0612 Working With God
Sermon Tone Analysis
Working With God
Healing from Skin Disease
Prophecy & Deliverance
South Africa Miracles
(hammer; vessel; jar; oil; pen)
Working against God. Working without God. Working for God. Working with God
Stephan likes to eat… dangerous… persistent…
God does not need help, but he wants partners
People wait on God to do something for them, Jonathan worked with God to do something through him!
2 Kings 4:1-7
Answer does not come as expected
Debt is not cancelled. Money is not given. Instruction is given.
God meets our needs, but not expectations
Answer comes as a word, not cash
God's big answers involve your small jars
Go Get More Debt (Because of Word, not Need)
There is risk involved in working with God, no risk in waiting on God Work with God - faith; Wait on God - fear; Work - faith zone; Wait - safe zone Moses tried to deliver by himself, not God is working with him Love got hurt. Devos faded away. People betrayed. Job failed. Purity….(Looking for tenants) Working with God is not Waring with your Family
War or Work? Pain or Peace? Joseph family was war zone, but later it turned into Pour Into Your Vessels (HAMMER, JAR, VESSEL)
Pour oil, not poison. (Dad disciplines with no ANGER) You parents need your honor, as much as you need their love Pour what you have, even if it's little, God will make up the difference The only oil, God will multiply, is the oil you give, not the oil you withhold (love is not love till it's given away) Miracle Proportionate To Her Faith (FLYING PAN)
God filled as much as she borrowed Threw away big fish, because he had 19 inch flying pan (handed from parents, grandmother) According to your faith….confess….think….life will follow in footsteps of your confession Maintain What You Obtain
We need God as much in obtaining, as much as in maintaining (Prodigal, Older Son, Dig in Ground) Solomon's prayer was pleasing to God, because he wanted know what to do with blessing God gives more not because you asked for it but you asked to manage what you have If we handle our bad times carefully, our bad times will be turned into good times (Joseph) We use our profits to enlarge our lifestyle, instead of reduce our debt We don't ask question, what do I do with this money? FEAR THE ANSWER! If God wanted to take your money, He would not ask you! Many have a gift, but don't know how to sell it!!!