Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time



floor and capstone
Utterly transcendent, yet completely imminent
Alpha and Omega
If look at him as sun, blinding and too much for us
if light produce, practically nothing and more interested in things it is shinning on


Depending on how look can misjudge
We misjudge stature
expected, cheap
lofty, beyond us, fantasy
neither cheap nor beyond tho expected and lofty
As first reading shows
Universe is but a spec of dust
but upholds even the lowest of things

God is Being

Rational implications far stretching
Catholicism often was accused by Luther and protestants with polluting Scripture w/ rational Greek philosophy
perhaps one of reason they removed that book from Scripture (because its full of Greek philosophy),
but even older books of the Bible contain this truth: God is Being, thus like the sun and common place light.
no thought without
literally nothing w/o
everywhere holding everything
w/o any limitation
perfection itself as no way to be greater
can understand infinity means unlimited, but when we grasp vast universe is less than a speck…blinding
We easily think God has no time for our little lives or treat God as something too cheap.

Think of Zaccheus

Though on his mighty journey to save mankind
intend to pass thru
Short in stature tries just to see him
realizes he will dwell with him
See how the almighty dwells with the lowly and rejected despite being about a great journey?
most close to the lowly.
For us:
ever think something in your life not important enough for God to consider?
Knows you far more than you yourself
numbers even the hairs on our heads.
true should put our values in place, but if we should think about it invite God into it too.

Yet too common too

Take for granted like the light of the sun or air we breath
who would trade for gold?
take either away and we are goners
yet God is far more essential and infinitely more valuable than those
For us:
Do we respect God, or just chummy with him?
treat with awe and mystery too
especially in Mass
show as much honor and effort to God as we would a judge in court; a great leader at an banquet?
where call Lord of universe to transform the common bread wine


God at once the highest and most present to us
The universe itself is less than a spec of dust next to Him, but
cares for the lowest of us all, no stature or reputation being too small.
Never feel neglected, even in the smallest of things, but recognize the greatness of the one who loves so commonly as to uphold our very existence


Sacra Pagina:
does suggest he already is one who does good but is misjudged in stature
Church Fathers
Zach stood above the law
Wisdom says God loves all things only according to their nature
nothign, is hated by God
God causes all that is in existence
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