3. Boaz saw Ruth in crisis and helped with no thought of repayment.
I. How to be a Christian caring in crisis.
A. Boaz just saw a woman needing help (Ruth 2:5-9)
B. Are we loving others as much as God loves us? (1 Jn. 4:7-12)
C. Illustration: You find a puppy
II. How to be a Christian Caring in crisis
A. Boaz had no obligation to Ruth, yet he cared for her. (Ruth 2:14)
B. Are we looking out for our neighbors? (Jam. 2:15-16)
C. Illustration: You care for the puppy
III. How to be a Christian caring in Crisis
A. Ruth was in crisis and would have starved.
B. We all need help through our crisis sometimes and it is the job of brothers and sisters in Christ to be there to help one another through tough times. (Gal. 6:9-10)
C. Illustration: Puppy was in crisis without you
1. We are in a world where everyone is in crisis.
2. Our job as Christians is to care for those in crisis