Galatians 5
Sermon Tone Analysis
Hello my name is Serafina Luksch and I am part of our Harvest Deploy residency program. I am looking forward to teaching you ladies the last two chapters of Galatians and how we are called to live as believers. I have cut this teaching into two parts Freedom in Christ and Walking in the Spirit. Before I begin let me open us up in prayer.
Freedom in Christ
Freedom in Christ
As we have talked about through out these recent weeks the term circumcision has come up multiple times so sorry to beat a dead horse a bit here but for Galatians 5 Paul really continues to rebuke the believers for following a Gospel other than the one that he has spoken (the message of Christ). He begins the chapter with the reminder that their freedom is in Christ and they should not “SUBMIT AGAIN to a yoke of slavery.” What they are doing is in straight contradiction to Mathew 11:29. But I want to point out two words to you here: SUBMIT and AGAIN. The word SUBMIT is a verb which means “to yield to governance or authority.” If they continue to bounding themselves (yoking themselves) to what these false teachers are speaking then they will once again be yoked to slavery of sin. What I also want to point out is the word “AGAIN”. It is referring back to Galatians 2:4 “Yet because of false brothers secretly brought in—who slipped in to spy out our freedom that we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might bring us into slavery—”. The false teachers want to bring them back into false beliefs, separate them away from God like they were before as unbelievers. Romans 8:15 uses the same word, “For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”” What Paul says in verse 1 and Galatians 2:4 should be the warning, what we see here in Romans 8 is the
This means they should not put themselves back into following the law that has already been fulfilled. He uses the interjection verb “Look” which in the Greek means “Behold” this is to get their attention to see that clearly they are not living in freedom but holding onto only part of the law.
Paul makes an important claim here in Galatians 5:3
I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law.
If the believers wanted to still follow part of the law that would mean they will need to follow the entire law. Christ has no advantage to them because they do not seek grace, they only seek the law which is what he continues in Galatians 5:4
You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace.
Now why does Paul mention severed from Christ? First, I found it was a pun that the physical act to oneself cutting off a part of them (circumcision) is then akin to that of one who does he will be cut off from Christ. Second, this claim is important for them to hear since they have strayed away from grace due to their insistence to follow the law. In Christ is does not matter if they are circumcised or not the point is that they are lacking in understanding that they have a freedom in Christ. Paul tells them in verse 11 that he is circumcised. So then this brings up the question why is he telling them that if they accept circumcision they are cut off from Christ? It is because they are believing that the law is greater than grace. Lets think of times where we let our works be our “salvation”. I know for me church became my salvation. I grew up in the church and thought that by attending church and doing all the church things I was pleasing the Lord, and if I missed one weekend or did not lead in a certain ministry programs that I would be punished or not looked at as a good Christian. Or what if I messed up? What would God think then? This led to a perfectionist mindset. Who else here has the perfectionist mindset? (Have them raise hands) Who else is like me and forgets that there is grace? (Raise hands). This is what Paul is talking about. It does not matter if one is circumcised, it does not matter if you only join one small group or more, or if you lead 5 women or 20, your salvation does not depend on such things. These are all extra and based upon conviction and where the Lord leads you.
It is clear in Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”
And this is what Paul continues to teach in verses 13-14 that your freedom is through Christ and what we are called to do. He makes it a point to warn them to not use their “freedom as an opportunity for the flesh”. This may seem like an odd thought for Paul to bring up but because if we are free in Christ we should be living like Christ then. If we already have the Spirit then we are done right? False. In fact, there may be more attacks, more temptations, as we are seeing our sin for what it is, sin. Like the church's of Galatia we need to believe we have freedom in Christ but not abuse such grace. 1 Peter 2:16 “Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.” If we keep sinning then what is the point of being in Christ then?
How they got to this point seems to be from false teachers.
False Teachers
False Teachers
For all of us here we need to take verses 7-12 seriously. We need to as Christians be on the look out for anyone who is speaking a Gospel other than the one we know as believers: Christ died for our sins, we have salvation through Him alone, and we received grace from him. We are not called to follow the laws anymore like those in Galatia. We need to be like Paul and call out and rebuke those who spread another message. For Galatians 5:9 “A little leaven leavens the whole lump.” Like a little yeast will rise the bread, false teaching can spread quickly and cause a rise of believers to believe in a false doctrine or spread a false Gospel or unbiblical expectations on others. This section is our reminder to be careful of who you listen to and goes back to the why we are doing this study. To not only learn how to read and study the Bible but effectively share it with others.
Like the Galatians we need to remember that our freedom is in Christ. Even though we are not bound by the law we are called to walk and live a certain way which is by the Spirit.
Walking in the Spirit
Walking in the Spirit
Moving on to focusing on walking in the Spirit. We have already seen that there is a struggle between the flesh and the Spirit.
Paul shifts his tone from how wrong they are living to the right way to live.