Natural Conclusions

Proverbs  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  52:45
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Proverbs 30:1-33

Proverbs 30:1–33 LEB
1 The words of Agur, son of Yakeh, the oracle. Thus says the man to Ithiel, to Ithiel, and Ucal: 2 Certainly I am more stupid than a man, and the understanding of humankind is not for me. 3 And I have not learned wisdom, nor will I know knowledge of the Holy One. 4 Who has ascended to heaven and come down? Who has gathered the wind in the hollow of his hand? Who has wrapped water in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name and what is the name of his child? For surely you know. 5 Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield for him who takes refuge in him. 6 Do not add to his words lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar. 7 Two things I ask from you; do not deny me before I die: 8 Keep falsehood and a lying word far from me; do not give me poverty or wealth; provide me with food only for my need. 9 Or else I will be satisfied and will deny him and say “Who is Yahweh?” Or I will be poor and will steal and profane the name of my God. 10 Do not slander a servant to his master, or else he will curse you and you will be guilty. 11 There is a generation that will curse its father, and its mother it will not bless. 12 There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes, but from its filthiness it will not be cleansed. 13 There is a generation—how lofty are their eyes! And their eyelids they will lift. 14 There is a generation whose teeth are swords, and its jawbones, knives, in order to devour the poor from the earth and the needy from humankind. 15 For the leech, there are two daughters; “Give, give!” they cry. As for three of these, they are not satisfied; as for four, they do not say enough. 16 Sheol and barrenness of womb, the land is not satisfied with water, and fire does not say “enough!” 17 The eye that mocks a father and scorns the obedience of a mother— the ravens of the valley will peck it out, and the offspring of vultures will eat it. 18 Three of these are too wonderful for me, and four, I do not understand them: 19 the way of the eagle in the sky, the way of a snake on a rock, the way of a ship in the heart of the sea, and the way of a man with a young woman. 20 This is the way of a woman committing adultery: she eats and wipes her mouth, and says “I have not done wrong.” 21 Under three things the earth trembles, and under four, it is not able to bear up: 22 under a slave when he becomes king, and a fool when he is satisfied with food; 23 under an unloved woman when she gets married, and a maid when she succeeds her mistress. 24 There are four small things on the earth, and they are exceedingly wise: 25 The ants are a people who are not strong, yet they prepare their food in the summer; 26 the badgers are a people who are not mighty, yet they set their house on the rock; 27 there is no king for the locust, yet it marches in rank; 28 a lizard you can seize with hands, yet it is in palaces of kings. 29 There are three things that are magnificent of stride, and four that are magnificent when moving: 30 a mighty lion among the beasts, but he will not turn back from any face; 31 a strutting rooster or he-goat, and a king whose army is with him. 32 If you have been foolish by exalting yourself, and if you have devised evil, put your hand to your mouth. 33 For pressing milk produces curd, and pressing the nose produces blood, so pressing anger produces strife.


An understanding of Limitations

Human intelligence

Godly intelligence

A prayer of restraint

Restraint of God

By His Word

Through His Word

Because of His Word

Restraint of Finances



Restraint of deception and manipulation


The warning is of insinuation or to insinuate that a slave is not performing to the task which he or she has been commanded to perform.


The four generations of life

1. Generation of Protest

(1946-64-65; 2011-2024)



Suspicious of Authority

2. Generation of Prevarication





3. Generation of Pride



Self: Esteem/Respect

Me Too Movement

4. Generation of Poison

(1925-1945; 1998-2011)

Me Too Movement


Non Religious


3 things that are never satisfied and 4 that will never receive enough

Sheol - Holding place

Barrenness of the womb

Water for the land



A very graphic description of the consequence when parents are no longer honored.


3 things that cause and arouse speculation and admiration, 4 things that make no sense

Eagle soaring

Snake getting up on the rock

Ship in the middle of Sea

The actions of man in front of a woman he “loves”

The delusion of a married woman sleeping around and does not understand the sinfulness of her action.


3 things that causes universal fear and 4 that destroys the foundations of belief

Person being mastered to become the master

Fool becomes a rich

A contentious woman finds a husband

When a husband has an affair with a servant girl


4 of the smallest creatures, but have great wisdom

ants - not strong so they gather food throughout the year

badgers - not mighty yet they have the capability of digging through rock

locust - one of the most destructive creatures even though there is no single leader

lizards - one of the easiest creatures to catch, but cannot seem to remove them from places


3 creatures with great strides and 4 that have a majestic movement

Lion - does not retreat

Rooster - Struts

Billy Goat - Shows off

King - When he knows that his army will follow his leadership


A foolish consequence is usually the result of a foolish decision, or a decision that is made without observation, research, or understanding of the circumstance and situation. A lack of restraint leads to making foolish decisions, and suffer serve consequences.

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