I John 3.1-11
Napoleon wasn't short? Bananas don't grow on trees? Here, the world's most contagious myths and misconceptions—debunked. Readers Digest
Behold means that God wants to see this love and He is not ashamed to show it to us. “ ‘There,’ he says, ‘you poor people that love me you sick people, you unknown, obscure people, without any talent, I have published it before heaven and earth, and made the angels know it, that you are my children, and I am not ashamed of you. I glory in the fact that I have taken you for my sons and daughters.’ ” (Spurgeon)
But lawlessness is more than the absence of God’s law for John. It is a willful rejection and an active disobedience against God’s moral standard, which is a characteristic of the child of the devil
From all indications the apostle is dealing with individuals who are indifferent to sin. They believed that they could engage in any and all kinds of sinful activities and still be in fellowship with God