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12Assim, pois, amados meus, como sempre obedecestes, u não só na minha presença, porém, muito mais agora, na minha ausência, desenvolvei a vossa salvação com temor e tremor;

durante a segunda viagem missionária de Paulo, depois de ele ter percorrido o interior da Ásia Menor, desde a Cilícia, situada a sudeste da península, até Trôade, situada a noroeste.Em Trôade, acompanhado de Silas, Timóteo e seguramente também de Lucas, Paulo embarcou rumo a Neápolis, porto do Norte da Grécia. Dali, se dirigiu a Filipos, onde não se deteve muito tempo, ainda que o suficiente para fundar uma igreja, a primeira nascida em solo europeu. Essa comunidade cristã era formada, na sua maior parte, por pessoas que haviam passado do paganismo ao Judaísmo (ver, p. ex., o caso de Lídia, de Tiatira, At 16:14–15), as quais se reuniam para o culto fora da cidade, junto ao rio, onde estava o seu “lugar de oração” (At 16:13).
p. ex. por exemplo
Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil, Bíblia de Estudo Almeida Revista E Atualizada (Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil, 1999), Php.
Filipos era uma cidade que ficava na província romana da Macedônia, região que hoje faz parte da Grécia. A igreja de Filipos foi a primeira fundada na Europa por Paulo, na sua segunda viagem missionária (Atos 16:12–40). Anos depois, quando estava na cadeia (1.7), Paulo escreveu esta Carta aos Filipenses. Ele havia recebido notícias a respeito dos cristãos de Filipos e tinha ficado sabendo que havia sérios problemas entre eles. E estava muito preocupado com as falsas doutrinas que algumas pessoas ensinavam lá e estava preocupado também por saber que alguns líderes da igreja eram contra ele. Ao mesmo tempo, Paulo havia recebido ajuda dos cristãos de Filipos; ele escreveu esta carta não somente para tratar dos problemas da igreja, mas também para agradecer aos filipenses tudo o que tinham feito por ele.Esta carta mostra o grande amor que Paulo tinha pelos filipenses e fala da confiança, da alegria, do amor cristão e da firmeza que devem ser qualidades dos seguidores de Jesus Cristo. Paulo diz que, acima de tudo, eles devem imitar o exemplo do próprio Cristo, que seguiu o caminho da humildade e da obediência a Deus, caminho esse que o levou à morte na cruz e à altíssima posição de Senhor de todos (2.5-11).
Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil, Nova Tradução Na Linguagem de Hoje (Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil, 2000), Php.


3Nada façais por partidarismo ou vanglória, d mas por humildade, considerando cada um os outros superiores a si mesmo. e 4Não tenha cada um em vista o que é propriamente seu, senão também cada qual o que é dos outros. f
f f 2.4 1 Co 10:24.
Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil, Bíblia de Estudo Almeida Revista E Atualizada (Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil, 1999), Php 2:4.
d d 2.3 O autor parece referir-se a possíveis ciúmes e diferenças na igreja de Filipos; cf. Fp 4:2.
e e 2.3 Cf. Rm 12:10; Gl 5:26.

2.3 O autor parece referir-se a possíveis ciúmes e diferenças na igreja de Filipos; cf. Fp 4:2.


κατεργάζομαι: complete, cultive (prepare)
From G2596 and G2038; to work fully, that is, accomplish; by implication to finish, fashion: - cause, do (deed), perform, work (out).
Total KJV occurrences: 24
Exemplo de alguém livre da prisão
Quando alguém é livre da prisão e devolvido à sociedade, deve viver de acordo com esse prêmio - direito de ir e vir como um cidadão.
A liberdade não implica em espaço para viver do jeito que quer, mas do jeito que um cidadão vive, cumprindo suas obrigações decorrentes
Exemplo de profissionais dos esportes
engage in vigorous physical exercise or training.
"they regularly walked, danced, ran and worked out at the gym"
Philippians (Chapter 2)
Work out your own salvation. Complete it; God has begun the work; carry it out unto the end. Comp. the same word in Eph. 6:13,
Bíblia de Estudo Almeida Revista e Atualizada (Capítulo 6)
13Portanto, tomai toda a armadura de Deus, para que possais resistir no dia mau e, depois de terdes vencido tudo, m permanecer inabaláveis.14Estai, pois, firmes, cingindo-vos com a verdade n e vestindo-vos da couraça da justiça. o15Calçai os pés com a preparação do evangelho da paz; p16embraçando sempre o escudo da fé, com o qual podereis apagar todos os dardos inflamados do Maligno
“having done all.” Christ’s work of atonement is finished: work from the cross: carry out the great work of sanctification by the help of the Holy Spirit


Philippians, Colossians, Philemon (The Command to Work out Their Salvation (2:12))
Salvation was central to Paul’s theology. Normally the word has its full soteriological sense of spiritual deliverance from sin and the world.172 Paul described salvation as a past event (Eph 2:8–9) and as a future consummation (Rom 13:11).
Faith and Works Chapter 9—The Quality of Our Faith

Christ took upon Himself humanity for us. He clothed His divinity, and divinity and humanity were combined. He showed that that law which Satan declared could not be kept, could be kept. Christ took humanity to stand here in our world, to show that Satan had lied. He took humanity upon Himself to demonstrate that with divinity and humanity combined, man could keep the law of Jehovah. Separate humanity from divinity, and you can try to work out your own righteousness from now till Christ comes, and it will be nothing but a failure.

By living faith, by earnest prayer to God, and depending upon Jesus’ merits, we are clothed with His righteousness, and we are saved.

Faith and Works Chapter 9—The Quality of Our Faith

You cannot have a thought without Christ. You cannot have an inclination to come to Him unless He sets in motion influences and impresses His Spirit upon the human mind. And if there is a man on the face of the earth who has any inclination toward God, it is because of the many influences that are set to work to bear upon his mind and heart. Those influences call for the allegiance to God and an appreciation of the great work that God has done for him.

Philippians, Colossians, Philemon The Command to Work out Their Salvation (2:12)

Personal salvation brings with it responsibilities which Paul related to Christians’ obedience.

Philippians, Colossians, Philemon The Reason for Working out Their Salvation (2:13)

Paul said they were to “work out” because God “works in.”


Faith and Works Chapter 9—The Quality of Our Faith

The God of heaven is working upon human minds all the time. An invitation is given in the Word of God, and it is not only given there, but it is given by all those who believe on Jesus Christ and are revealing Christ in their characters. They may not preach a discourse; they may not come directly to a person and speak to him in regard to his condition of impenitence, yet such a one sees when brought into connection with any of the disciples of Jesus Christ that there is something there that he does not have

Philippians, Colossians, Philemon (The Reason for Working out Their Salvation (2:13))
The emphatic use of words for “work” built on the same root in Greek presents an unusual contrast. Paul presented both the work of God (“works in”) and the work of the individual Christian (“work out”). Paul recognized the place of each. Divine initiative called for a human response. While he believed that, ultimately, all of salvation, considered in its broadest scope, depended on God’s initiative and power, he never tolerated passive Christianity. Human energy could never accomplish the work of God, yet God did not accomplish his purposes without it. The two functioned in perfect harmony, and people cooperated with and contributed to what God did in them and in the world. It is both comforting and sobering to realize that God initiated the relationship. It is equally sobering to realize that nothing short of full cooperation with God’s working confirms personal salvation. Thus both the divine initiative and human response accomplish his purposes. Here, the Philippians were to apply their salvation to the problems of selfish ambition, strife, and egocentric actions which divided the church (2:3–4). Their salvation demanded it; their responsibility to God called for it.

The Human Part and the Divine Part in Times of Conflict—Always the Lord gives the human agent his work. Here is the divine and the human cooperation. There is the man working in obedience to divine light given. If Saul had said, Lord, I am not at all inclined to follow Your specified directions to work out my own salvation, then should the Lord have let ten times the light shine upon Saul, it would have been useless.

It is man’s work to cooperate with the divine. And it is the very hardest, sternest conflict which comes with the purpose and hour of great resolve and decision of the human to incline the will and way to God’s will and God’s way, relying upon the gracious influences which accompanied him all his life long. The man must do the work of inclining—“For it is God which worketh in you [us] both to will and to do” (Philippians 2:13). The character will determine the nature of the resolve and the action. The doing is not in accordance with the feeling or the inclination but with the known will of our Father which is in heaven. Follow and obey the leadings of the Holy Spirit.—Lt 135, 1898.

A New Life [Revival and Beyond] Chapter 4—The Balance in Faith and Works

A Do-Nothing Faith?

The forgiveness of sin is promised to him who repents and believes; the crown of life will be the reward of him who is faithful to the end. We may grow in grace by improving through the grace we already have. We are to keep ourselves unspotted from the world, if we would be found blameless in the day of God. Faith and works go hand in hand, they act harmoniously in the work of overcoming

In Heavenly Places (A Change of Heart, January 14)
Let us not forget that in his conversion and sanctification man must cooperate with God. “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,” the Word declares. “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:12, 13). Man cannot transform himself by the exercise of his will. He possesses no power by which this change may be affected. The renewing energy must come from God. The change can be made only by the Holy Spirit. He who would be saved, high or low, rich or poor, must submit to the working of this power.
Reflecting Christ What True Surrender to God Involves, April 4

What True Surrender To God Involves, April 4

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. John 17:3.

Wait not for some magical change to be wrought in you, without taking the requisite steps yourself. Life must be with you a humble working out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God that worketh in you to will and to do of His good pleasure. Halt not, but escape for your life.…

Christ requires that we shall press together, that we shall be one with Him as He is one with the Father. You must depend on God, be disciplined and trained for the higher life. Yes, depend on God; wait His pleasure; follow Him; rely in obedience on the strength of His Word.

To obey when it seems the hardest is true surrender to God. This will quicken your moral nature and subdue your pride. Learn to submit your will to God’s will, and you will be made meet for the inheritance of the saints in light.—Manuscript 12, 1888.

A general faith is not enough. We must put on the robe of Christ’s righteousness and wear it openly, bravely, decidedly, exhibiting Christ, and not expect too much of finite man, but keep looking unto Jesus, and become ravished with the perfections of His character.

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