After Adam and Eve committed the first human sin, God made the following very clear:
To satan
We’re going to have this sin struggle for our whole life.
he destroyed the human race, he will be destroyed. (by Jesus - an offspring of Adam and Eve)
To Eve:
Women will now have pain in childbearing
She manipulated her husband, she will be ruled by him
To Adam
Food will no longer just come and be available
Adam must work and farm for food now
The Lord was still gracious, He made clothes for Adam and Eve and removes them out of the garden of Eden to work the ground.
What is amazing is that in making clothes for Adam and Eve, this is a representation of God sending His Son to cover us.
God sacrificed an animal to provide clothing for Adam an Eve. God sacrificed to cover Adam an Eve from their sin, He later in the Bible does the same thing with the whole world. God sends His Son, Jesus, to sacrifice Himself so that our sins could be covered. So that we can spend eternity in Heaven when we die.