And the Word became flesh

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God's self exposed knowledge must become mans certainty of the Father's character, their ability, and the likeness of their new selves understood in Christ Jesus. Viewing God from this vantage point reflects a top down perspective. As sons of God we must view God from the vantage point of a son, not a sinful enemy.

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Rebirth-New View

When God destroy man, does He destroy His word? And, when God sees you as His recreated word through your belief in Him, do you ask of Him things as His word or as flesh?
God’s character is at center. We’ve looked at the scripture from the bottom up instead of top down. As we are remade in His image, being called sons, not born of flesh we must view the Fathers word from His vantage point.
To be like God we must know what God is like. Personifying Him in our newborn nature posits us near him as children looking at Word as adopters.
In the words “And the Word became flesh”
When God spoke, His word spoken created all things and the DNA within the creation to do what it was created to do without deviation. When He spoke the seas obeyed. When He spoke the creatures of the air were made and within their unique structure their solitude to the Word God spoke. God spoke the trees were made and grew according to His Word. And when He spoke man into existence His Word did not change but carried within it mans ability to follow God’s will like all things He created. But something happened. Man, unlike God’s other works, stopped God’s word.
With all other things, God spoke and the birds flew. God spoke and the fish swam. God spoke and the trees grew. God spoke and the stars shone their light. God spoke and the heavens were created.
God spoke commands to all living things placing man above them all. The earth brought vegetation by God’s word. The lights, one to rule the day the other night, still illustrative its hold to the power of God’s word. And to man, God commanded him like all previous works “You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die” (Gen 2:16-17
Genesis 2:16–17 NRSV
And the Lord God commanded the man, “You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.”
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