I AM the Light of the World
Biblical concept of light and darkness
The light and darkness theme in the New Testament builds on the symbolism visible in the Old Testament and in Second Temple Judaism, but re-focuses it on Jesus as Messiah and the bodily presence of God.
Jesus is our light.
What happens at the Feast of Booths?
by this festival the lawgiver teaches two lessons, both that it is necessary to honour equality, the first principle and beginning of justice, the principle akin to unshadowed light; and that it is becoming also, after witnessing the perfection of all the fruits of the year, to give thanks to that Being who has made them perfect.
) Again, the beginning of this festival is appointed for the fifteenth day of the month, on account of the reason which has already been mentioned respecting the spring season, also that the world may be full, not by day only but also by night, of the most beautiful light, the sun and moon on their rising opposite to one another with uninterrupted light, without any darkness interposing itself between so as to divide them.