0637 Armed and Dangerous
Sermon Tone Analysis
God wants us to be strong in His Presence and His Power.
You can’t have presence without power, and power without presence. (Computer without power is like Christian without power, you can’t run on batteries)
To know God’s presence is to know God’s power. (Woman with issue)
Our reward for relationship with Jesus is power. White, black, green,
Authority is the badge. Power is the gun. Jesus has both.
The victory is not in your arms but in your armor.
Victory in boxing is based on the strength of your arm.
You cannot defeat your opponent with a weapon you have not tried.
David’s first victory was in choosing the right weapon - God’s armor.
USA is #1 in gun ownership. 88 / 100 own gun. #2 is Yemen - 40% less gun owners.
God’s armor is reliable, dependable, incontestable, trustworthy, genuine, and real.
What makes you armed and dangerous are not your gifts, nationality, personality.
David defeated with weapons. Peter defeated with weapons.
Before you can use your weapon with Goliath publicly, you have to use it with lions privately.
This message is not learn something new, apply what you have in your closet!
Gun in the house will make me smile.
BELT of TRUTH - Relationship with Jesus
Timing belt - car stopped. No belt - pants will fall. Jesus is the Buddy during peace, but BELT during war. Jesus is bread, not desert. If Jesus is not the Truth, He is not the Belt. You don’t need new pants, you need the belt. Closet or on your waist. BREASTPLATE of RIGHTEOUSNESS
Our righteousness is dirty, His is bullet proved. Blessed are those who hunger for it. Seek first righteousness. Righteousness is not something I should guard, it’s something that guards me. Proposed - gave her ring. Righteous falls. Righteous not forsaken. Righteous bold. Never permit righteous to be moved. SHOES of PEACE
You don’t need shoes if you are going to sit. Slaves don’t get shoes, only sons. My peace I leave with you. My peace I give you not like the world. It’s possible to sleep in the storm and sing in prison if you have good shoes. HELMET of SALVATION
Righteousness protects my heart. Salvation protects my head. Hats are for good looks, helmets are for good luck. If we don’t wear salvation, we end up wearing condemnation. Salvation is something you should have but something you should wear. SHIELD of FAITH
God will not give you big faith, He will give you small faith that will grow with use. Mustard seed faith - it’s not great faith we need but faith in great God. God’s armor will protect you from everything satan has to throw your way. SWORD of SPIRIT
Words hurt. Words heal. 37 nails - nails leave scars. You overcame Satan because God’s word lives in you. Holy Spirit is behind words that come from God. Words are swords. Satan is completely powerless against the armor of God Weapons of our warfare: Word of God - Heb.4:12; Name of Jesus - Mark 16:17; Blood of Jesus - Rev.12:11 Darkness is powerless against light.
We are not call to produce God’s armor but to put it on.
You are not born with it, but you are given it.
Keys in the car on the gas station.
Natural war can’t remove evil out of people, but only evil people out of the world.
Justice gets evil out out of streets, grace gets evil out of people
3600 BC - 292 years of peace! 14,351 wars...3.64 billion killed. Financial damage = golden belt around world, 97.2 miles wide and 33 feet thick.
Julius Caesar to kill enemy soldier cost less than dollar; Napoleon - $2k; WWI - $17k; WWII - $40k; In Vietnam, in 1970 - cost US to kill enemy soldier - $200k
War in Iraq and Afghanistan: 224k, only 6k - US; Wounded: 100k - US; 365k total. 1.3 trillion cost. 3.7-4.4 trillion on tax payer.
Natural war kills the man, but not the evil in him. Evil lives on.
Guns don’t kill people, like forks don’t make people fat.
Evil Day. Evil Person. Evil Spirit.
With God’s armor you will not protect you from an evil day, but it will protect you from becoming an evil person.
Evil people come because evil days came.
Armor of God will protect you from evil days, but not evil day.
Spiritual war is get evil out of person, not to kill evil person.
Natural means will not accomplish spiritual results.
Natural weapons will not accomplish spiritual victories.
2,700 people die out of suicide a year / 1 million a year
In 1999 there was 80 per day, now it’s 105 per day in 2010. 31% increase in USA
20,000 out of 30,000 deaths from guns in USA in 2010 are suicide
Suicide is 3rd leading cause of death in teenagers
Depression is the key in 2/3 of all suicides, other are childhood abuse, confusion over sexuality
Suicide in the Bible
Abimelech (Judges 9:54) Saul (1 Sam.31:4) Saul’s Amor-bearer (1 Sam.31:4-6) Ahithphel (2 Sam.17:23) Zimri (1 Kings 16:18) Judas (Matt.27:5)