Throat Punch and BBQ - Initiative

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Why are we doing the Throat Punch and BBQ?

To open up the opportunity to talk about some subjects that are really needed to take men to the next step in their walk with GOD, their spouses, their children, their employment, and their purpose.
Why 18+
Because their are some subjects that we will deal with that are not fair to have in front of children that don‘t need to have this part of their heart opened up to these subjects. I need to talk with you about some dangers that if I’m honest my boys don’t know they will face. The issue is not that we are going to deal with mature material everytime, but when that time comes we can flinch we can’t pull punches. Truthfully their are errors that I keep seeing our men make that I don’t point out in front of your wives. And their are some things you need to deal with, without the concern that your son wouldn’t understand.
Why members only?
This isn’t an outreach. IF this were an outreach then I would need to bring the gospel for this is the only thing the lost man needs. I don’t think it wise to try to help a lost man with life modulation or correction. It is better for him to have his soul dealt with before. He has no grasp of the Grace of God to bring victory. So he will always be attempting what is spoken about here in his own strength.
This is a church thing. There are benefits to church membership. Being a member of SKBC has benefits and there are things you will have available to you that are not made available to the whole community.
There is a need. Whether or not you realize it there is a need for men in hte chutch to have some face to face time. We are a brethren. I don’t like some of these guys. Right just like real life brohters you don’t get to pick. But we are called to face life together and we will face down our enemy shoulder to shoulder.
There is a time for face to face when it comes to men. Then there is a time for shoulder to shoulder. We do the face to face stuff. But then there Will be some time for shoulder to shoulder. We are already planning some time for us to work together to see some good things accomplished. I’ll expect you to be there. What you are seeing here tonight is not the full demosntration of manhood. There are also times of gentle service. If you plug into the Throat Punch and BBQ you will experience all of it.
TEXT: genesis 1:26-28
Genesis 2:1-18
Number 1 article on Time. Com had an article that showed that girls preferred pink. There is no chapter and verse. Why? Studies say that human beings prefer blue. But women inclined toward a redder blue. Across barriers women liked pink. They say it is because women had to find the pink berries. And as the men went hunting they were finding the berries.
1. Understand that distinctiveness in the roles is not a result of the fall. God guarantees satisfaction only as you live your role in your life.
A.  Man's Role
Care for Creation
Preservation of Obedience to the one Law
Cleave to His Wife
B.   Women's Role
Help in the work
To follow your husband into the work
Provide more hands to get in the work
C.   Correct thinking about the role.
Man's Work Came from God The Woman can tend to think that her job is less important because she has to follow this man. But if a woman is following a man that is following God she also follows God.
It is not fulfilling for everyone running around fulfilling the same role. There must be a cover on the work and one on the help.
D. The Man's Spirit
Man is to take initiative in providing Direction and Protection Man must take initiative in providing the Leadership and Protection.
How is a man to conduct his spirit
Everyman needs a battle to fight an adventure to live and
a beauty to rescue. - John Eldridge
There is a difference between the sexes.
Men must know how to defend
Have you noticed men like to hit things Sports - Golf, Baseball, Football, How do you storm Normandy without being fierce Men like guns Men like knives Men like explosives
There isn't a man worth his salt that wouldn't buy
a bazooka if he could get his hands on it.
We couldn't get them to explode but we still would try to shoot cats with the potato guns.
The book that I have gotten for my boys when they are older is the "Backyard Balistics". I want my boys to know how to properly build the fun stuff. The Dangerous book for boy is on my Book List for my boys which came out of England somewhere and is full of Dangerous Stuff that reminds us of the masculine things.
I tell my wife not to keep our boys from pain and from getting hurt. I don't want wimpy boys. I have stopped my wife from taking the boys out of dangerous situations. Someday they will get cut and have stitches. They need to know how to take pain.
Someday I may need them how to protect my or his family. He
needs to know how to take a bat or a gun and get a job done.
He will get hurt and bleed and bleed a lot and won't get a bunch
of time to cry about it.
Real men can be dangerous, but this world needs dangerous men.
We must take initiative
We were told growing up that we couldn't start a fight but if someone started with us we had better let them no they were tangling with a man.
This is one of the areas that I beg God to grow me in. We must look at everything through spiritual eyes. Guys if your wife is taking the initiative spiritually you are blurring the gender line. If your wife is leading the family spiritually you are no man in the spiritual realm. Some men in this church have wives who are godly women and they need a worthy man to lead them. You need to study this book and have answers for your wife.
Be smart. We have reach a point where Christian men are viewed as being the dumb or out of touch community. Men should be reading growing learning. Get a book and apply yourself. Learn and grow. Your wife is going to have questions and where are you getting your answers.
I can't stand to here boys or men whine and complain Men fix things not whine about things. Don't wear your emotions on your sleeves. Great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them. Deal with it like a man or take the lumps.
E. A Woman's Spirit
A Woman is to receive Direction and Protection. Anything else blurrs the lines.
A woman may say that it isn't fair that the woman must submit to the husband. But can I tell you that everyone is required to submit. If you don't wish to submit to a man than don't expect your husband to submit to a man and keep a job. Men must submit to Christ. Christ submits himself to God.
In our culture today when a woman today wants to express femininity today a dress does that. I want to tread lightly here. A woman is very conscious about how she looks. When a woman wears a dress today you are reminded about femininity today especially.
Hilary Cliinton says herself that the pantsuits she wears because "I cannot express authority except for what I wear"
Great controversy
Think about when people are most concerned about gender. When they are going to the bathroom. You have got to get that right. You don't want to pick the wrong bathroom. And when it is critical to get it right they us a dress to identify a woman and pants to men.
There are those that have decided not to follow the stream of culture and put pants on women. Women and men who said that this isn't for them.
Think logically,
There is a move today that I could not have seen coming 20 years ago. But we are in a day when it is “wrong” to address people by the wrong pronoun.
It is silly to me that we are not allowed to assume someones gender. There are those that refuse to accept male or female as a binary option. They have “endless” genders. This is being courted in the universities of today.
In Canada and in England it is punishable to fail to refer to people by their chosen pronoun. What is this it is an abandonment of the lessons of Nature.
1 Corinthians 11:14 KJV 1900
Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?
If a man came in here with a skirt most would have a problem with that. We would say that isn't right and we don't want that developing in our community. I have seen this three times in my life. And it is growing. Your view of that is what was the attitude was 50 years ago.
The only way we can understand is to take your attitude about that MiS and apply it to a woman who has changed her article of clothing.
Do you want someone calling you a biblical maniac or legalistic because you don't want a man with a skirt. You don't want to be labeled narrow minded because we wouldn't let a man hold an office in this church who wore a skirt in his own time.
There are those that have not gone with the standard out there that put pants on woman because we decided not to move.
Genesis 1:28; 2:8
The truth is most of us THINK we know what being a man is all about, but we just cannot to find the right words which would DEFINE what a man is. Honestly, how can we become what we can’t even define? Furthermore, how can we develop our young boys into men, if we don’t have a description of manhood?
A person does not have to be a “rocket scientist” to realize this country, this culture, and the church is in desperate need of some real men. That is, men who clearly, completely, and even courageously understand that, as a man, they are made by the hand of God, in the image of God, with the divine responsibility given to them by God himself to chart the course for life, their families, their culture, and their world.
The Corrupt Picture of Jesus – There are many, if not most today, who have a totally inaccurate or corrupted view of the type of man Jesus was. Some will think of those who say, “He’s not virgin born,” “He’s not the Son of God,” or “He didn’t rise from the dead.” While these views of Jesus are indeed corrupt and non-Biblical, these are views largely held outside of the church. The truly corrupt view comes from inside the church. For years we sang the great ole spiritual, “Sweet Little Jesus boy.” Certainly, as a baby (as all babies are) Jesus was a sweet child. Guess what, He grew into a man. Somehow, we refuse to let Him out of the manger. In the previously mentioned book, “No More Christian Nice Guy”, Paul Coughlin entitles chapter 2, “Jesus the bearded woman.” He opens this chapter with a couple of quotes. First, he quotes Charles Spurgeon, “There has got abroad a notion somehow, that if you become a Christian you must sink your manliness and turn milksop.” He then quotes a woman. She is Dorothy Sayers, “We have efficiently pared the claws of the Lion of Judah, certified Him as a fitting household pet for pale curates and pious old ladies.”
I submit to you that this corrupted picture of Jesus as being the “ultimate nice guy” is the very thing which turns the average man “off” to becoming and being a believer in Jesus. Truth is, the average man is already fighting for his masculinity and the thought of being a part of a belief system which divests him of whatever he has left is not something he’s about to embrace.
This corrupt picture of Jesus logically leads to a corrupted picture of manhood. For instance, it is a modern day thought that women are more spiritual than men. This is generally accepted as truth. Yet, there exist not one scripture to support this belief and it defies logic. God made both the masculine & feminine hearts to be spiritual.
Point in fact is this, men express their faith and their spirituality differently than do women. The heart of Jesus, once again, is our example.
The Correct Picture of Jesus – Consider some truths about Jesus which can apply to us and help us become Godly, Biblical, and real men.
a) Jesus was not above losing His cool on things that mattered. John 2:13-17 gives the story of Jesus cleansing the temple. Candidly, we tend to gloss over the fact that He took a whip to these who were desecrating the house of God. The real issue is found in verse 17 where it says, “It is written.” The man Jesus, was all about protecting the word & workings of God.” Do you know this is the call of a man? To be on guard at all times.
b) Jesus was not above pointing out sin and sinners. He backed down from no one. For the sake of time, let’s consider one example. In Matthew 22, the Pharisees, Sadducees, and other leaders (in other words, the entire ministerial association) are attempting to test, try and trap Jesus with questions of “doctrine.” After answering their questions, we read His response in chapter 23. He calls repeatedly calls them hypocrites, blind fools, snakes, vipers, and the like. Truthfully, if we study and get inside the emotion of Jesus at this point, we might say, “HE wasn’t even acting ‘Christian’”.
c) Jesus was not above showing emotion. After catching the emotion of His words in the first 36 verses of this chapter, read verses 37 and following. You can find both the tender & tough.
He’s tender when He says, “How often I wanted to gather you,”
and He’s tough with, “you were not willing, so you are left desolate.”
Given an honest study of His life, Jesus exhibited all kinds of emotions, joy, sadness, anger, frustration, excitement, and so on. Men, it is very godly and manly to display emotions the way in which Jesus did. How did He know this? His divinity?
d) Jesus always stood on eternal truth. From the time of His recorded temptations all through His life, His response to whatever came His way was based on His knowledge of eternity. Men, what truth do we stand on? Better yet, what truth have we been “taught” to stand on? Our heritage, our daddy’s values, our mom’s concepts? Here is the shame on us; most of us have spent so little time on knowing eternal truth, that our knowledge of this truth is shaky at best. The reason Jesus could lose His cool and not sin was because He knew what was righteous & what was not.
e) Jesus always knew when to apply grace. I’m thinking of two women who encountered Jesus. Either one could have served as an object lesson for ungodly living.
In John 4, Jesus reached out to the woman at the well with grace.
In John 8, Jesus is confronted with the woman caught in the very act of adultery. The religious leaders are at it again. Can you imagine what Jesus must have been thinking as they unveiled the embarrassing and condemning story? He was obviously disturbed as He knelt down to write in the dirt. Certainly, He would not condone this sin, but He also saw through the motivation of the leaders. His answer? Take care of the accusers and extend grace to the sinner. “Go & sin no more.”
f) Jesus always knew where His strength came from. Men, this may be where we miss the boat. Too often we think we are “self-made.” So our arrogance gets the best of us. The result is that we become loners. In His example we know that Jesus got His strength from the Father. Mark 1:37 shows this to us.
Every time Jesus got an opportunity, He spent time in prayer. When He cast out the demon in Mark 9 He made it clear that our power, authority, and strength only comes by “Prayer & Fasting.”
Now we have looked at the corrupt and correct picture of Jesus. In the process we have verbalized some things which we may not have thought about before. Here’s the truth; Jesus is the epitome of a real man. So, to understand what a man is, let see;
In other words to God aggression, anger, and stability are not a man thing they are a tool to be used by men to do a work.
3. The Complete Picture of Jesus – In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul compares Adam and Jesus. In fact, he refers to the first man Adam and the last Adam. So the question becomes, “Which man am I like?” Turn with me to Genesis 3.
Consider the garden:
Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Genesis 2:8 KJV 1900
And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
There are many things to note if we are to understand this teaching. First, God created man first and gave to Him the responsibility to lead. The woman was created from the rib of Adam as someone suited exactly to his needs. One of Adams responsibilities was to protect her. That remains a male responsibility even today.
In Genesis 3, we find Adam bailing out on His responsibility. When the serpent came calling, Adam went passive. He was not on the other side of the garden, He was there with her. At the time she needed His leadership and strength, he abandoned his role as leader and protector. And not only that, he became the follower. Additionally, when God came calling and asking questions, Adams started a new game, “the blame game.” He began with “the woman.” Not my fault God, she did it, and in fact God (the blame shifts again), the woman YOU gave me. Now it was God’s fault. Not to be out done the woman follows her man’s lead, “it was the serpent.” That is why the fall of man is referred to as Adam’s sin. It is easy to identify his sin as passivity, not taking responsibility and leading, & not seeing the future of obedience versus disobedience.
In Matthew 26, we find Jesus demonstrating manhood to the fullest. In the garden, under tremendous emotional stress, weakened by not eating, Jesus faced the most difficult time in His life. What did He do? He prayed. He submitted to the Heavenly Father. When Judas came, what was Jesus’ response? When Peter took a sword to fight, what did Jesus do? How was His response different than Adams? Let see.
First, He rejected being passive. His prayer wasn’t, “Father, I’m out of here. This is too painful, too hard, or too much to ask.” He submitted to the role the Father ordained Him to perform.
Next, He accepted His responsibility. His attitude was expressed in the “not my will, but thy will be done.” He accepted the fact that the call of the Father out ranked any personal or preferred desires He might have.
Next, He led courageously. Peter, put away your sword. Now is not the time. His focus was on the bigger picture. In mind of Jesus, He was focused on the salvation of the world.
Finally, He expected God’s reward. Jesus had spent so much time with the Father in prayer that He instinctively knew that God’s way was best.
On this Father’s day men, in these four truths we discover the Biblical definition of manhood.
A man rejects passivity, accepts responsibility, leads courageously, and expects a greater reward, God’s reward.
We will never make this a reality in our lives without a personal walk with Jesus Christ. It won’t happen if our relationship to Christ is simply fellowshipping with the guys, high-fiving our friends, having a good time together, and playing horseshoes on the church grounds. Please listen, all these can be a part of a dynamic life for Christ, but---It must begin with a commitment to Christ. The requirement is to believe in Him, to become like Him, and to be bold for Him.
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