0741 When God Crossed His Arms
Sermon Tone Analysis
Ordinance of the Church is baptism and communion.
*Innocent lamb to die so that child will live.
*Communion started long time ago. Jesus is our lamb. Where is the lamb? Behold the Lamb. Worthy is the Lamb. Special male of the first year, prime year. Spotless. Set apart (4 days). Sacrificed (9am tied, 3pm slain). Blood applied with hyssop (faith). Door posts (open confession). Lamb to be eaten with bitter herbs. All of the Lamb. In haste.
*Communion is prophetic. Lion - lamb, horse - donkey, suffer - reign,
Genesis 48:14, 17-19
***Ephraim was born wrong.
We are not sinners because we sin. We sin because we are sinners.
Goodness can keep you out of jail but not out of hell.
One drop of poison will pollute the water, one drop of blood will cleanse your life.
***Manasseh got what Ephraim deserved.
Sin - He became sin - Jesus did not become sinful by sin, but by surrender.
Sicknesses Isaiah 53:4-5 (39 root sicknesses = 39 stripes) [Kidney stones]
Curse - Black cloud. Generational. Earned. Spoken. Galatians 3:13 [Funerals, Spell, demonic covenants]
Rejection and betrayal. Rejection - passive or aggressive. [Andrey]
Shame and guilt - Suffered as guilty. [Skipping birthdays]
***Will Ephraim receive what Manasseh deserved?
2 Chronicles 16:9 God is forever hunting for anyone to bless.
Like flood that looks for leaks, God looks for faith.
Hiroo Onoda 1944 - Philippines; Guerrilla Warfare. 3 soldiers with him. Kill a cow but mostly coconuts and bananas. 1945 flyer “war ended on Aug.15, come down from the mountains” - another group just got fired upon few days ago. This is propaganda. Flyers, Newspapers, Pictures, Letters, friends spoke over loudspeakers. One surrendered few years later 1949. Another was killed in 1953. 2 Continued to live for 20 more years. Last friend after 27 years of hiding was killed by Filipino patrol. His friends body was examined and they came to discovery that Onoda is still alive.
1974 college drop out Suzuki. Suzuki brought the commander. 30 people killed, 100 wounded. Last year he died at the age of 91.
***The Call to Action:
See your sin, sickness, curse, rejection, shame, poverty on Jesus!
Believe and ask for that which belongs to Jesus.
Solve problems, don’t create them.
Life is like tennis, those who serve well seldomly lose.
Moon reflects the light from the sun.
Dead sea nothing lives, many inlets, no outlets.
Story: Jamaica 1834 slavery abolished.
Prayer is a must. Leaders are needed. Evangelism is a must.