Hebrews 2: 5-18

Hebrews  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  38:41
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Jesus is better than the good prophets, therefore we must worship him with our whole selves.
Authorship: Paul or Friend of Paul
Clement held the tradition of Pauline origin and often cited Hebrews as by Paul or ‘the Apostle’.
His successor Origen, however, raised doubts about the Pauline authorship, although not about its canonicity. He considered the thoughts to be Paul’s, but not the style.
Subsequent to Clement of Rome’s citation of the letter, the evidence is sparse until the time of Jerome and Augustine. Tertullian, at the close of the second century, regarded Barnabas as the author,
It is not until the end of the fourth century that it came into its own among those churches.
Date: 45-70 ad
Probably after about AD 45 (second generation believers?)
Probably before AD 70 (destruction of the temple)
Guthrie, “Most, however, do not date before the sixties, and prefer a date just prior to or during Nero's persecutions if the epistle was sent from Rome, or just prior to the fall of Jerusalem if sent from somewhere else.
Possibly “Rome.”
“Those in Italy greet you.” (Heb 13)
To the “Hebrews” (title, use of the OT)
Jews outside of Palestine (use of LXX, 2nd generation – hadn’t heard Jesus)
Christians who were struggling (5:11 ff, 10:25)
Enduring persecution (10:34, 12:3 ff)
Purpose and Occasion “Guthrie”
At least some of the Jewish-Christian recipients apparently were in danger of slipping back into a form of Judaism.
The purpose, then, was to encourage the believers to “stay the course.” The writer does this by magnifying Christ.
The most favoured suggestion is that they formed a house group which had broken away from the main church. The exhortation in 10:25 would support this view. There the writer urges the readers not to forsake the assembling of themselves together. It is highly probable that a separatist group might have considered themselves superior to the rest, especially if they were endowed with greater gifts. The closely argued theme in this epistle is in line with the suggestion that a group of people of a more intellectual calibre is in mind.
Christianity could offer no parallel to the ritual trappings to which they had been accustomed. In place of the temple to which all Jews looked as the centre of worship, Christians met in different homes without even a central meeting-place. They had no altar, no priests, no sacrifices. The Christian faith seemed denuded of any evidences of the usual kind of religious observances.
He was concerned to reassure his readers that the loss of ritual glories was more than compensated by the superiority of Christianity. His line of approach was that everything in fact was better—a better sanctuary, a better priesthood, a better sacrifice, a better covenant. Indeed, he aims to show that there is a theological reason for the absence of the old ritual. The Christian faith pronounced a complete fulfilment of all that the old order strove to do. The very absence of the ritual was the greatest glory of the new faith, proclaiming as it did its superiority over the old order.
The warning passages would then set out the serious consequences for any who deliberately turned their backs on this superior way. This understanding of the apostasy would be sufficiently serious to warrant the strong terms used in the warning passages. It would also account for the impossibility of restoration for those who so blatantly turned their backs on the ‘better’ terms of the Christian faith.
Converted priests would at once forfeit the dignity of their office. They would, in fact, become nonentities, after having been respected for their official position. Many of them must have been faced with the temptation to forgo their new faith in order to retain their old status.
Acts 6:7 And the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith.
It must be admitted that the warning passages say nothing about apostasy to Judaism, but only apostasy away from Christianity.
Challenge Audience: Jesus is better than everything and Everyone.
I. God Spoke Good Things though the Prophets.
The Prophets spoke in many different times.
Hebrews 1:1 Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets,
The Prophets spoke in many different ways.
and in many ways,
The Prophets spoke to many different generations.
God spoke to our fathers by the prophets,
Application: Thank God for the Prophets of the OT.
II. God Spoke the Greatest Through Jesus, the Ultimate Prophet.
Jesus has spoken the last word.
Hebrews 1:2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son,
Guthrie, “We note at once from the introduction to the epistle (1:1–3) that the writer is insisting on the finality of the Christian revelation.
Jesus has spoken to us.
The Jewish readers needed to be reminded of the greatness of Jesus Christ, when compared against the OT expressed word. They needed to be reminded of His greatness over all things.
Jews were not to value the OT prophets above Jesus. (This included the prophets teachings about the law, traditions, style, or themes.)
We are to reject any person or belief system that encourages a new word/revelation. (Islam - prophet Muhammad; Mormonism - Joseph Smith; occult; New Age Teaching; Popular Voices)
Do not value any teacher, mentor, tradition, or instruction above or equal to Jesus Christ.
Tear down the idols in your thought life. No person deserves to hold the love, affection, and respect, except Jesus.
Avoid Influencers!
Be cautious of consuming information and assuming truth.
We are not to value any pastor, instructor, educator, or authority above Jesus. (Podcasts, Youtube, In Person, or Author)
III. Why Listen to Jesus over the Prophets?
Jesus is the Heir.
whom he appointed the heir of all things,
Heir of the whole earth
Psalm 2:8 Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.
Heir of Heaven and earth.
Jesus is the Creator.
through whom also he created the world.
World = Ages (aiones)
Bruce, “The whole created universe of space and time is meant.”
John 1:3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Colossians 1:16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
Jesus is Brightest Splendor of God’s Glory.
Hebrews 1:3 He is the radiance of the glory of God
Only use in the NT.
Bruce, “Just as the radiance of the sun reaches this earth, so in Christ the glorious light of God shines into the hearts of men and women.”
Jesus is God’s very Image in Human Form.
and the exact imprint of his nature,
“Exact imprint” could also be translated “perfect representation.”
Greek word is Xapaktnp = character and occurs only here in NT.
Bruce, “What God essentially is, is made manifest in Christ. To see Christ is to see what the Father is like.”
Jesus is Sustainer.
and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.
“word of his power” = “mighty word” or “enabling word”
Colossians 1:17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Bruce, “He upholds the universe not like Atlas supporting a dead weight on his shoulders, but as one who carries all things forward on their appointed course.”
Jesus is the Savior from Sin.
After making purification for sins,
This function will be elaborated on tremendously throughout the letter.
Bruce, “If Jesus as Creator, Ruler, Upholder, God-embodied shows up in our Awe. Jesus as the Savior who purifies us should be seen in our gratitude and love.
Jesus is the enthroned Lord.
he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,
Psalm 110:1 The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.”
This is one of the earliest affirmations by the Christian faith.
Bruce, “The significance of Christ’s being a seated high priest is explicitly set forth in the following chapters, especially as he is contrasted with Aaronic priests who remained standing because their sacrifical service never came to an end.”
Have confidence that you have the best, most authoritative, most powerful, most real (he built reality) teacher that ever will be in Jesus.
Being committed to Jesus and his teaching sets you up for the most impactful life you could live.
Holding to the teachings of Jesus sets you up for the safest life you could live. (He knows you and purified you and now is the Lord of all life.)
Study the Gospels,
Love learning the impact of Jesus in the Epistles
Love finding Jesus in the OT.
Bruce, “Jesus’ greatness is set up from the very beginning of the letter.
He is the Prophet through whom God has spoken his final word.
He is the Priest who has accomplished a perfect work of cleansing for his people’s sins;
He is the King who sits enthroned in the place of chief honor alongside the Majesty on High.
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