0795 Cling to Church
Urge free. Spirit came back
Back healed, legal issue.
John Mark Pool
Humor: Jonah, what if he is not in heaven?!
Humor: Get your grades up, Read your Bible, Cut your hair. You will get car. Bible & Grades are UP. Moses, Elijah, Jesus had hair. Yes but they did walked
Ruth 1:14-18
0. Clinging to church ends generational curse
Ruth was Moabite, Boaz was son of Rahab
Story of Grandpa
Statistic: Epigenetic “top of the genes”
Place is powerful. Egypt, Sodom, Jerusalem
0. Clinging to church develops your character
Worthy person attracts worthy person
Character makes you worthy
Clinging makes your character
When disconnected (rot and die)
When casually connected (gym-no results)
Cling when others leave
Cling when reason for staying is dead (Lot, Prodigal, Jesus & disciples)
0. Clinging to church attracts favor of God in your field of work
Those planted in the house of God will be fresh, flourishing, fruitful
Life has not been fair, God will show favor!
Grain from BUNDLES fall on purpose for her!
Seek first (added), you get 100 fold now and later!
0. Clinging to church opens door for relationship with the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit came upon gathering of believers
You need church more than the church needs you (cut finger, flower)
You become open to demonic attacks without church (snowflakes, Amalek, wolves, lions and baffelo)
Thomas missed church, doubt found him
A Christian believer needs a church, just as a candle needs a candlestick, a tree needs soil, and an electric light bulb needs a socket. Without a candlestick, a candle cannot stand; without soil, a tree cannot grow; without a socket, an electric bulb cannot shine. Neither can you. Without fellowship, a Christian can neither stand, nor grow, nor shine.
0. Clinging to church today will nurse your children tomorrow
Community called his name Obed. Noami nursed him
Never make children center of your world, make kingdom center for them
Church does not raise victims, it raises kings and queens
Many empires and massive companies that seemed durable have evaporated. Why will it be different for the church? Because Jesus is building the church.
Jesus is not directing the angelic choir, taking long naps, or doing crossword puzzles. He is completely focused on building his church, the hope of the world.
0. Its big, 2.1 billion members 1/3 of population. Bigger than any nation, or organization.
0. Church is more widely distributed than any business franchise.
0. Fastest expansion rate of anything on earth. 60,000 converts a day faster than HIV which is 11k a day.
0. It has a track record of long continuation. 2000 longer than any nation, business, or orgianzition.
5. We are God’s representatives. Because he loves, we love. Governments can’t love, businesses can’t love, but the church of Jesus can love. Others serve for a variety of reasons – many of them good reasons – but the highest motivation is out of love. The church, with all of its flaws, is still God’s chosen way of getting his work done. We have the privilege of making the invisible God visible (Col. 1:15) to a hurting world through our service.