Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
When we last left Jesus and his followers, Jesus was telling his disciples that it is to their advantage that he go away… that he ascend to the Father and not remain on earth.
Though the disciples do not yet understand, it is to their advantage because of everything the ascension accomplished and mean. .
The ascension allows us too join Jesus in the presence of the Father in glory.
If Jesus did not go back to heaven, we would have no hope of going to heaven when we die
If Jesus had not gone to the Father, he would not be enthroned as King over all, nor would he be our high priest who intercedes for us when we pray.
In every way it is better for us, and better for the disciples, that Jesus went back to the Father.
However, in our passage this morning there is a specific reason Jesus provides as to why it is to our advantage that he ascend to the Father, and that reason is mentioned in verse 7
Jesus says, that for him to send the helper he must first ascend back to the Father.
When Jesus speaks of the helper is is speaking of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity.
If the Holy Spirit is going to come in full power, Christ must first be enthroned.
For it is with the power of the ascended and enthroned Christ that the Spirit comes.
This is good news for the disciples who are feeling deeply anxious about having to face the persecution of this world alone.
Jesus assures them, that they will not be alone, but that the Spirit of truth will come to them.
We could spend a lot of time exploring the scriptures concerning the person and work of the Spirit of God.
We could start all the way back in Genesis 1 where we see the Spirit of God hovering over the face of the waters before creation.
We could look at the pillar of cloud and fire
We could look at King David and the other great warriors who were filled with the Spirit of God.
We could spend months looking at Pentecost and what it meant for the Spirit of God to fall upon the church.
The power of the Spirit is remarkable.
The Spirit of God is faithful to minister in our lives and communities in astounding aways.
He produces in us the fruit of the Spirit
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control;
From him we receives gifts as seen in Eph. 4, Romans 12, 1 Cor.
12, and other places.
The Holy Spirit is living and active
he works in us as we study God’s word,
he applies the promises of Christ, and the work of Christ, and the hope of Christ to the lives of his people.
Paul says We are sealed with the Spirit.
And Jesus says is the Spirit who causes us to be born again.
The Spirit of God comforts us, encourages us, and empowers us.
The Spirit of God is always at work in the lives of God’s people
But in our passage this morning we see that the Spirit will be with, and work in the disciples in a very specific and potent way.
Perhaps one of the more surprising things we discover about the Holy Spirit when we study him from the scriptures, is that one of the Spirits favorite things to do is start fights.
Just ask, Elijah, or David, or Samson (Who, i need not remind you, is the most spiritual man in the OT).
look how the Spirit worked in John the Baptist’s life, who was filled with the spirit in the womb.
See how the Spirit drove Paul to disrupt the status quo everywhere he went
See how the Spirit drove Joshua to conquer the land, or Elijah to war against the prophets of Baal and the evil queen Jezebel.
See how the Spirit works in the book of Revelation bringing war against those who stand opposed to the Risen Lamb.
We often think that its the enemies of the church that pick the fights… but thats not the case.
The Spirit empowered Church is always picking fights.
Jesus did not come to bring peace but a sword.
to set brother against brother, mother against daughter, father against son.
And following its Master, the church likewise provokes the hostility, hatred, and resentment of the world at every turn.
This has been one of the major themes in John’s gospel.
Everywhere Jesus goes he provokes, he fights, he stands against hatred and hostility.
This is not some flaw in the church’s ministry, but the opposite.
When the church is faithful, it announces judgment of this world (John 12:31),
It announces the universal corruption and disorder of humanity (Rom.
And she never tires of declaring the defeat and overthrow of the prince of this world.
We have the Spirit, who is given to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:1–11).
When this happens, we cannot help but start a fight.
And we see this proving itself to be true throughout the book of acts, the early church, and all of church history.
Look with me at John 16 8
The convicting work of the Spirit is put in law court language.
Jesus speaks of the Spirit as the Divine Prosecutor who brings undeniable charges against world.
To convict means to expose, reprove, condemn, punish and put to open shame.
This is the work the Spirit does to the world!
not just the gentile nations, but the nation of Israel as well,
he will convict the whole world, all those who are outside of Christ, concerning:
Concerning Sin
Concerning righteousness
Concerning judgement
And the Spirit does this convicting work through his people… through the proclamation of the gospel
John the baptist is a great example of this
John was known as being full of the Spirit.
This was part of who he was, the angel promised his Father that he would be full of the Spirit even in the womb.
And John spent his ministry as a prophet convicting, through the power of the Spirit, the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement.
He spoke out against Herod for the sin of taking his brother’s wife as his own.
This conflict led John to lose his head.
Paul speaks against the sins of the culture,
Jesus spoke against the sins of the people,
This is a common theme of those who are posses the Spirit of God, they are used by God to convict the world of their rebellion against God.
And this is what the Spirit continues to do after the ascension of Jesus, and this is what he continues to do today throughout the whole world.
He works through his people to bring conviction to the world regarding, sin, righteousness and judgement.
And this convicting work is a call to the world to repent and follow Christ.
lest you die in your sin.
As Paul says,
The Spirit works through the People of God to bring conviction to the world regarding sin, righteousness, and judgement.
So we need to ask what does this mean?
Verses 9-11 speak to each one of these specifically.
Starting in verse 8 we read,
So lets start by looking at verse 9,
So Jesus says that the Spirit of God is going to convict the world concerning sin
Scripture spares no details in giving us a full orbed view of sin.
The depravity and sinfulness of sin is seen all throughout:
Sin is described as,
refusal to follow and obey God
Moral or ethical failure
It can be attitudes of the heart, or words of the mouth, or works of the body.
Its the breaking of the God’s law and a rejection of his goodness, truth, and beauty.
Sin expresses itself in our lives in the Lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life
We see in the epistles lists of sins that characterize the sinful traits of those who are opposed to Christ
In Proverbs we see the seven sins that are an abomination to him.
Paul warns that anything not done by faith is sin.
Sin is curse, its like a rot or a sickness that get into our bones.
We recognizes the seriousness of sin in our own lives.
We can all share stories about the sickening affect sin has had in our lives
The Bible says we are to wage war against sin
And we are told what we are to do when we fall into sin
Which is why when we gather each week we take time to confess our sins, both individually and together as a body.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9