Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Generations of Falling Away
Looking through the OT we see times in which the people of God seem to have finally pieced it all together, then a massive falling away.
Each time the Lord brings a stern warning and then gives them promise.
Noted in the exchange between Solomon and God the Lord had been looking for His people to return to Him.
In the return they would have to leave behind the ways of Old, the things of this world.
What we also see in this exchange is there were people who appeared to be doing the will of the Lord and yet were so removed from Him that the Lord had to take action to prompt them to action.
In the work of return to right worship to the Lord there is a danger of becoming so complacent we begin to slip back into the ways of old, yet, the greatest danger is when there is when foreign traditions have made there way in and as a body we become so oblivious to them we completely accept these falsities as truth.
When we look at what the Lord says in this exchange there is a promise of healing and restoring of what the devourer has attempted to destroy.
This generation of worshipers is called to abandon the things of this world to see this people healed.
The End of InterMarriage
The People had not separated from the peoples of the land and their abominations
Problem# 1- Syncretism
they were still acting like they belonged to the things of this world
The very priest that were charged with caring for the people were #livingtheirbestlife
It was done in the name of God
Problem# 2- the greater problem Intermarriage
The holy race has mixed itself
More than marriage its about what would be accepted tolerated and how it would hurt those called to serve the Lord
Problem# 3- This assault on the congregation was perpetrated by the leaders.
The leaders sold out, then the congregation leaving this restoration effort void.
Rejecting the Mixture to Keep the Priesthood Preserved
The stumbling block was
consuming the instruction of idols
more than sexual immorality (marrying their spirit to the false teachings)
In the first its the leadership that has failed
In this statement we come to find the congregation that has accepted it
1 Pet 2:9-10 reminds us we are a royal priesthood… we can no longer tolerate being so married tied to this world that we have forgotten our royal calling
The Road to Healing
Called by His Name
Humble the Self
All who are called leaders must make way to acknowledge the wrongdoing from the pulpit
Humility brings us to the point of acknowledging where we have allowed for the mixture of beliefs to impact our lives
get rid of the mixing of “well this is ok”
xchurch Youth Halloween Party Kids dressed as witches ghost zombies… literally worshiping the things of Satan in the name of God
Turn to God
It wasn't a turn to slam everyone, Ezra turned to the Lord and restated what was before Him
Its a turn to the Lord for help…
Repenting from the Syncretism
Call to repentance is made for the Nation
The agreed to forfeit everything if they did not repent
Acknowledged it would take more than a day to untangle the mess of having such a mixture
The call to untangle this mess of mixed beliefs that have plagued the church is louder than ever before.
We cannot pretend to worship the God of heaven and earth and continue to allow this mixture to exist within the body of Christ.
Yes its going to take time to do so… but as we read in Ezra the work is not impossible.
We say we want revival, we want to see the Lord’s power pouring out for us, we want the people of God restored, it starts with us.
No doubt we have lived in a spiritual drought… the rain has ceased.
The locusts are actively devouring the church and the church is fast asleep.
Notice what 2 Chron states that He will send pestilence to His people… the church is dying and there is only one way to see it restored....
…if my people who are known by name would humble themselves, and pray, and seek His face, and repent from the wicked ways, He will hear us from Heaven, He will forgive our Sin, and He will heal our land....
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9