How to share your faith in your day-to-day Conversations // John 4:1-30 // Pastor Jose

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How to share your faith in our day-to-day conversation or should say how to share your face in your day today conversation. So, last week we saw that sharing starts with living out our face. So before we share our faith, we need to show our faith. We also saw it as a sharing, our face starts with frame. So, before we talk to others about our faith, we need to pray because the prayer of the righteous person has great power. We also saw last week that sharing the gospel share a starts with overcoming our fears. A lot of us are fearful about sharing our faith, but we need to overcome our fears because people need to hear the gospel. This is good news. If you go to a restaurant, the food was good. What is typically what you do? You start telling people what? You got to try that?

So it is the same with the gospel. We need to overcome our fear and be reminded that the gospel is good news. People need to hear the good news of the Gospel. All of us have problems and the gospel bring hope in all those things. The gospel brings meaning to our life and then we sharing the gospel starts with valuing, people that you really care about people, because you need to serve people before you start to save them K. We need to serve people before, we try to save them. So when we serve them, we start to Value them. We start to Value them. See, sharing starts with our willingness to be obedient and follow. When Jesus example, see Jesus calls us to go and make disciples and we need to be obedient to that call and everything that Christ ask us to do, he has done it himself as well. So God does not ask us to do anything that he has not done himself. So we looked at approached and sharing the gospel. Last week, we say one approach is to be friendly and be intentional and the way that you do that is when you meet someone or if you go to their house or oh you having a conversation with someone You explore. So that means you are in listening mode. That means you are observing you paying attention, you listening. You ask questions, you listening to what they are saying. You are becoming a good listener. Exploring. When you move to stimulate, where you tried to take the conversation from the topic, than to move it to the spiritual. You bring you bridge that Gap. You bring spiritual things into the conversation. And then, lastly, you share, you share the gospel message, and you share your testimony with the person that you come in contact with. And then you share the gospel with also looked at Romans road, Romans road for the Book of Romans, you learn to share the gospel because the book of Romans two as we go forward, it gives us the full picture, the clearest picture, Of the Gospel. The first thing we saw in the Romans road is Romans 3:10 Roman Street ends? The Bible says, None is righteous. No, not one. That means all of us need, God. None of us are perfect. None of us have it all together. None of us have it all together. So we need to help people realize their need for God. No one is righteous. No, not one. Because Romans 3:23 tells us the rages, all of us have sinned. And we fall short of the glory of God has God. Created all of us. Do we need to meet that standard and none of us are meeting the standards. We all fall short of the glory of God. So we help people realize their name for God is good. News is the wages of sin is death. That's the bad news But it says the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ. Our Lord, see all of us are headed for death because of the wages of said that means we're spiritually separated from God. God created us for relationship fellowship with him and ultimately world, I physically, but God says the free gift of God is eternal life and that eternal life is found in Christ. Jesus, our live in eternal life is not just life in the future but eternal life is also improving our quality of life. Because now with living life with a purpose, we are no longer separated from our maker Our God. But now we are in line with living our life with Christ. Then woman's 58 tells us that God shows his love for us while we were still Sinners, a lot of people and help them realize their need for God if they realize that day comes or shorts the first reaction for them, is that I got some things I need to work on first, I need to clean up my life first, then I'll come to Christ. The Good News Bible says, while we were Sinners while we're still in our since that's when Christ died for us, that means you don't need to clean up your life to come to Christ. You need to come to Christ and when you come to Christ you meet Christ, your life will be change and you will start being able to do to live the way that God has design life for you to live. And women's 10 9, says, if you can with your mouth, that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart, that God raised him from the dead. In the Bible says, you will be safe. So, all that God is calling us to is calling us to repentance confessing. Our sins mean, doesn't we agree with God that we have broken his Lord. That we are not living. According to the way that God, has design our life to be and then we confess that Jesus is Lord. Jesus is pre-eminent, Jesus is above all. We believe in our heart that God raised him from the dead. In the Bible says, you will be save. It is that simple? God says, you will be safe. There's no questions about this. God says, once you do that, you will be safe because Romans 10:13 says, everyone does it say some people It says, everyone who calls on the name of Jesus might be safe. It says we'll be safe. So if you don't know Christ, all that you have to do is simply call on his name and you don't have to clean your life first before doing that you call on his name and God will work it out. And then lastly looked at Romans 5:1 says, therefore since we have been Justified that means we have been saved. We have been made right with God, guess what? Now, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. That means no since we are in line with God, we are living life. According to the way that God has design against what we can now live in peace. Frank about your parents when your parents as a kid. Ask you to do something and then you didn't do it. What happens? When the time they walk that would they walk in the house and then you realize you didn't do it boy. Your pizza's done off the roof. But if you had done what your parents had asked you to do to complete your chores or whatever it is that your parents that ask you to do. Do you have peace? That's the same thing here with the gospel. Once we are made, right with god with Walking with God, now we can live with peace and live our life with purpose. So we going to look at how to share the gospel with people in our day-to-day conversation. So why and how questions of the gospels? What is the gospel? The gospel is Christ died for our sins, and he resurrected from the dead. And as a result, our sins are forgiven. We can now lived a full life that God had created for us to live and just like Jesus was raised from the dead. The Bible says, we too will rise again and live with him in a perfect place forever. Now, that is some good news. That's why you feel. We're in a Pentecostal Church, you would not be looking down at work. I will be saying hey men Let's try again. The gospel is Christ died for our sins and resurrected from the dead. As a result. Our sins are forgiven the full life that God created for us to live and just like, Jesus was raised from the dead. Oh, we too will rise again and live with a perfect place forever. That's where you say, amen. Amen.

Everyone needs the gospel. Everyone needs the gospel everyone needs. But gospel does Romans. 3:23, says all have sinned. And fall short of the glory of God. When should we share the gospel? Whenever whenever possible we need to share the gospel, not only when it's convenient, we need to share the gospel whenever possible. We just need to be tactful and intentional about sharing the gospel. Where should you share the gospel? Wherever wherever you have an opportunity wherever you go, you need to share the gospel. And why must we share the gospel? The Bible says, we are ambassadors for Christ. That means we need to be obedient and we need and, and we are commanded to talk to others about our faith people everywhere are hurting and headed toward destruction. They need hope even when their lives may seem to be going well. Because all of us are either coming from a trial. No problem, or we headed toward one. Have you ever realize that we either coming from a trial or problem? Are we headed to a wood one so things can change in a snap so it doesn't matter. You look up somebody that their life seems to be perfect. It's and that's why we need to share the gospel with everyone. We come in contact with. So now we're going to share the gospel but not making an enemy enemy. Peter 3:15 yards as holy and always be prepared to give an answer for the hope you have and you do so with Gentleness. Okay, you do that with kindness. As you share the gospel, be tactful use dialogue, and I just a monologue and then listen to see where they are. The more you listen to people, the more, you know, how to share the gospel with them, and don't try to win arguments, the try to win. So, you are after the sold that after winning an argument. And you start with engaging questions, let's learn from the master on how to share the gospel. Let's keep in mind, as Paul, Paul said, I have become all things to all men, so that I might save some so we need to get out of your comfort zone, so we can share the gospel song. Jesus go on.

I want to share the gospel with one woman. Let's read the text. And it says, now when Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard, the Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John, although Jesus himself did that baptized but only his disciples, he left Judy and the parted again for Galilee sea. Every time Jesus going to rock the boat and the Pharisees. Get mad at himself to Galilei forces and he had to pass flu Samaria. I saw it in that town. You have Jewish. People were mix. They were in enter mixed marriages with people from a Because the syrians came and conquered that area. And and now they took some of the people and move them to the Assyrian Empire, and it's a pretty much, usually they would take the best of the best. So the people were left in Sumeria as we're like the for, you know, the people they were looking bit of the best people, they move them to a Syria and now, you had the people that were left is where the for the people were not. So well-educated and then they moved the mysterians into the area and it started to intermarry and then they created what you call a mixed breed of people. You call the Samaritan. And the Jewish people and I told you they have nothing to do with the Samaritans that despise those people. They want to deal with them. That's why you look at the story about the Good Samaritan. When the priest was going down the road, what did you do? Move on the other side of the road that person was the Samaritan when the Samaritan came, it was a different story that took care of them bit here. Jewish people don't want to do anything to do with Samaritans hear. The Bible says Jesus had to pass. Mariah.

Samaria and net actually set foot there. But Jesus had to pass through Samaria so that he could reach out. This one woman you see sharing is caring, sharing is caring because Jesus cared about that woman. They'll Jesus had to pass flu Samaria because this woman here, Jesus wanted to share the gospel with her child barriers in other to reach her because Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. Let's look at the text you'll see. Say, so he came to town Hueytown of Samaria call, psych are near the field that Jacob had given to his son. Joseph Jacob's? Well was there. So, Cheese's, reread. So Jesus was tired as he was from, his journey was sitting beside the well, it was about the 6-hour. See in the beginning of the book of John John says, in the beginning, was the word and the Word was with God. And the Word was God, that Jesus was God, and Jesus was reread from his trip. Self showing hear, Jesus is fully God and also fully human. Jesus fully man. Jesus was tired was rearing from his trip. You wanted to meet this woman. You see, when we need to talk to people about our faith, even when it is not convenient, as a lesson for us, we need to share our faith with people. Even when it is not Weekend. I blame it all. I'm busy. I'm tired. Now, God expects us to share the gospel. Even when it is not convenient, C, hear Jesus is meeting the woman here at a place where they can find Common Ground. They were meeting by Jacob's, Well, as well. It was, there's your Jesus see a Jacob's? Well, they both love Jacob. Jacob was the patriarch both for the Jewish and buff for the Samaritan people. So, they had that in common at her, at a place of Common Ground, looking up, a meeting her by Jacob's. Well, see, when we share the gospel with people, we need to find Common Ground. She finds things that they might be interested in. And then, from there, you lunch, the gospel. Find to agree on. See, we are more alike than we are different. The more you understand others, the more you can reach them, the more, you understand others, the more you can reach them in. Verse 7 says, a woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, give me a drink. Remember? Samaritans? And Jewish people have no dealings, they have had gun away into the sit. His disciples have gone away to the city to buy food. The Samaritan woman said to him. How is it? There you go here. That's you or Juju? For a drink from me, a woman of Samaria. So here's why you talkin to me each other. See you were doing. I'm at Samaritan. K you despise me and I despise you. Why you asking me for drink and don't you have your own kind, your own Jewish people to ask for drink for a drink. These poor Jews have no dealings with Samaritans Jesus answered her and said if you knew the gift of God and who it is, that is saying to you give me a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water boundaries. Sharing the gospel means that we need to cross the track be sharing the gospel. We're not going to let anything get in the way of sharing the gospel that God put in our path that we are only responsible for people that like to look like us.

Everyone for God. So loved the world that he gave his only son that people will look like you

Believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life, and Jesus is exemplifying this year. Jesus is going and meeting with another group of people that he is people from his group despise and they also despise them. But Jesus went there and Jesus, ask her. Give me a drench. See, Jesus was willing to cross racial barriers so that he can reach her. Just like Paul said, I have become all things to all men, so that I might save some. So the same as we cannot let any barriers get on the way from that sharing the gospel with other. We need to get over. 80 barriers, that will keep us from sharing the gospel. We need to do so tactfully and move from the physical to the spiritual QC. You said to her, give me a drink and then she went on and said, you know, why you asking me? And then look at how Jesus bring it back to the gospel. Jesus said, if you knew what was asking you for a drink, you would ask him if he would give you what Living Water. So Jesus saying,

I want to give you living water. I want you to give you the real thing I want to give you the gospel song. Oh, really? That's our job to the spiritual. Just like Jesus did there and move it to the spiritual and keep them.

You see, she just wanted to play the race card, but Jesus pretty much thing I'm not going there with you, but I'm going to bring you that I gospel because discussing the bathing about race is not going to change anything, but the gospel changes. Did you see Jesus? But if you knew who I was, I would be giving you living water. See, people will try to distract you when you start sharing the gospel and you getting food to them, superficial issues, focus on the Man-Thing. The main thing is the gospel. Only, the gospel is able to change of bored going. The Rabbit Trail avoid all the distractions but focused when the gospel the beautiful thing here. Against about about the gospel. The gift of Salvation is to be a change in life, so you don't need to clean up your life first before you receive the Gospel. Of course after you believe and because you believe your way of living would change. If you looking worse, then they go ahead and clean up your life. If you know the gift of God and word, is that the same to you? Give me a drink, you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water. So Jesus is saying, no, prerequisite you come and you receive living water. And then The work will be done in you.

She still in the physical and the well is deep. Where do you get that Living Water? Got some interests, are you greater than our father? Jacob, he gave us the well and drink from it himself. And he is, Jesus said to her, everyone who drinks of? This water will be thirsty again. Think about your friends, probably. Career is what's important to them, a Airy. They are here today and later. They are guns them. People is their money. Your money will either outlive you or you will outlive your money, everything in this life is temporary. But Jesus said it doesn't matter what you put your life into you will be thirsty. Again, Jesus Christ, you will want something else if it's about, you get your relationships, whatever. Everything in this life temporary. Besides everyone, who drinks of, this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him, that's what God will never be thirsty. Again. Jesus satisfies, Jesus satisfies in deserts No matter how you live, he is how messed up your life might be. How discouraged how out-of-touch might be with reality, but gospel, can transform all that Jesus says, the gospel. Satisfies says that he will never trust. Again, the water that I will give him will become in him, a spring of water, welling up to eternal life. Not only your quality of life will change, but also the next to come, then the woman said to him, sir, give me this water so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw a water. She still in the physical and you will share the gospel with people. People will not get it at the Cool, so if she wants to get that while you see member, she went at the six hours at 6 a.m. enrollment time but noon for the Jewish people. So that woman father at noon where most people will go in their shades. But she goes at noon, probably because she did not want to see anybody else because of the lifestyle that she was living, which you will see you later. See, Jesus, she still in the physical. And now, let's get 16 now. Jesus said to her, go call your husband and come here. What does it have to do with anything that they were talking about?

Connection. But let's right now, we're 17 the woman answered him. I have no husband. Jesus said to her, you are right in saying, I have no husband for you. Have had five husbands. And the one you now have is not your husband. What are, what you have said is true? Defect things are messed up now that were messed up back then too. She was married five times and now she got so used to it. It's like it was the point of marriage. See? The Pharisees people could could be married at least like three times but now this woman really went above and beyond Just Married five times. And the woman that he was, she was living now was not even her husband. Be afraid to confront, don't be afraid to confront send see. Jesus knew what she needed. Jesus know that she needed to be confronted with her said. Cuz at first, when you share the gospel with people, people will what kind of think that they are, okay? But you need to get to the heart of the matter. You need to confront them where sin because John 1:14 says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us. And we have seen his glory glory. As of the only son of the father full of white Grace and also true of Grace,

Serve to share with willing to drink from her cup. See, Jesus was giving her grace Jesus went there.

Wave of her to Jesus gave her grace full of grace, but also, Jesus is full of Truth. See, we need to change. We need to give people Grace, and we also need to give them the truth because the truth helps them to reflect and really see where they are and Jesus while giving Grace also gave her truth. What would a friend be if her friend only tells you all your grade you're perfect. And I see that you have a deep but never addressed that to you is but a good friend.

See the Bible says the wounds of a friend are better than the kisses of an enemy.

The wounds of a friend are better than the kisses of an enemy. If you have a friend, you see that they have a problem and then it's always good. It's cool. We just giving Grace and you never talk about what needs to be talked about, what's going to destroy them eventually. You are not a friend. And Jesus here was not only giving her Grace, but Jesus also gave her the truth. Jesus was net afraid to confront her sin. Jesus was not afraid to confront her sin again. Jesus said to overcome mobile barrier. Immoral barrier in other to reach her Jesus was a rabbi. teacher, he was not supposed to be

She was an adulterous, he was unorthodox dhruv. She did not care about the differences overcame the racial barrier and he also was willing to overcome that mobile barrier, as you will see later on. You will see that the disciples were shocked that he was talking to her, you see, but that's the Jesus that we know he's full of grace to reach one person. She seems, she was willing to drink from her cup. You could now address her since See, Jesus give her a lot of grace before confronting her with her CID. But since he was willing to drink from her cup, you could no address or sent the other before we try to correct. Do we need to learn to connect before? We try to correct? You see? When we stay far from people, we can become judgemental but when we get close or do we need to learn to connect with people before we start correcting them. And let's keep going with the story here in verse 19 is the woman said to him, sir, I perceive that you are a prophet the first time I met you, I know, you know, all these things about me You must really be a prophet. Does our fathers worship. But look at the Jerusalem. Is the place where people are to worship. Jesus said, to her woman, believe me the hours coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem, will you worship the father, you worship? What you do? Not know we worship. What we know for salvation is from the Jews. I started to open to that. You must be a prophet, your friends. Are you going somewhere? But, all of a sudden, let me go to religion and you weren't there. So this is your house of worship. This is my house of worship. The two shall not meet There's miliar K night night. That, I Jesus is saying to her now, hate, you don't even know what you are worshiping when you meet the black Israeli Jews today, when you start sharing the gospel to them and then they just tell you all the gospel is a white man's religion.

They're going to tell you that's the flexion again. Now we need to bring the guy you busy. But what does the Bible say? We see Jesus didn't take the bait hear. Jesus, tell her don't hurt you worship. What you do, not know we worship. What we do know for salvation is from the Jew because God will reveal his message of the Gospel was entrusted to the Jewish people first and I look at verse 23, but the hours coming and and is now here when the true worshippers will worship the father, In this location or that location. Did know, you will worship the father in spirit and in truth, that means you will worship the father really. Just with all your heart, with all your soul, will your man, and you will worship the father. According to the word for the father is seeking such people to worship Him.

I don't care about where you worship, or you don't need to care about where I worship. What we need to do is that we need to worship God in spirit. And according to his word, we need to worship Him and Truth gospel. Let's get to the heart of the matter. That's what will happen when you sharing. The gospel is getting too hard. People will try to do you like. And that's why you have to keep the main thing. The men thing, stay with the gospel to see people will often try to change the subject when you start to get flu to them. Getting too deep you're not. Let me change the subject now, I know somebody who's really good at changing the subject, but don't take the bait, don't take the focus on the gospel, as you are sharing with people, avoid the bathing superficial issues, she wanted to discuss religion. Jesus said I'm not going to have any part with this. Jesus says, all that you have to do is to worship God in spirit. And in truth, I don't care where you worship him, where did this mountain or that mountain with worship God in spirit. And in truth, religion is keeping people away here and we worship there, but we cannot get together and worship God together, she avoid debating superficial issues or hear Jesus brings it down. Jesus says, God is Spirit those worship. God must worship. In spirit and in truth. So we need to worship biblically, not culturally. We need to worship biblically, not culturally. So, Jesus worship needs to be done. According to his word, not what our culture, dictates not saying my music style. This is my preference that we can worship together cuz we don't have the same style of worship. That is just superficial than just an excuse not to worship God in spirit and in truth. So the lesson for us is that we need to worship biblically that culturally and then let's wrap up the story here. The room and said to him, I know the Messiah is coming. He is called the Christ when he comes, he will tell us all things. You see our stories are much more common than we think we have more in common with others. Even non-believers. Then we think sometimes you look at people, you can come there was Jews. And Samaritans, really? They were looking for the same old, they just didn't know how to find it. That's always tell you, people need God. They just don't know who they need. They think that, it's that career, that will give me satisfaction that they think it's. It's it's, it's that amount of money, they think it's that relationship, whatever it is. That the gospel, is that only Jesus satisfied. At the end of the day, everybody needs Christ and she needed Christ. You just didn't know where to find Christ. And she said, I know that Messiah is coming. He was called the Christ when he comes, you will tell us all things in it. I love this. Jesus said to her, I will speak to you and good to be God.

I will speak to you and he's a Jesus. I guess what? I'm at Sia. You see, genuine questions. Deserve genuine answer.

When people are going to ride this Trail, don't go with him, okay? Just turn it back to the gospel because only the gospel will change people. Not winning arguments, don't try to win arguments with them. Don't go on their Rabbit Road with them. But he's a genuine question, question, where they are confused when they not sure? Genuine questions deserve an answer. So if we don't know the answer, tell them, let me let me look into that and let me get back to you whatever questions that they have. If it's a genuine question because 1st Peter 3:15 says, always be ready to give an answer for the whole dead. We have would do it with respect and gentleness. So if it's a genuine question, we need to give them an answer any verse 27. This is just and his disciples came back, they marveled that he was stalking with a Womad. Seeing the culture that look down on women and especially her, she was a funny moral woman and as a Jewish person looking at her, she was also in woman. But no one said. What do you see go? Why are you talking with her? She they were thinking it but they were not staying yet. See, she's the lesson for us, don't let anything keep you from sharing the gospel. When the opportunity comes, don't let anything keep you from sharing the gospel when the opportunity comes about going to meet that. Woman was from a different race. What was a mixture of Jews in the Syrian? Bejesus thought that she was worth it. Jesus valued her when the other Jewish people that's written her off. Even though she wasn't them old woman, Jesus did not write or of. Jesus started was necessary. Remember verse for Jesus had to go through Samaria. Did you decide to go there? So Jesus would meet her and then to reach this woman, you not only had to overcome racial and more barriers, but he also had to Overcome, the gender barrier. You see that's what love does. See, love does not care about. The barriers, love overcome, those barriers cuz the Bible says, love covers. What a multitude of sin. See, Jesus did not only overcome those two barriers but he also overcome the gender barrier as a rabbi as an orthodox Jew. You was not supposed to be speaking with a woman by himself. Jesus knew all the disaster, look at verse 28. So the woman in 27, then that's why is it? So if you can remove distraction and not speaking to somebody in front of their friends, where, you know what they will be more resistant, but if you can get them alone, To share the gospel with them. That's what you need to do, is he, that does a friend of my bed trying to share the gospel with, but it's really I changing the subject and then find an excuse to, really share the gospel with him and he knows, it doesn't know what to do, but she removed the distraction, get the person in a place, where they would more likely to respond to the gospel, in the breed of the disciples got them busy, go get food, so that Jesus could do what was needed to save this woman. Create 230 says, so the woman left her water drawer and went away into town and said to the people come, see a man with told me. All that I ever did Ken Bisbee. The Christ. That means this is what she was looking for. They went out of the town and were coming to him. Isn't that beautiful?

The woman and countered The Living Word of God encounter, Jesus. And she didn't waste any time. But started sharing the gospel with brother, and it did not take long for her to start reaching others. Why did she go to the? Well, To get what? Water. And then, what does the verse says She left, what? Hawaii, there you are. A lot of time we going after things in life we think these are the things that are going to bring us satisfaction but in reality none of those things really ring the satisfaction with the real Jesus. And then so we realize that oh I didn't even need the water. That's what the gospel does to us. When we are. So Transformers the gospel. What we told would satisfy, what? We thought we cared about? Realize that I don't even need that one anymore. She left, I wanted war and went away to town and said to the pie, people come and see a man with told me all that I ever did that you have all the answers yet.

She knew that she has encountered a Christ. And the people went out of the town and we're coming to him. You see, Jesus, reach her, not long after she started reaching others, you can't keep the gospel message to yourself. If you have truly experienced it, See, you can't keep the gospel message to yourself. If you have truly experienced it, once you have truly experienced price, as an overflow of your life, you will want to express the gospel to others and help them experience. What you have experienced, that's why our testimony is so important. What has God freed you from? What is your testimony? Your life has to change following following a Salvation experience. That doesn't mean it's going to be an explosion, but God can progressively be changing your life? You see a lot of us have religion. But I've yet to experience price one of us have religion and we have yet to experience Christ message in a nutshell. Everybody needs the gospel, will it be intentional way to be tactful when we talkin to others about our faith? We need to find Common Ground. We need to be good listener. When it to share with, whenever we have an opportunity, regardless of our disposition does not give us a pass. We need to keep the men thing. The men thing and don't be afraid to address people sin and help them realize their need for God. See ecclesiastical history. 11 says he has made everything beautiful in its time also. He has put What is Trinity in men's Hearts? So yes. So that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. God has turned it to be in your heart. It's a thirst that I want more. I want more. And only God can fill that void in our life. Look at the way that Blaise Pascal puts it. It says, there is a god-shaped vacuum in the heart of every person, which cannot be filled by Amy, created thing only, by God, the Creator, Jesus Christ, and everybody you encounter in life. However, we did might look as you look at them, they all have a god-shaped void in their life and they have not experienced the gospel that hole is there. And we need to help them find God by sharing the gospel with them because that's why Jesus. Came Jesus says, the teeth comes to steal. In Tokyo and to destroy. But Jesus says, I came to that you may have life and have it how that you have it to the fool. We are agents of Hope, helping people find purpose, find Hope and freedom from whatever they are dealing with problems from trial. Only God can truly satisfy their thirst father. Thank you for your grace. Help each one of us Lord to share your gospel, whenever the opportunity arise and help us father, not to shy away from the truth. Well, we are being respectful and gentle and kind. Everyone that we come in contact with. Thank you, Lord. God for teaching us today. Don't let anything become a barrier, whether it's face shield whether it's mold or whether it is gender whenever it is Lord God, whatever it will look like for today.

Help us, Lord. To be agent of Truth.

An agent of Grace. Share your gospel with everyone. We come in contact with. In Jesus name, we pray.


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