1. Baptism of the Holy Spirit / into Jesus for salvation (1 Corinthians 12:13)
Trojan horse Greek used to enter Troy
2. Baptism of Water / into water by a preacher for identification (Acts 2:38-41)
Baptism for non Jewish - citizens have to take a test
Infant does not count - it was for breaking curses.
I am not ready / what if i fail - I don’t wanna wear a ring and conflict
Water baptism is public declaration of private decision
3. Baptism of Jesus / into the Holy Spirit for manifestation (Acts 1:8)
Jesus is the baptizer! The sap in the vine flows to the branches - creates fruit!
I love the Holy Spirit but don’t like His manifestations (Tongues are not new. Cussing not freaky. Jesus was not normal, getting wet, booze, electricity)
Jesus did not speak in tongues, but He said that those who believe in Him will (Mark 16:17)
Tongues is private grace and public gift (build our spirit Jude 20; pray according to God’s will Rom.8:26; worship 1 Cor. 14:15-17; pray mysteries 1 Cor. 14:2)
Baptism in the Holy Spirit is about awareness of the person, receiving His power, and fulfilling His purpose!
How to speak in tongues:
It’s Jesus’ idea, not of Pentecostal church
Holy Spirit is not weird, He is God and an awesome Person
Desire and ask for baptism into the Spirit
It’s a gift to be received, not an award to be earned
Do not be afraid that you will get something bad
Speak in tongues as the Spirit gives you ability
Don’t believe a lie that tongues are not from the Spirit