Definitions Concerning the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Definitions Concerning the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Baptism of the Holy Spirit - A specific promise to the Apostles that they would receive on the day of Pentecost the enclothing of the power of the Holy Spirit. It is mentioned in Matt. 3:11, Jn. 1:33, Acts 1:5 and in Acts 11:16. This promise was given in fulfillment to the prophesy of Joel 21:28-31 and involved miraculous powers that the Apostles would receive in addition to the already obtained "gifts" as mentioned in Matt 10:1,8; 17:16; Mk. 3:15; 6:7,13,30; Lk.9:1-10; Lk.10:9,17-19. (The use of these gifts before Pentecost was determined by the exercise of the apostle~ faith, for when they tried to exercise the powers of the gifts, without exercising their faith, the powers failed: Peter on the water, disciples failing to heal the lunitic in Matt. 17, the upbraiding in Mk. 16:14-18. This was to show the disciples the great possibilities the Apostles could manifest if their faith was exercised.) What the Apostles received in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit was the Advocate, or Comforter, which would bestow on the disciples the following additional powers to the already obtained powers. These additional powers were promised at the Lord's Supper before His death to only His Disciples (Apostles). These powers may be listed as. Found in John 14,15,16
When the Comforter would come from the Father to the Apostles. He would
1. Abide with them Jn. 14:16 Abide in them Jn. 14:17
2. Teach them all things Jn. 14:26
3. Bring all things into their remembrance whatsoever Christ had said to them (can't be anyone but the Apostles, no one was with Christ in the beginning other than His Disciples) Jn. 14:26
4. Testify of Jesus (This was the main focus for the working of the Holy Spirit) Jn. 15:26
5. Bear witness through the Apostles because they (Apostle) had been with Christ from the beginning Jn. 15:27
6. Reprove the world of sin Jn. 16:8
7. Reprove the world of righteousness
8. Reprove the world of judgment
9. Guide them into all truth Jn. 16.13
10. He will speak not of Himself, but show them things to come i.e. revelation, inspired scripture Jn. 16:13
11. He will glorify Christ through the Apostles) Jn. 16:14
12. The Holy Spirit would show them plainly of the Father Jn. 16:25
13. Give answer to their requests through prayer Jn. 16:26
14. The Apostles would also receive the crowns of life and sit on Twelve Thrones Matt. 19:28, Lk. 22:30
15. Jn. 17:14, 24; Jn. 14:1-3; Jn.17:12; Rev. 4:4. (Note: Paul, although an Apostle chosen out of due season", had yet to be chosen and to go through his tribulation. He later would receive the same reward 2 Tim.4:6-8.)
16. The Apostles would be able to "by the laying on of hands” give gifts of the Holy Spirit.
17. The Apostles were given the power to judge individuals and churches. Matt. 16:17-19 and many other passages.
Gift of the Holy Spirit- The promise prophesied in Joel 2:28-31 which applies to the miraculous powers the believers received. It is the gift that the Holy Spirit gave on the day of Pentecost and the years prior to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. The gift is exactly the promise that God made to the seed of Abraham and Jacob that He would pour out His Spirit upon them. This Promise was fulfilled on the Apostles and on the believers whom the Apostles laid their hands upon. In a study of the Greek words comparable to the two words "receive" and Gift" in Acts 2:38 as these words are used in context with the Holy Spirit, one can readily see that Gift of the Holy Spirit was not the Holy Spirit, but a gift that the Holy Spirit promised namely, the powers promised in Joel 2:28-31. Note also that the powers of miraculous abilities were to be given to people other than the Apostles, see Acts 21:7-18. To these people, Agabus, Cornelius, Stephen, 4 daughters the promise of Joel was in fact the promise of Acts 2139, being the fulfillment of the latter Part of Joel’s prophesy. See the Greek word “Dorea” in Jn. 4:10, Acts 2:38; 8:20; 10:45, 11:17, Eph.4:7 and Eph. 3:7. Did this word imply that the miraculous powers were given? Could the word "gift" in Acts 2:38 also apply to miraculous powers that the Holy Spirit was giving as He had promised? See the following scriptures on "receive" and ask the same question. Jn. 7.39 with Mk. 16.17; Jn. 20:21-23; Acts 2:38, 8:15-17;10:47;19:6, Gal.3:2; 1 Jn.2:27.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit- These were miraculous powers of the Holy Spirit that the Apostles bestowed upon believers in the days and years between Pentecost and the destruction of Jerusalem for the purpose of establishing and confirming the word. The powers were given "by the laying on of the Apostles hands" or by direct intervention as in the case of Cornelius. The Apostles had all of the gifts and there are examples of the use of them by the Apostles collectively. These gifts are listed in 1 Cor. 12:8-10. Lesser gifts or strong talents may have been given also to build and to establish churches (See 1Cor. 12:28, Rom. 12:6-8, 1 Cor. 14.12-26, 37-39. It is also seen that those who had the gifts of the Holy Spirit could not pass or give gifts unto other believers. Only the Apostles had the power to bestow these gifts. See Acts 8 and study who it was that could and could not give the gifts of the Holy Spirit. See also how it was given. What did Simon want to buy? From whom? In verse 15, was the giving of the gifts, which were to be miraculous powers, referred to as receiving the Holy Spirit? Had they received the Holy Spirit at baptism? Why didn't they? Does the word "receive" suggest that it dealt with miraculous powers? How did they receive the Holy Spirit? Was this miraculous? What then does "receive" mean in Acts 2:38? Is it not also referring to the miraculous? How, by the study of Acts 8, are the believers in Acts 2 to “receive" the Holy Spirit? Does Acts 2:38 refer to a gift of the Holy Spirit that is miraculous or non-miraculous? Is the key to that answer in the word "receive"?
Filled with the Spirit - To fill, complete, be full. Hebrew word is "male" and the Greek word is "pletho" Filled with the Spirit was a temporary miraculous measure of the Holy Spirit given by God to individuals for the purpose of using that person to declare a Devine message of importance to another individual of an audience. A person "Filled with the Spirit" usually (I have found no exception) immediately began proclaiming the Devine message. The manner of operation of the measure is described in Mk. 13:11 and other parallel passages. The references to this measure are found in Ex. 28:3; 31:3; 35:31; Lk. 1:15,41,67; Acts 2:4, 4:8,31; 9:17;13:9. Other places where the word "pletho" is mentioned are. Matt. 27:48; Lk. 4.28; 5:7,26; 6:11; Jn. 19.29, Acts 3:10; 5:17; 13.45; 19:29.
Full of the Spirit-denotes a measure of the Holy Spirit where a person is "led" or "directed" as the Spirit of God dictates. It may be a measure of the Spirit in that God gave this ability only to a select few and it was a measure that may be on the miraculous side as opposed to a non-miraculous measure. Refer to Lk. 4:1 and compare with Lk. 1:14. What does it mean "power" of the Spirit? References are. Deut. 34,9, Micah 3.8 under the Hebrew word "male" and Lk. 4:1, Jn. 1.14; Acts 6:3,5,8; 7:55, 11:24 under the word "pleres".