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A Tenth of the Lord

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Introduction :

24:19 examines the gleaning of crops in the biblical communities. The Law provides insight into the destiny of wheat,barley, corn, and other crops that remained in the fields after Harvesting.
24: 19 A. Demands that the harvester not return to the fields to collect crops that He overlooked or forgot and left in the fields.Further-more ,the verse implies that the gleanings in the fields were part of a social welfare system.
(2:11–15) Grace: (charis): probably the most meaningful word in the language of men. The Bible means something far more than men mean by grace. To men the word grace means three things.
1. Grace is that something, that quality within a thing that is beautiful or joyful. It may be the fragrance of a flower, the rich green of the grass, the beauty of a lovely person.
2. Grace is anything that has loveliness. It may be a thought, an act, a word, a person.
3. Grace is a gift, a favor that someone might extend to a friend. The favor is always freely done, expecting nothing in return, and the favor is always done for a friend.
However, when the early Christians looked at what God had done for men, they had to add a deeper and much richer meaning to the word grace. For God had saved sinners, those who had acted against Him. Therefore, grace became the favor of God showered upon men—men who did not deserve His favor. Grace became the kindness and love that God freely gives to His enemies—men who are …
Leadership Ministries Worldwide, 1 Thessalonians–Philemon, The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible (Chattanooga, TN: Leadership Ministries Worldwide, 2006), 318.

Lesson Aim

To demonstrate that recalling the action of God in one “s past is an important feature of the Christian moral Life.
Note: 1. The Regulation on Forgotten Sheaves (Deuteronomy :24:19)
Though: No.1
Though: No.The move of God can be a source of comfort .
Deuteronomy :24 :19 ““When you reap your harvest in your field and you forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not return to get it, for it shall be for the alien, for the orphan, and for the widow, so that Yahweh your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.”
Note: 2. The Regulation on Forgotten Olives
Though: No.2
Remembering The move of God can be a source of Faith.
(Deuteronomy : 24:20)
Deuteronomy :24:20 “When you beat off the fruit of your olive trees you shall not search through the branches afterward, for it shall be for the alien, for the orphan, and for the widow.”
Note: 3. The Regulation on Forgotten Grapes (Deuteronomy : 24:21 )
Though: No.3
Remembering the move of God can be a source of inspiration.
Deuteronomy :24: 21 “When you harvest grapes, you shall not glean your vineyards again; it shall be for the alien, for the orphan, and for the widow.” Note : 4. Motivation for Obeying the Law( Deuteronomy :24 :22)
Deuteronomy :24:22 “And you shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, therefore I am commanding you to do this thing.””
1 Thessalonians–Philemon (King James Version) B. Message 2: The Grace of God, 2:11–15

(2:11–15) Grace: (charis): probably the most meaningful word in the language of men. The Bible means something far more than men mean by grace. To men the word grace means three things.

1. Grace is that something, that quality within a thing that is beautiful or joyful. It may be the fragrance of a flower, the rich green of the grass, the beauty of a lovely person.

2. Grace is anything that has loveliness. It may be a thought, an act, a word, a person.

3. Grace is a gift, a favor that someone might extend to a friend. The favor is always freely done, expecting nothing in return, and the favor is always done for a friend.

However, when the early Christians looked at what God had done for men, they had to add a deeper and much richer meaning to the word grace. For God had saved sinners, those who had acted against Him. Therefore, grace became the favor of God showered upon men—men who did not deserve His favor. Grace became the kindness and love that God freely gives to His enemies—men who are …

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