Getting the Table Right

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Participation at the Table is to reflect Unity of Fellowship


Open: Not sure at this point.

READ the Text: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Why is the Church receiving correction? (1 Corinthians 11:17-22)

Explanation: Paul is very direct in this section of his letter to the Corinthians. He tells them what they are doing in regards to the Lord’s Supper is NOT praiseworthy at all! He tells them that it would almost be better to not even observe the Table because by their actions they are actually making the worship of the Church worse.
They were guilty of dividing themselves into “special groups” instead of being one family. In Corinth some of the groups were based on their favorite preacher (cf. 1 Cor. 1:10-13); some of the groups were split between the “haves” / and the “have nots;” and the final division was between the genuine believers and the unbelievers!
Illustrate: When W.A. Criswell became pastor of FBC Dallas, a group of ladies would stay in their SS class during preaching and listen on the radio to old recorded sermons of their previous pastor.
Argument: That sounds almost humorous, but it’s only because it was a long time ago and it involves people we don’t know. When the divisions are in the present and involve people in our circle of relationship it is much more serious.
Members at Smyrna might say, “we don’t have any divisions in the Church,” and in one sense that is correct. Those of you who remained are a close group. But what about others? Are we open to new folks who enter our fellowship? Do we make them feel welcome?
Application: Be intentional in welcoming guests in our worship. Keep some open slots in your personal relationship settings. Be willing to move outside your comfort zone.

What is involved in the Observance of the Lord’s Supper? (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)

Explanation: Paul has chastised the Church members for the sloppy and irreverent manner in which they were approaching the Lord’s Table. Following his rebuke of their actions, he directs their attention to the substance of the Communion service. Paul is giving emphasis to the serious nature of this segment of worship by reminding them of its importance to their lives as individuals and the spiritual health and well-being of their fellowship.

The observance of the Table is a Divine Directive, not an addition by humans.

Paul informs them that the Table Ordinance came in the form of Revelation from God - he “received from the Lord”

The observance of the Table is a vivid reminder of the total sacrifice by Jesus on our behalf

The language reminds us that Jesus suffered the Cross for others. Jesus said, “This is My body, which is for you. The magnitude of His action, His expression of Unconditional Love should capture our hearts and our minds. This is a serious business

The observance of the Table is meaningful for believers in a local body because it is the foundation of our fellowship

In its pure form, Church membership is to be limited to those who have been regenerated. No local Church has ever achieved this, but the foundation for genuine believers remains the same: we share a bond through individual faith in the same finished work of Christ on the Cross. This is why Jesus told His followers to observe His Supper “in remembrance of Me.” He used this phrase after the giving of the bread (v. 24) and He repeated the same phrase after the giving of the cup (v. 25). The remembering emphasizes the reality of salvation for the individual who is participating.
Each believer entered the Kingdom through repentance of sin and receiving the gift of salvation. None of us did anything to earn our salvation; All of us are equally in debt to the Saviour - this reality prevents us from thinking we are better than anyone else.
We are each equally blessed to be a member of the Kingdom and a member of a local church. The Table reminds us that we are to encourage and prayer one for another, not to be torn apart by division

The Observance of the Table is also a Celebration and should bring a shared joy in the fellowship

Jesus also told His followers that He would Return to set up His Kingdom and bring His people to be united with Him. There is a promise contained within the Observance of the Supper. Partaking of the Elements should bring to mind the promise of His return. In v. 26 we are commanded to continue to celebrate the Table “til He comes” and in the Gospel accounts Jesus also mentions a future observance when He will once again participate with His disciples in the Father’s House (Matt 26:29; Mark 14:25; Luke 222:16, 18)

1 Cor 11:27-34 1 Cor 11:27-34)

Explanation: After giving an elaboration of the Table and its significance in the life of the Church, Paul returns to the problem of how the Corinthians were disrespecting God’s worship. He issues a stern warning against their behavior by telling them those who partake of the Supper in an unworthy manner bring judgment upon themselves. He tells them it is necessary for each of them to perform a spiritual self-exam before they partake, and in this manner they will be able to avoid the judgment God was bringing on them as a result of their unworthiness.
Argument: Observing the Supper through participation is a wonderful experience for the child of God. It is one of the highest expressions of worship and it can be richly rewarding. It can also result in serious negative consequences such as sickness, weakness, and even physical death when done in an unworthy manner.
The language is meant to be understood in a literal manner, and not to be lessened in meaning through a “spiritual” understanding of the text. It is therefore, important for us to understand what is meant by the phrase “an unworthy manner.”
Borrowing from MacArthur, it can mean:
By taking Communion in an irrelevant manner - being flippant and nonchalant - not a big deal
By taking Communion as a performance instead of worship - by making a show of the level of spirituality involved. “Look at how spiritual I am” kind of thing
By taking Communion as a ritual - idea of just by going through the actions a spiritual blessing has been given, regardless of attitude
By taking Communion with an unforgiving attitude toward another
When we come to the Table of the Lord in these ways, we invite the judgement of God upon our lives. God CAN and DOES chastise (discipline) His children. While there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1) we are not protected from the consequences of our thoughts and /or actions when they violate God’s express commands
Before moving to the Table it is a good to take time for each of us to perform the spiritual self-examination Paul discusses in v. 28. The individual results are personal, but the categories of outcome are general.
Category 1 - Free to partake and celebrate the Goodness of God
Category 2 - Experiencing the conviction from the Holy Spirit and willing to repent and then partake
Category 3 - Experiencing the conviction from the Holy Spirit regarding an issue of sin or a relationship that is fractured. Not free to partake without being placed in the unworthy category. You need to pass
Category 4 - You are not regenerate. You are not a believer and this observance is not meaningful to you because you haven’t been delivered from you sin debt. You need to pass. The Good News of the Gospel is that if the Holy Spirit is revealing your lost condition you can be saved this morning
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