Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Intro: Mountain Top experience
One of the great joys of hiking is getting to your destination
When we went to Montana we hiked to Avalanche lake in Glacier National Park
In all of the places we have been this is my favorite trail
Grand Canyon, ehhh
Bryce Canyon, overrated
Zion was too crowded to get in
But Avalanche in Glacier was perfect
For a good part of the trail you hiked along these huge cedar trees and a rushing river
Then you took a right hand turn climbing up and over some cool obstacles created by the rocks and trees
You finish the trail by hiking through bushes before you pop out to this beautiful lake that is surrounded by these majestic mountains with waterfalls cascading down
It is so stunning that you don’t want to leave
Three of the disciples get a mountain top experience in today’s passage
Read Matthew 17:1-4a
Last week I finished with vs. 28 saying that it was To be continued
It is being continued this week
The time between chapter 16 and 17 is one week
After six days: is based on a Greek way of speaking and means ‘about a week later’.
Jesus said in vs 28
Jesus was talking about seeing him in glorified state, not being alive till his second coming
Peter, James, and John get to see Jesus in His true glorified state
This is similar to how he looks when John sees him in Rev 1:14-15
We get a beautiful picture of that mountain top experience
I. Mountain Top Experience vs. 1-3
Jesus takes Peter, James, and John to the top of a mountain
Getting away on a mountain can be a time to get away from the grind of the valley and get closer to God
This retreat is unlike any other
vs. 1 Jesus Took them up on a Mountain
Led them up on a high mountain:
There have been several suggestions for the location of the Mount of Transfiguration.
Mount Tabor (about 1,900 feet, 580 meters); but it isn’t high, and isn’t on the way from Caesearea Philippi to Capernaum.
Some say Mount Hermon but it’s elevation is too high and there would be snow at the summit
vs. 2 Jesus Turned As Bright the Sun
The word transfigured speaks of a transformation, not merely a change in outward appearance.
“The verb metamorphoo (‘transfigure,’ ‘transform,’ ‘change in form’) suggests a change of inmost nature that may be outwardly visible.”
The effect was extremely striking;
Jesus became so bright in appearance that He was even difficult to look at (like the sun).
Essentially this was not a new miracle, but the temporary cessation of an ongoing one.
The real miracle was that Jesus, most of the time, could keep from displaying this glory.
Yet John said, We beheld His glory.
Peter wrote, We were eyewitnesses of His majesty.
His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light:
It was His face that did shine as the sun.
He wasn’t transformed into another being with another body; it was His own face that shone.
Jesus has His disciples with Him when He shines in His glory.
He is not glorified apart from them, because they share in His glory.
vs. 3 Moses and Elijah Appear
Moses and Elijah:
Remarkably, these two Old Testament persons appeared and spoke with the transfigured Jesus.
Moses had lived some 1400 years before; Elijah some 900 years before;
yet they were alive and in some sort of resurrected, glorified state.
It is fair to think that these two particular people from the Old Testament appeared because they represent the Law (Moses) and the Prophets (Elijah).
The sum of Old Testament revelation came to meet with Jesus at the Mount of Transfiguration
Moses was supremely God’s man.
Besides the Lord Himself, he was arguably the greatest leader in human history.
Perhaps the only other Old Testament man who could have stood with Moses was Elijah.
This prophet was zeal personified, a godly man of unmatched courage, boldness, and fearlessness
Moses was the humility and Elijah was the fire
Moses was the great law giver, and Elijah was the great defender of the law
They were Talking with Him:
Luke 9:31 tells us the theme of their conversation
They spoke of the upcoming work of the cross, and presumably of the resurrection to follow.
“Departure” is from the Greek term from which we get exodus.
Just as the Exodus out of Egypt under Moses led God’s people out of the bondage of slavery, the “exodus” of Jesus out of the grave would lead believers out of the bondage of sin
You can presume they were there to offer to support
My Beloved Son vs. 4-8
On top of that mountain God decides to speak
He tells the disciples that Jesus is His beloved Son and the need to listen him
vs. 4 Is it good to be here?
As Jesus is meeting with Moses and Elijah the disciples are watching
Peter's can’t stop from reacting
Peter completely failed to comprehend the significance of Jesus’ glory or of Moses’ and Elijah’s testimony.
Peter a man of action
Why did he suggest constructing three booths?
Two reasons
First: It was October
New Testament chronologists have determined that the Jewish month in which the transfiguration took place was Tishri (October), the sixth month before Passover and therefore six months before Jesus’ crucifixion
Tabernacles: Feast of Tabernacles
Commemorating God's faithfulness
Second, Anticipating the coming kingdom
Peter is thinking of the Kingdom age
That is the only feast that will be celebrated during the millennial reign of Chirst
Peter's mistakes
He wants to stay on the mountain when God wants him to work in the valley
He put Moses and Elijah on the same par with Jesus
Peter listened to Elijah and Moses his whole life
Now time to listen to Jesus
vs. 5a Overshadowed by cloud
While Peter was still Jesus was still babbling God interrupted
If God interrupts you know you’re talking too much
A Bright cloud overshadowed the whole group
Notice it wasn’t a dark foreboding cloud?
The brightness gives you the sense it was full of light, life, and power, not judgment and death
So much is made of dark clouds, thunder, and lightning
Our God is full of light, life, and power
Then comes the voice
vs. 5b Listen to Him
God says, “This is beloved son with who I am well pleased”
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9