0722 Mirroring Mercy
Sermon Tone Analysis
John 8:11
1. Jesus gives a mirror to those without mercy - because we can’t be merciful without a mirror.
Jesus is the only one who is does not need to be reminded of his past to be compassionate.
Jesus loves not because you are lovable but because He is loving - how He treats you is reflection of who He is, not who you are! PEOPLE’S RESPONSE IS REVELATION OF WHO THEY ARE!
When you lose a mirror, you lose mercy.
Man who got forgiven but went to torture someone else.
Without mirror you lower to pick up not person but a stone.
If someone is down - pick them up - don’t throw words! Tomorrow they will be on throne!
If you are down - don’t throw stones back! Lions don’t bark back!
Jesus does not give mirror to condemn you but to take your stones - your right to condemn.
Jesus condemned condemners. Grace is not excuse to sin, holiness is not excuse to condemn.
She is accused, they are accusers. Same business different department!
2. Jesus gives mercy to those without morality because only mercy paves the way for good morals.
Taking the stones away. Jesus did not change the law, He revealed the love.
So righteous yet so merciful. More righteous more merciful?
Jesus stayed. He had no sin yet He had no stones.
Mercy does not change the past but changes your future.
Condemnation is the link that connects you to your past, not just sin!
She did not ask for it.
She was caught.
What if she did not truly repent?
What if she did not change her heart?
"My mercy shall not depart from him, as I took it from saul, whom I removed from before you" 2 Sam.7:15
Mercy can depart. Mercy can be taken away by God. David said, your mercy and your goodness follows me. The advantage David had over Saul is that mercy was never lifted David’s life.
Son of David have mercy on me…you did not remove mercy from David, don’t remove it from me!
As heavens above the earth so is God’s mercy…
His mercies are new every morning…
Mercy is insurance. It’s there before accident!
Jesus washing the feet that followed Him.
If you lose a mirror - you lose mercy.
If you don’t get mercy - you can’t find morality.
Many people remember Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were tried in court for treason against the United States. The trial was a long and bitter one. As the final sentence was pronounced, the lawyer for the Rosenbergs cried out, "Your Honor, what my clients ask for is justice!"
Judge Kaufman replied, "What the court has given them is what they ask, justice! What they really want is mercy. But mercy is something this court has no right to give them."
The One who has the right to give mercy is God.
A precious story pictures a mother pleading with Napoleon to spare her condemned son's life. The emperor said the crime was dreadful; justice demanded his life. "Sir," sobbed the mother, "Not justice, but mercy." "He does not deserve mercy," was the answer. "But, sir, if he deserved it, it would not be mercy," said the mother. "Ah yes, how true," said Napoleon. "I will have mercy."