meditate, memorize)
- How you treat the WORD, is how God will treat YOU (Saul - hired - fired)
- Gods presence was absent - word was despised - ? Instead of !
- When you bury the WORD, your views will be twisted
- Word not presence or music is FOOD....when you don't feel, feed of his word
Tipping point
- worked with God given talents without His presence
- we welcome talents - character without talent is bad
- presence makes a difference - it makes us rulers with authority
- lets not be happy with more talents we want more Jesus
- tipping point is breakthrough for faithful, breakdown for lazy
- tipping point in the rides in silver wood and universal studious
I agree with your word, I disagree with any condition, any thoughts, any circumstances with anything contrary to Gods Word
Your Word is integrity itself, steadfast, sure, eternal.....I trust my life to its provision
Your Word is final authority setting all questions and troubles