Sermon Tone Analysis
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Sec. 2. Article 22 of Chapter I of the Vermont Constitution is added to read: Article 22. [Personal reproductive liberty]
That an individual’s right to personal reproductive autonomy is central to the liberty and dignity to determine one’s own life course and shall not be denied or infringed unless justified by a compelling State interest achieved by the least restrictive means.
By Nancy Flanders | October 13, 2022 , 12:46pm
A baby in the UK reportedly survived an abortion at 20 weeks in October of 2021, and lived for five hours and 25 minutes outside the womb following the attempt on his life.
According to The Oldham Times, the abortion was carried out at Royal Oldham Hospital after Shamima Begum learned during a 20-week ultrasound that her baby had acrania, a condition in which the skull doesn’t develop.
Begum decided to have an abortion without speaking with the baby’s father because they were no longer in a relationship, and doctors induced premature labor.
While such a late abortion is usually carried out by stopping the child’s heart with a lethal injection of digoxin to ensure the child is dead before delivery, doctors in the UK induced premature labor without first killing the baby.
As a result, Begum’s son survived the attempted abortion, but died in the early morning of October 18, 2021.
It is unclear whether or not he received any medical care.
5 Biblical Reasons speak out against abortion.
The Unborn Are Made in the Image of God
God is Spirit.
His image is not a physical image but one of the soul, mind, morality, intellect, and will.
God’s image does not depend on the stages of physical development, but on the quality of the persons non-physical makeup.
a baby at the moment of conception is a divine image bearer.
It is our bodies that make us human.
Angels also are made in the image of God and even called “sons of God”
But they are not human.
They never will be human because they do not have a physical human body.
That does not diminish them as image bearers and shows that humans don’t need a body to reflect some of the characteristics of God.
On the other hand, the fact that we have bodies and bear the image of our Creator does make us unique from the animals and gives our lives inherent value in the eyes of God.
Even on the biological level the baby is undeniably human.
Dr. Jerome Lejeune, professor of fundamental genetics at the University of Rene Descartes in Paris, this is a quote.
“Life has a very long history, but each individual has a very neat beginning, the moment of its conception.
The material link is the molecular thread of DNA.
In each reproductive cell, this ribbon roughly one meter long is cut into 23 pieces, or chromosomes.
As soon as the 23 paternally-derived chromosomes are united through fertilization to the 23 maternal ones, the full genetic meeting necessary to express all the inborn qualities of the new individual is gathered, i.e., personal constitution.”
“At two months of age, the human being is less than one thumb-length from the head to the rump.
He would fit at ease in a nutshell, but everything is there: Hands, feet, head, organs, brains.
In the fourth week is consciousness.
All are in place.
His heart has been beating for a month already and fingerprints can be detected.
His heart is beating at 2 months at 150 to 170 beats a minute.
To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place, a new human being has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion.”
2. The Unborn Are Helpless and Need Protection
by Wesley J. Smith
Joseph Fletcher - Fletcher was not coy about the consequences that would follow from society’s acceptance of his premises.
In another 1975 essay, “Being Happy, Being Human,” he described participating in a panel discussion of the treatment of seriously disabled babies.
A physician who cared for a developmentally disabled boy reported that though his patient had a very low IQ, the lad was clearly happy and, without doubt, a fully human being.
“So what?” Fletcher essentially said, as he coldly dismissed the worth of developmentally disabled people:
Idiots are not, never were, and never will be in any degree responsible [because they cannot understand the consequences of action].
Idiots, that is to say, are not human.
The problem they pose is not lack of sufficient mind, but of any mind at all.
No matter how euphoric their behavior might be, they are outside the pale of human integrity.
There was a purpose to such blatant dehumanization: to gain support for killing these “subpersonal” beings, the decisions about which Fletcher described as a merely “clinical” matter.
In the case of disabled infants, he wrote elsewhere, infanticide should simply be considered “postnatal abortion.”
3. How the Bible describes unborn Children.
A. The Account of Jesus as an Unborn Child
B. What God Says About Unborn Biblical Characters
formed my kidneys.
Lie a tapestry your body was skillfully woven with spirit.
like a tapestry.
4. Conception Is an Act of God
5. We Don’t Own Our Bodies
The modern chant - “Its my body, it’s my choice!”
pro abortionist advocates have said that to outlaw abortion now is set us back centuries.
but abortion is nothing new,
Ancient Egypt Abortion Methods and Herbs
The terms “loosening” or “stripping off” could also mean abortion and a range of recipes are suggested for the same.
The first of these include a fumigant made from emmer seeds, lower Egyptian salt and sw.thm.t
Other recipes include the use of onions, beans, juniper, pine products, beer, wine, potsherds of new earthen pots, oil/fat and date palms, some of which are mixed together in correct proportions to get the desired effect of abortion.
Most of the times they were oral contraceptives or were supposed to be applied topically.
Hope and forgiveness for people who have had abortions.
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