0699 Insured Faith
Sermon Tone Analysis
Insurance on house, car, life! Everything. Full coverage!
Faith is the currency of heaven. What money is to the natural, faith is to the spiritual!
Faith is the transportation of miracles. Life is less like solid but liquid. Takes you not overnight but overtime! Good ship means salvation - harbor. Bad ship means death.
Ships are not meant for the bottom but for overcoming distances
Ships are the oldest types of transport. Ships are used for travel, armed forces, fishing, transporting cargo, leisure and sport. Noah build an arc - sorta a ship! Men build titanic and people died!
Largest ship is 1,601 ft long, weights 600k tons. 12 BN - it must be towed. In 2011 there were 104,304 ships in the world!
1 Timothy 1:19; 3:9; 4:1-2
“I desire so to conduct the affairs of this administration that if at the end, when I come to lay down the reins of power, I have lost every other friend on earth, I shall at least have one friend left, and that friend shall be down inside of me." Abraham Lincoln
“This is the reason I do my best to always have a clear conscience toward God and toward people” Acts 24:16
“The peace of conscience we derive from walking with the Lord produces internal joy, assurance of life, ease of heart. The peace of conscience is our inheritance from our Lord Jesus Christ.” TB Joshua
Conscience 31 times in NT
Conscience is a self-awareness (faculty) that judges whether or not an act one has carried out or plans to carry out is in harmony with ones moral standards (Romans 2:15)
Quotes on Conscience:
“A conscience is like a baby. It has to go to sleep before you can.”
“A good conscience is a continual christmas” Benjamin Franklin
“The best place to rest your head is on a clear conscience.”
“A guilty conscience needs to accuser”
“A man's conscience, like a warning line on the highway, tells him what he shouldn't do -- but it does not keep him from doing it.”
“He that loses his conscience has nothing left that is worth keeping.”
“There is not pillow so soft as a clear conscience” French proverb
Rejected Conscience: Grieves Holy Spirit. Shipwrecks faith. Gets dull (Indian explained: Conscience is sharp square peg in your heart)
Conscience is the ship that carries your faith! Faith is your sailor. Faith is insured by your good conscience! David protected it and Samson rejected it!
You must follow your conscience, your conscience must follow Gods word.
“Conscience tells us that we ought to do right, but it does not tell us what right is - that we are taught by the God’s Word!”
“If you follow your conscience is like following a wheelbarrow, you direct it whoever you want it to go!”
“A conscience without God is like a court without a judge.”
We can't have good life following bad paths (bus) good intentions don't matter
I don't need to come to church, I believe in God
I can't come so many hypocrites
Right after deliverance / watch it carefully (lot, Israel, Jesus) hype can't take you
Be alone if need to be so that you can insure your faith
Don't be invicible lot looked back
I need to reward myself -
I can't not do it - you will go to hell for it
I will not let down my God by letting down my guard
God forgives sin, but guilt out stays his welcome!
Fire and smoke! Satan speaks though the smoke!
It honors Jesus to believe in Him when every sense contradicts him
Satan speaks through smoke, as Holy Spirit speaks through conscience
Isaiah 54:17
If we obey his voice, we open for his vice
Satan unleashed his weapons because men obeyed his voice
Voice is sewer pipe of demonic power
You can condemn satan when you open the windows of your life to righteousness