Pick Up Your Mantle_Sunday, October 23, 2022 Message

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Your mantle, pick up your mantle and so as I begin to share some things with you, I I want to begin to paint the picture and I want to paint it very thoroughly. So you begin to understand then and this message is 14 right now and 4 anytime Beyond. Because I also realize they'll be times when people will see the messages later, and they'll see it, and they may or may not have even connected to Jesus, yet, but it will be come to the point or when it will appear, there may or may not have even given their life to the Lord. At this point, then when they see it, but it's okay. The message is still for them, it's amazing how the Lord will do things. Such that he finds the right time in a person's life, to put something in front of them. Put the word in front of them. So they're able to see and it stops them in the tracks and they look at it. Often times they have this reaction is like, it was like Speaking directly to me, and I had met them yet, but what it is is the Lord knows the timing, the seasons of everything. So this is an on-time word is annoying, time word as physically today, and the days that will come afterwards. And that's the thing that I like, and that's why I was stressed. A focused important for us to be able to look at the Lord, and and study his word and believe it and put it to work because it's really are a diet. It's food for us. And so now, I want to say to anyone else. You may see this or hear this. I believe all y'all are saved. I hope so at this point in time, but for those who have never given their life to Christ, I got to say this. This is important because again, that he really stresses the importance of being part of the family. Many people will deceive others by saying, we're all children of God, not in the sense that he, that you need to be a child of God, in order to have that relationship with him. You got to be born again. Have to have that transformation, and it's not that someone that just physically born, that causes them to be a child of God, a child of God, as someone who is acknowledged, is Jesus as the Savior. The child of God is one, that is born through the spirit, a child of God is one who surrenders and let the Lord be the Lord of his life. They had of his life and one that happened, then the change becomes and your name is now written in the Lamb's Book of Life. It is, at that point, that we begin to see the goodness of the Lord in each of our lives. At that point in time until the Bible has said this, that I often remember it in, from time to time, I, I will quote it. In the scripture, says, by no other name, must men be saved that name of Jesus and no, other name is there salvation, it's Jesus. There's no goodness that you can work. There's no deals that you can strike. There's no being a good person that works well enough. None of that it is. The goodness of Jesus is Grace Point out on us that causes this transformation. All we got to do is accept it. You may not understand every aspect of it but just believe it and receive it. And that starts a wonderful Journey. But when it comes to a mantle, I just want you to understand that every person has a, I would say a purpose in your life that the Lord would want for you. I often talk about the purpose of written about it in books but it's one of those things to understand that no matter your age. No matter how many things you seen, what do you seen a thing or two? No matter what it is, you got to understand that he still has a purpose in your life, and some will say them, too far away. I've done this and on that, he already knows all of that. Cuz he's watched you through all of those things, but he still has a purpose for each and everyone of us as it's at 2 today. So, 2 today, we want to go to the point of pick up your mantle. But if anybody wanted to know what a mantle was often times, we think of over a fireplace that ledge the thing that you hang your stockings down from when you have Christmas, those things, we have decorations across the top and so many people think of that. But I want to assure you. I'm not talking about that today. I want to show you that that is not the purpose of what this is about. I want you to understand that the Bible talks a lot, about a mantle and a mantle. In some translations is a cloak and to some degree. If I took that gentleman right there, he has a hood on top of his jacket and if I put it over top that keeps his head warm, they keeps his upper body one. But it still is in a look because it closed comes even further. And so, a cloak in the Old Testament times, there were two types of of Cokes, they were ones that the priests of the nobleman would use that were made a fine linen and certain ones that would be the under part before they put the Evite and everything else on top and it would be blue if you are a priest but there will be other ones are fine linen, that will be that they would have and that they would wear and usually that represented the status that you would have. But then in addition to that, they came a point when prophets used to wear a cloak or a mantle And people recognize people walking with those as if they were a prophet. Often times you hear about the Prophet Elijah and they would talk about him being Harry. And all his cloak, camels hair made out of skin and hair covered him in the clothes serving the purpose, the cloak not only covered someone, but it also kept them warm. When they were walking through wherever they had to go in the elements and it had a covering over that they could cover their face in and part of it and keep that shielded. But it was also a bed cushion. So wherever they had to lie down or what kind of ground they had to lie down on the least had a cushion. So imagine that you carry your bed everywhere you go. Imagine that you're carrying your your coat in your hood and everything else, everywhere you go. So it was an important piece of clothing that was used by the prophets to see it goes, even deeper than that. You see the mantle itself represented Authority, the man told the self-represented, the office or authority that the person had When it came to a priest. When they had that, that represented the Priestly Authority or the prophet and represented his office and his authority and so you would have the profits going around and they would see that our man of God a profit that will be Carrie or walking with this on them. I'm sure that often times because they carried it everywhere, it had an odor to it. But yet I still serve the purpose and don't want to talk about this for a minute because as I told you not only was it functional, but in addition to that it held Authority and also represented at office and I'm talking to you about, pick up your mantle. And so you see all kinds of cartoons and movies and stuff about people wearing cloaks then and other things. But yet, God meant it for something more than what people are. Trivializing it for right now. You see, he wanted to make sure that we understood that there was an office that was there. And and so one of the truths that we've always shared with you for years now, especially over the past number of years. When there was so much turbulence in the pilot political Arena and still is, but in the political Arena, I told you that the office you must always respect. You may or may not like a personality, but you must respect the office and who's ever in it because God only lets people in there that he allows right. And so would you find yourself doing when you're always going against a person that's in an office? Now, you're fighting against God's Authority. And then the question Becomes of, what are you do about that? Where you vote and you pray, but you're praying for the will of God for the goodness of his people. That was free. Bounce back to the mantle but see, here's what we got understand. Because here we we realize that the mantle mean something or else the prophets wouldn't go around with them on a regular basis, the mantle was something that was a symbol of God. It is a symbol of this person, being a spokesperson for God, it was a symbol of the office that was attained and I want to spend a minute talking and scripture here. And I have a few of them and really a centers around Elijah and Elijah and I want to tie that back to you. But I, I want to spend a few minutes, just reading a couple of scriptures and a reason why I take the time to read is making sure that as you're listening, you can connect the dots. I want to make sure that as your listing, you can see for yourself and realize that I'm not making it up. But you can read it and then the holy spirit that illuminates, more truce for you. That's why we do it. So first, I want to pull up 1st, Kings 1st, Kings chapter 19, and a number, read verses 19 through 21 1st Kings, chapter 19, verses 19 through 21. And this version I'm a read from the NLT translation. New Living Translation says, so Elijah went and found Elijah. Son of sefat plowing a field. There were 12 teams of oxen in the field and Elijah was plowing with the 12th Team. Elijah went over to him and threw his cloak across the shoulders and then walked away. Elijah left the oxen Standing Bear, ran after Elijah and said to him, first, let me go and kiss my father and mother goodbye and then I will go with you. Elijah responded going back, but think about what I have done to you. So Elijah return to his oxen and slaughter them. He use the wood from the plow to build a fire to roast their flesh. He passed around the meat to the townspeople and they all ate. Then he went with Elijah as his assistant. Strange set of things, right? What in the world is going on here? And why do you care? Okay, if you got to be Spirits, when you going to tell me because it's in the Bible. So I got a can and that's true. That's absolutely true. But there's more to it than this when I talk about picking up your mantle and I'm going to take you through this over the next few minutes to make sure you understand. You see before the verse that I began to read to you, there was something that happened. You see Elijah who was a strong well-known Prophet, man. Of God had just done the miraculous, do the power of God. We're here called down fire and caused the the fire to just consumed soaking wet logs and the water and everything else to prove that God is real. And then after that he called for the slaughter of all the prophets of Baal, which were those that were not of God and they were all done. He did some Miracles and he outran a chair. By the power of God. But then he had this crisis moment, I guess he was tired. Spiritually and physically because ministering can wear you out physically. But then you got to that point and this woman this crap will make, you know, Jezebel she threatened him and all of a sudden he got scared and ran and he started running and running and then he told his assistant Stay here and then running some more. And then he got to the point. He was exhausted, and it angel came and helped them along, and then he ran some more and then finally ran into a cave. And then the Lord began to appear and you know that story and it finally lured. What are you doing here? Well, I'm the only one and he starts going through all these things that and I'm the only one that stands for you and they killed everybody else in this and that. And she threatened me. And the Lord just said, okay, come on stand out here. All right, here's what I want you to do, and they gave me a list of things but one of them wants to choose his successor.

I so illogical. And he goes, and he finds Elijah. That's where the Story begins. And so at this point, all the Elijah does cuz whatever he finds Elijah throws. The cloak and just us walking away.

You didn't say you should feel so blessed because the Lord's choosing you next, he didn't say, you can do it, you can do it, you can do it. He didn't go through, and they let me pamper you along, he just threw it. I just see what his reaction was. That would be. I would tell you in the past. When I came up with Ministry, I got that kind of help. It was like this, what you will do it, and let's see what you're going to do now. People want it, the codling in the and all the other stuff and that's good. But that's not how Ministry always works. And so, Elijah, just threw it in his point of, well, let's see what's going to happen. Lord told me to do it, so I'm doing it. But the great thing was all of a sudden this particular cloak with all of the personal Aroma of Elijah in it was thrown on the Elijah. But it represented an office at point of authority. There was no mistaking when I profit would throw their cloak on someone that means that you're next. And so Elijah who was plowing and they said there were 12, 12 teams, 12 represents government, but he was the 12th one for filming a government, right? And so he is the one that was called at that point, there was no question. Are you sure? Are you sure, you sure. I'm the one, I don't know that. I feel like it. I'm not sure that I was prepared for this and none of those what you just like, okay, I got to do this right. Then he Boyce and so it left that will firstly, take care of business, tie things up, he slaughtered his oxen and burn his plow, because he was not going back. He realized the old has passed away, and the new had come, so he wants to get rid of anything else that would bring him back. And so he was making sure that that happened. Everyone who saw what happened, knew what that meant that he now had a calling and the time was now to walk in it. But see, here's the deal. He began to walk in that understanding that he didn't become a prophet. That very moment that was a calling to his office. And so, he knew there was a process, say the word process, right? There was a process. He had to go through. He didn't know what it was, but he knew that it was undeniable that the Lord had called him the guy that called him. And so now he's at this point, that's what we're reading. We're seeing that Elijah follows him in a lie. She just says, well, you don't do what you got to do another word. She would say, if I'm adding I threw the cloak on you, you know what it means. Now, it's up to you to decide what you going to do. I'm not preventing you from going up. Preventing you from coming, you got to decide. And so he had the cloak, he knew everybody in town saw it. He gave food for everyone to bless them because he may not see them for a while. But least not the old Elijah Wood. See them. It's the new one called into an office. That would see them. And so, this is what started you through the cloak. I want to go a little bit further, stay with me. Just a few more. I want to go to 2nd Kings, chapter 2, 2nd Kings, chapter 2, verses 9 through 14. 2nd Kings, chapter 2, verses 9 through 14. And I want to do this, the paint a picture and I'm taking time to explain it on purpose so that you can understand. Isn't it good to understand what scriptures are really saying, isn't it? Good to get the whole picture because they come alive? And so, here we are. In verse 9, it begins like this. It is some time later and it and so it was when they had crossed over that. Elijah said to, Elijah asked what may I do for you before, I am taken away from you. Elijah said, please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me. So he said you have asked the hard thing. Never the less. If you see me when I'm taken from you. It shall be so for you. But if not, it shall not be. So plain straight to the point, then it happened as they continued on and talk that, suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire and separated, the two of them. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

Elijah saw it and he cried out my father, my father, The Chariot of Israel and his Horsemen. So he saw him no more. Eddie took hold of his own clothes and tore them into pieces. Watch. What's Happening Here? He also took up the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him and went back and stood at the bank of the Jordan. Then he took the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him and struck the water and said, where is the Lord? God of Elijah And what he also had struck the water. It was divided this way and that and Elijah crossed over. Wow, that's interesting. So what does it really mean? Do is take a minute, I'm glad you asked that question. So let me ask me, tell you what's actually happening here. Lightnin and so it all of this, what's going on? This is a much later point. They had been in Ministry together and everything else but the time had come for Elijah to be taken into heaven, okay? And so, all doing that Journey coming to this point coming to the Jordan River. All the other prophets that were there. Remember before? Elijah said, they weren't any profits. But yet all of them along the way that our profit there and they were saying, Your master is about to be taken into heaven and Elijah's. Like I know, just be quiet and go to another Point. Your Masters about be taken into heaven, I know, and it kept happening the whole journey. Let me get to the Jordan River. And Eli, Elijah took his cloak. Struck the water and its spread and they walked across dry land, okay? And then evidently soon as it got across the water came back until they're walking. And this is one of the Elijah asked, the question. Elijah asked the question, what shall I do for you? Because Elijah knew was near and Elijah rightly. So ask for double portion, Don't Be Afraid. Somebody Lord asks you, what? You want, you better say what you want? I'm not even get to Spirit. Oh well, I shouldn't ask for that. I don't want anyting. If you ask you what you want, you answer. And so Elijah, Elijah said, I want a double portion and he said was the hard thing, but you you got to really be focused in and you got to see me, you got to see this. You, you have to Grass what's happening when it happens, when you don't take your eyes off of your teacher right now, understand what's happening. And so as they kept Walkin and talkin all of a sudden they get separated Chariot fire horses. Separating the two but Elijah was of mind enough to make sure he looked and saw everything that was happening. So he believed cuz he saw and so because he saw what was going on, he also saw the mantle fall originally, he was given the mantle as a calling, but he Faithfully served. But when I didn't tell you is that All that time between the first calling and hear, Elijah did everything he could to tell him to stay behind and don't come. He did every opportunity. He was telling him, you don't need to go anywhere. Just stay here. I got to go on somewhere else, but do you like it was like, no, I'm going to follow you, but it was a test. Every time you had a chance to quit. You have your chance. Go ahead and ministry here. I keep asking. Are you sure you want to do this? You sure you want to do this, you know, I do that. But it's on purpose. I'll give you a chance to get out. But if you stay that means you understand what's coming? And that you are saying that look with the Lord's help, I'll do it, do it like it kept working in that. She had to get stuff from scripture sometimes, right? And so, in all of this I'm actually going through and I mean he's actually going through it and telling him trying to discourage him a little bit today and and Elijah didn't know which is great because when the Chariots came and he saw it, it's all the mantle fall. He knew the time was then so the calling had come to prepare him for a time and the time came. So now he was prepared. So, rather than say in my prepare, what should I do? If I buy myself, what do I feel like right now? There was none of that it was. Okay, now is the time He took up the mantle. Remember, it was falling. A decision. Had to be made. Do I pick it up? That's the office. I'm called to do. I do it? This is the time that is given to me. Do I wait? The mantle and the office was put in his hands. Well, put in front of him, he had to decide whether he would pick it up, he was told in advance that he should, this is the calling. This is what the desire of God is. And so at this time, he made a crucial choice. I'm picking this up and it now becomes my office. And as he picks it up, he's agreeing with the call. As he picks it up, he saying, I know who I am. As he picks it up, he says, and that's then I'm going to walk as you called me to walk, as he picks it up, he say that I understand the authority that there, as he picks it up, he's like, I'm going to do this and to demonstrate it because everybody's watching people are watching on the other side of the Jordan. You must understand the ministry everybody watches you not everybody wants to join in but they're looking to see what's going to happen there seeing from afar trying to see if it's if it's really going to be gone. As soon as it comes in a confidence in the power and takes this mantle that he just saw his master do that. He just saw his teacher do. And then he goes and says this, where is the guide of Elijah? And he does the same striking motion and other words, I'm bold enough to believe that is going to work for me, too, because this is now my mantle, a bold enough to believe that I was called into this position. So, because I'm calling to this position. I will walk in it. I will walk in every Authority. That's been granted to me in this position, not for my own Glory, but for my colleague to give him glory. And so he calls out in front of everybody who's watching, And all of a sudden got a response. And everything separates. And they realize I did call him. He is walking in the power. He's walking and every, that party that his master had, all of this is happening. He is now who he says. He is, there's something major, but I believe in God and let him stand, and it just ratify you and your position to be able to say that. Yep, this person really is that there's something about him calling you and it's not about what you don't refer to it every degree or anything else. You had you refer to now God's calling me cuz it's evident. There's something about that anointing that is placed on you that. No one can deny. There's something about a change and transformation that he has in you that causes you to stand up and people see the glory shining, they see that you're so different from when they knew you way back. When there's something about that when you take up that cloak, that mantle and put it on. And so this is what he is. Elijah did. And so Elijah realized that this was a MOA A moment of standing up into who is called to be. You see he asked for A double portion. Ask and it shall be given to you. He asked, he received And even if you read the rest of it, the things that happened during his ministry, they were even more so that he lied you. And you see all of these things happening because he was walking in the calling of what God has created him to be. But there's something else here before I begin to tie all this together, that's very important for us to grasp. And I know, I heard you say, what, what is that? I'm helping you out and fell in all of these things that I want to make sure that you understand something and it's really important.

You know in this world today everybody wants to get to the point of what I think I want to do this. I think I want to do this. Now. I'm not feeling that one today. I want to do this and everyone wants their own choice, but the calling of God is his choice. You must understand that he's created you for something, for a purpose, there is no mistake. And so he's calling for you is what he deems your created for, and for the purposes of what he has for you. And so it wasn't Elijah. That ran after Elijah put me up there on stage with you, put me in. It wasn't any of that. It was Elijah was working. And what do you like? I'm aware. Elijah was working. Sometimes you put them together like a which one is, which, until Elijah was working, but it was already working in an area that helped prepare him why he was plowing And he was planting. Then he was going to be doing that spiritually for the children of Israel, trying to get them and plowing their hearts to receive what God is saying. And so a lot of times we're working and doing things that will prepare us that we can leverage for what I calling in. But we often don't see it. And so hear this cloak was thrown on him because that's why God created Elijah. But it Elijah didn't go running for it. He was just doing what he knew he was supposed to do and all the sudden that calling caught up to him because that was his real purpose. Until we see this and it's important for us to realize that you many people that are seeing so many stars on TV that they want to do the same thing or be this had the same Ministry but the question becomes what is your calling? What kind of cloak is he trying to put on you? What is it that you were really called to do? Oftentimes people can see it before you see it. Your gift makes room for you to Bible says and it's through all of this, we begin to realize that our answers really are from him and he created us for a purpose. It is always about how we feel. But it's about what he said. I never felt like I was going to Pastor but he told me I was I never knew how because most the time like I really don't know how this is going to happen, but he does it. You never know for sure. I don't know if you thought you were going to be a deacon this way back when, when you were a child, right? Sometimes you don't know every once in a while, there's some people who know from the time they can remember but that's not the norm. And so you must understand this. You must understand that it is God who gives you that quote, that calling that office of responsibility. And so, what you have to do is be faithful and plow. And so, we must understand this. And let's tie this to what Jesus has done. Let's tie this all together so you can understand what it means to pick up your mantle. You see, I've often said to your preach to you, I talk to you, I share with you, is that really the Old Testament or the New Testament, one long account of everything that's going on? They tied together, they reference each other and so they're doing that to confirm that the one who declared the end from the beginning has been right the whole time. We don't always understand how most of the time. We don't the one. We see it, we like yep he's faithful. He's done all these things and so here I want to tell you something. And it's another area that you know of, in Matthew chapter 28 and it begins to talk about this point where Jesus is about to ascend into heaven and he's giving these instructions and he's has his disciples there and it begins to speak to them and he says something, imma get you to read this scripture that has something else, I'll just reference that, it be the last one from there so you can see this whole story. Matthew chapter 28. Verses 18 through 20. Jesus has his disciples together. And it's before, he's about to ascend into heaven. He's trying to give a last-minute instructions and he says this assuredly, I say to you. Whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, I say to you, if two of you agree on Earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.

And then it goes on to talk about or to tour worth for where two or three are gathered in my name. I am there also. But later on to begun it goes and says something else. Even more important. It begins to say, nothing, that's not important, but it begins to say this, it begins to say,

More around the calling go. You therefore Right. Hey tells him to go into all the nations. And it tells them to make disciples. And he tells them to preach to the ends of the year. He gives a command in that part of it. It begins to say something else. That's really important, that we need to focus on in that section, where talks about making disciples, you see the command goes out to the church over all this charts, that's about to be formed. The command goes out to the church and begins to say, even to his disciples disciples are followers of a teacher. So that followers of Christ Eddie says, make disciples means make more followers. What's the purpose of the church to make disciples followers of Christ? Not followers of each individual followers of Christ, and he tells him to do it to the ends of the Earth. Eddie tells him to do it to all Mason. Any kind of people group, they don't have to look like you. They don't have to act like you don't have to come from your same Hood, then I have to do any of that but it's at that point All Nations. All people groups. So that's the purpose of the church. And so he tells them all this and then later we begin to see that he ascends into heaven, but he also told me something just to wait. Wait until the promise of the father, I'm pulling together. Some things right here, beyond what I just rent, then he says to wait in Jerusalem until the promise of the father is manifested. So they have a choice. If we wait or do we just run around? Tell her why? Hey, Jesus just as sending and he told us all this stuff. Can I get on your TV show? Let me tell him. Can I come in your podcast and tell you what? They just said, hey look at me. I was there. I was there or instead they listened and it wouldn't wait. It, they waited in Jerusalem. and they waited, they didn't know what day, they didn't know what time, they just waited and focused on him until the time of the Flowing of the Holy Spirit, the baptism of the Holy Spirit Pentecost, right? So now this is something that happened and the Church of fish. Ali was born. So they had a command and they listen to it, they had directions and they follow them, they could have gotten off at any time. They could have stayed back and quit. But instead, they waited not knowing how long and they adore people saying, where is this guy? This your teacher. Where is he? But instead, they focused on him and they waited and then eventually the promise came to Pastor James, what does it have to do with all that stuff? You talked about in the Old Testament, Elijah and Elijah. What you see. Jesus asked his disciples at one time. Who do men say that I am and part of the answer was some say Elijah. But you see what it is, is that Jesus is much greater than Elijah Wright, and Elijah too much greater than Moses and anyone else. And so, here he is the teacher. Now, the teacher that has followers called the church and so when he went to heaven, he sent down something. Someone else, that is the cloak, the mantle, for the church, Which is the spirit of God, the precious, Holy Spirit. And as he sent down that cloak, it was our choice and it is our choice. Do we pick up what? That calling is the office of, if you will figuratively, the church and do what is involved in that office. So, what does that mean? Well, if you're part of the church, if nothing else not even talking about the offices of the church, but the church, as a whole the mantle of that office is in the thyroid, a go you there for right, you preach. To All Nations. to make disciples meaning, you have a party and the power as the church to go wherever and preach the good news and to make disciples of whoever will And so you make those disciples because you have the cloak of the authority of the Holy Ghost, but you see remember I told you the the the cloak was functional kept you warm. Let you have a sweet sleep, right? The spirit of God is here to teach you all things, that surround, you wrap around you to comfort you to make sure that you understand the truth of the word of God. And so this cloak is in us around us and covering us as we receive him. But you see the whole aspect of receiving the spirit of God as your cloak, you have to decide to receipt. Elijah had to decide to pick it up. As a decision of his physical cloak, the spirit of God, you have to decide to receive him. and if You decide that you're not going to worry about what you feel like when it's the right time, whether you really should, if you're worthy and all those other things that people used as excuses. That decide I received that you are taking on that office, you burn your cattle, your oxen you bring your plow. And then you have a feast because now you are changed cuz you're not going back. And so as the title pick up your mantle, your mantle of the office, not talking about specific offices of a prophet or any of those thing. But just the church is a member of the church. Then what your responsibilities is to make disciples. Who me? Yes, you Make disciples who me yes me make disciples so that must mean that I have to follow what I've learned. And what I'm learning so that then I can share that with whoever is now going to be a disciple. And so we have to make sure we pick up our mantel because too many people are worried about some other superficial thing but not necessarily. The mantle any Authority that's given to us to make disciples why I got to wait for pastor something, I know you don't you begin to talk to them. You be getting the share of the goodness of the Lord. You have the authority and the power to do it because you have the mantle you have the authority and the power to make changes because the godhead bodily dwells in you. You have a power and the authority to cause things to change in the Kingdom to expand so that we can go to the ends of the Earth. Well, I never been outside of my city. Well, it's the city's pretty big. I'm sure everybody's not been touched. One ever been outside my steak? Well, that's okay. You got a big state. Even Delaware's got enough room in there, you can find somebody if you're there. So you got to realize that you can do a lot. No matter where you are. And so there we realize that it is in those times that we realize our calling is the mantle that we are covered with cuz we made the choice to receive. So we don't have a means to go back to Prior time, I remember a lot of things but doesn't mean I need to live those things and we focus on who were called to be right now in the time that we have in the moments that he presents so that we can touch as many people and make disciples A disciple does not mean that the person is literally a clone of you, but a disciple is one who follows the same person you are following the teachings in the living or the way that you're that, he is taught us and the person that we are following overall is Jesus. He is the Good Shepherd. He is the one that is a light unto my path. he is the one that shows us the way makes the way he is the one that causes us to overcome He is the one that said now. Things will no longer be impossible. All things are possible. That's what we have to understand. He is our savior, our healer. Our best friend are delivering. Our intercessor. He is the first. The first born. He is all of those things. He is our provider. He's all of those things. So all we have to now do is remember the take up that mantle we have to remember that every single one of us need to take up the mantle and you may think that you're not prepared, but if you just walked in the boldness, did Elijah did after it was passed to him. You will see the power of God working. You may say, but I don't know what to say. Don't worry, just speak into speak. Let the Lord guide you. Just show you I don't know who to talk to just start talking. Then he'll begin to as a magnet. Draw you to the right people or other people to you. That's what we do. Pick up your mantle each one of us and everyone that we're here, this message later and understand the power that is in it. Shalom. Lord we thank you right now that we're able to share this simple truth. They were able to understand then even as the mantle is dropped and that we are able to receive it. Let us make the choice to receipt. Even as you've told us the good things that will come if we receive is still up to us to receive. So now that we said that we received this mantle, the spirit of God, your gift, Let us now walk in the authority that we have through the power that you've already given us. Let us walk in the confidence of knowing that you sent everything up for our success. Let us walk in the Assurance of knowing that you've already gone before us and made a way. Let us walk in the understanding of knowing that you'll give us the words to speak and the wisdom to carry things out. To the power of the Holy Spirit. We thank you Jesus. We praise you for that. We thank you that this simple message is a, i opening message for some and it will be a life-changing for even others. We Praise You Lord For what you about to do, we thank you. Lord that we walk by not by sight. We walk by your spirit, we walk by faith about what we see, we walk in the understanding that what you're showing us in the spirit with you given us by faith that we've taken that. It's already done for us. And all we're looking to do is for the catch up to manifestation. So we praise you for that, and we thank you for it, and your holy name. Amen, and amen and amen. Hallelujah. So if you got something that I would just tell the Lord, thank you. Thank you. And give him a hand. Praise if you want. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Hallelujah, bless your name. Jesus. Hallelujah. Tell me, give you a chance right now. To bless the Lord with your ties, and you're offering to give you a chance to just look at him and, and understand that he is the one that provides he is the giver. He is the one that Rides when you think that maybe you extended all of your energy to to get this thing or that thing but really is him who allows you to have it. And so it's doing those times that we celebrate him. And that we said, Lord, thank you for everything that we have is his everything that we think we've earned he's provided until it's in this type of relationship that we have for him with him. That we realize that we're giving back a portion of what he's already gave us. He does want us to Thai then and some people say I can't tie but you worked for that, walk with the Lord keep increasing until you're able to. But he wants to tie these guys look like you keep 90%. I'm just asking for that first 10 time do that, spell at 10 and then as you do that, I keep priming the pump. I keep giving you more, because that means you have faith in me and he's looking for a cheerful, get rest of the matter what you give you doing it cheerfully, not that some pasta to drag you up here until you better put more and you better put more and you better put more in You got to trust Lord, as you give know that he will provide you with everything that you need because he knows your needs before you even know them and that's where it is. And then even as you're giving and good soil, you realize that you are part of sharing the gospel to the ends of the Earth in places, you can't physically go In a place you can physically go maybe just on the other side of town cuz you just didn't know it existed but yet they heard the message or they may have had an encounter of the receive something from a. So this is how you're you're helping to spread the gospel. In addition to you personally, taking up your mantle so I want you to stand and with a smile on your face cheerfully just freely. Come on up and be able to give. Amen. And amen, just really, come on up, Hallelujah.

Hallelujah. Solo me. Thank you right now for the blessing of these times than these gifts and we thank you. Lord, for everyone who is getting left their households blessed, all of their doing the Endeavors that they are pursuing. The one guy them in every area that they see the success that is that you've given them. But Lord, most of all you wore them. And I just tell her how much you love them for cheerfully given to you because they're trusting you slowly after that he gets this place to these baskets or we thank you. That that is that a point where it's blessed by you and it will continue to be blessed. But even those who are crying out for help will be receiving best, they need plus, even more because of your love and your grace, I bet even asked these monies are given Lord. We thank you that families are fed and the strength and then and they see that is you who is providing. So we thank you for all that you do in the mighty name of Jesus, amen, amen, amen. Hallelujah! Glory to God.

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