The Word Of God Triumphs Over The Forces Of Darkness
Sermon Tone Analysis
Imagine with me that you’ve been given your dream job.
Then imagine that less than 24 hours later, you’re pushed out.
Imagine that all of this took place publicly, with your face on the front page of newspapers announcing you’ve been fired and the reason for it.
And - imagine that you’re firing took place not because of lack of skills or experience, but because you’re a Christian.
This is exactly what happened to a man in Australia named Andrew Thornburg. They said the new leader would provide stability. That stability lasted last than one full day. The reason? He is a member of a church there in Melbourne. Once his church membership was discovered, some folks went and listened to some sermons that were archived on the website of the church. In the sermons it was clear that this church holds to a biblical worldview when it comes to gender and sexual orientation.
Here’s what the chief political officer of the province of Victoria said about this guy once his church membership was discovered: "Those views are absolutely appalling. I don't support those views, that kind of intolerance, that kind of hatred... bigotry. It is just wrong." [, accessed November 5, 2022]
And let me just say one thing that is so important and I would never preach a sermon on this without saying it: We do believe that homosexual sexual expression is a sin. It is a sin.
But it is not an unforgivable sin. And it is not a sin that is fundamentally any worse than other sins. The men and women who struggle with homosexuality are not “perverted” anymore than any other sinner is. They are broken, just like you and just like me. They need Jesus and they need our compassion — not because they’re gay but because they’re sinners. Before the cross, we stand beside and with them and there is no major difference between us.
No one goes to hell for being gay. We go to hell for not accepting God’s offer of forgiveness in Christ, and that’s something that applies to each and over one of us, homosexual or not.
Church, we will not be able to avoid taking a stand on this forever. Opposition is coming. Whether we’re ready or not depends on the work we’re willing to start doing now. How are we to think and respond when our message of salvation in Christ alone by grace alone through faith alone is challenged and opposed? Our text this morning helps equip us for this.
#1: God wants a relationship with people from every nation, and He uses the preaching of His word to reveal Himself
#1: God wants a relationship with people from every nation, and He uses the preaching of His word to reveal Himself
Let’s take those two statements apart one at a time.
God wants a relationship with people from every nation. How do we see that in the text? This story features Paul and Barnabas setting out on the mission trip that the church in Antioch had sent them on. But was it just the church that sent them out? Were they acting independent of God? No, look at verse 4: “So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia.” God sends them on this missionary journey.
And where does he send them? The church has been increasingly moving outward from Jerusalem. Every episode in Acts pushes the early believers out further and further away from the center of Israelite worship and into lands filled with people who are alienated from God, who are lost. The Holy Spirit sends them out to nations of people who don’t know God, and God wants a relationship with them.
Friend, do you know God wants a relationship with you? He doesn’t just want you to come to church and check your boxes: went to worship? check. Sunday Morning Bible Study? check. Got my Bible with me? Check. Invited my friend to church? Check.
No, God you to do all of those things, but first He wants your heart. Parents, you want your kids’ hearts. Grandparents, you want your grandkids’ hearts. How many of you would be heartbroken if you thought your kids and grandkids were just checking boxes with you and their heart wasn’t in it? God wants you more than He wants what you do.
In fact, the Bible even tells us that God wants relationship with us so much that He has arranged all the circumstances of our lives to draw us into that relationship with HIm. Look with me at Acts 17:26-27.
And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us,
God wants a relationship with you, even you — people from every background, from every nation. And — He wants to use the preaching and teaching of His word to draw you into that relationship.
From Antioch, they set out to Seleucia on the coast, then to the island of Cyprus, and then they finally landed at a place on that island called Salamis. What’s the first thing they do when they get there? Verse 5: “When they arrived at Salamis, they proclaimed the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews.”
This is why God has commanded pastors to preach. “Preach the word”, Paul told Timothy in his second letter to him, “in season and out of season” (2Tim. 4:2 ESV). Preaching isn’t just some guy getting to share his own thoughts and his own wisdom. The preaching of the word of God, preaching from the Bible, that is God’s choice method for drawing you and I into relationship with Him and keeping us in relationship with Him. That’s why preaching is so important. That’s why I always take a text in the Bible and preach what that text says. That’s why we do this Sunday after Sunday. You need it and so do I.
God wants a relationship with people from every nation, every background, and He uses His preached word to accomplish that.
But there’s a problem. The problem? The preaching of God’s word will be opposed by the forces of darkness who want to keep people from knowing Him.
#2: The preaching of God’s word is opposed by the forces of darkness to keep people from knowing Him
#2: The preaching of God’s word is opposed by the forces of darkness to keep people from knowing Him
Where do we see that in the text? Look with me at verses 6-7: “When they had gone through the whole island as far as Paphos, they came upon a certain magician, a Jewish false prophet whose name was Bar-Jesus. He was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, a man of intelligence, who summoned Barnabas and Saul and sought to hear the word of God.”
And the thing that Luke focuses in on for us is a man who has totally bought into all this demonic influence and his name is Bar-Jesus.
Who is Bar-Jesus?
His name = “son of Jesus”
A “quack” magician who profited off his “magic”
Also a Jew
Also a false prophet
He represents Satanic forces which oppose the salvation of souls
There’s a slide on your screen about Bar-Jesus. The best way to think about Bar-Jesus is this: think of Benny Hinn with his “healings”. Then sprinkle in a little bit of David Copperfield with his magic, and then a dash of Kenneth Copeland or Joel Osteen. And what you wind up with is a guy who peddled so-called magic that was really just religious superstition masquerading as real spiritual power when it reality he is a fraud, a channel for the sinister dealings of Satan and in it just for the money.
And the money explains why he gets so upset at what happens next. Look at verse 7: “He was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, a man of intelligence...” It seems the magician has managed to attach himself to this proconsul.
But Bar-Jesus is threatened. What is he threatened by? The proconsul seems to be buying the message of Paul and Barnabas. The magician is thinking: “I cannot let that happen.” Why can’t he let that happen?
Because Bar-Jesus needs him.
The proconsul was in charge of the entire province. He is the guy that the Roman Senate has placed there and delegated to rule in their stead. He’s powerful; he’s wealthy; he knows people. Bar-Jesus the magician needs people like that. So he’s attached himself to the proconsul. Kind of like how politicians want the endorsement of the New York Times or the Washington Post. The proconsul gives the magician credibility, right? Credibility goes a long way.
So why is Bar-Jesus afraid to losing him? The proconsul is eager to hear the gospel! There is an intensity to his search. Maybe he’s heard snippets of the message. And he wants more.
Well, that’ll mean the end of support from proconsul. Why? Because to whatever degree the proconsul was involved in the magic of Bar-Jesus, he’ll have to give it up. Let’s change that phrasing: he’ll want to give it up. It’s an alternative way to enlightenment. It’s a false Savior. It’s a poor Savior. It’s a way of trying to use the power of God apart from relationship with God. And the proconsul is about to find out that Jesus is so much better!
Verse 8 tells us: “But Elymas the magician (for that is the meaning of his name) opposed them, seeing the turn the proconsul away from the faith.” The magician seems to know that if there is ultimately a contest between his magic and the power of God to save, a contest between the darkness and manipulation of magic against the beauty and love and grace and power of God, he will lose. And so he opposes that. Sets himself against it. With all his might tries to prevent it. The text doesn’t tell us how he tries to oppose it, but the picture here is of opposing or hindering something by actively applying pressure (LN).
Important takeaway:
The opposition that comes from the magician here is not ultimately from him. The preaching of God’s word is opposed by the forces of darkness to keep people from knowing Him.
And here’s what we need to note, church. The opposition that comes from the magician here is not ultimately from him. The preaching of God’s word is opposed by the forces of darkness to keep people from knowing Him.
[SLIDE: 2COR 10:3-5]
For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,
I’m going to make a statement and to the degree to which you agree with the statement, I want you to raise your hand and give me a shouted amen. Here’s the statement. Are you ready? Life is hard.
Riveting, I know. But it is.
We live in a fallen world
Life is hard for everyone
Christianity is hard for the Christian
We will experience the same trials as non-Christians but with the addition of spiritual warfare and persecution
The Bible teaches this in so many places we’d never have time to get to them all. Paul teaches this in 2Tim 3:12.
[SLIDE: 2TIM 3:12]
Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,
Jesus Himself teaches this same thing in John 16:33.
[SLIDE: JOHN 16:33]
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
Listen to what this pastor has to say. This Kent Hughes, author and pastor. He wrote Disciplines of a Godly Man and Disciplines of a Godly Family.
Acts—The Church Afire (Opposition to the Church Militant (Vv. 6–8))
There is a cost to sincere service for Christ. Never share your faith and you will never look like a fool. Never stand for righteousness on a social issue and you will never be rejected. Never walk out of a theater because a movie or play is offensive and you will never be called a prig. Never practice consistent honesty in business and you will not lose the trade of a not-so-honest associate. Never reach out to the needy and you will never be taken advantage of. Never give your heart and it will never be broken. Never go to Cyprus and you will never be subjected to a dizzy, heart-convulsing confrontation with Satan. Seriously follow Christ and you will experience a gamut of sorrows almost completely unknown to the unbeliever. But of course you will also know the joy of adventure with the Lord of the universe and of spiritual victory as you live a life of allegiance to him.For Saul and Barnabas, the battle was on.
We know opposition will come. Jesus warned us. We see it in our world and particularly in places where Christians are severely persecuted. It is real. Persecution and opposition are not primitive holdouts left over from non-enlightened times. We have not experienced persecution in this country, but that’s not normal. Persecution is normal. But Jesus is greater. The word of God is stronger. The gospel will prevail. God’s kingdom will endure. “On this rock I will build my church,” Jesus declared, “and the gates of hell will not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18 ESV). And He will be with us every step of the way. “And lo, I am with you, always” Jesus promised, “to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:20 ESV).
When Shannon and I lived in DC, my car got broken into. Usually I took the Metro train to the building where my office was in downtown Washington. But sometimes I would drive in if I was running late or otherwise needed access to my car. It was $10 a day to park, which is alot, but in Washington that’s pretty cheap for a whole day’s parking.
We were supposed to drive back home to North Carolina that night for our wedding shower, I think. I got my stuff together and took the elevator down to the street and confidently walked to the next block to get in my car. Except when I got to my car, the rear driver’s side window was smashed in. I
’m standing there and I’m surveying the carnage. My radio had been ripped out of the console and there were wires hanging out into the car. My CD case was gone. Probably someone desperate for drug money knew they could get a couple hundred bucks for the car radio and CDs. I always thought it was funny that 95% of the CDs were either Christian music or classical music; he probably wasn’t counting on that. Maybe he listened to the CDs and the Lord used it in his life. I don’t know.
I do know that it surprised me. But it shouldn’t have surprised me. Washington, DC is a dangerous city. We know that generally, crimes like theft have higher rates there than in smaller cities. My car had been sitting for 9 hours in an exposed parking lot without a gate or a fence. It was usually a safe place because the area of downtown I worked in was generally safe. But thefts happen, and that day they happened to me. I shouldn’t have been surprised.
So how do we handle opposition as believers?
How to handle opposition:
Don’t be surprised by opposition
Don’t be offended by opposition
Don’t be afraid of opposition
Don’t give up amid opposition
The preaching of God’s word is opposed by the forces of darkness to keep people from knowing Him.
But there’s good news, and it’s where we go next.
#3: Though opposition may prevail for a while, God will triumph over the forces of darkness by His word
#3: Though opposition may prevail for a while, God will triumph over the forces of darkness by His word
The word of the gospel confronts the idols of men’s hearts. But the word of God is more than up to the task. God will triumph over the forces of darkness by His word.
Where do we see that in the text? We see it in Paul’s response to the magician. The magician tries to keep the proconsul from hearing the gospel. That really amounts to the magician trying to prevent the proconsul from finding salvation, from coming to God.
Look at what Paul says in response, verses 9-11: “But Saul, who was also called Paul” — that’s the first time Saul is called Paul in Acts and he is never called Saul against after this point — “Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit” — and thus given a spirit of boldness, confidence, zeal, holy love for this man — “filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him and said, ‘You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord? And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you will be blind and unable to see the sun for a time.’ Immediately mist and darkness fell upon him, and he went about seeking people to lead him by the hand” (Acts 13:9-11 ESV).
Paul’s rebuke of the magician (v. 10)
“Son of the devil”
“Enemy of all righteousness”
“Full of deceit and villany”
Translation: Stop opposing the good work of God!
How would you describe his response? Bold? Yes. Zealous? Yes. Biblical? Yes. Harsh? Let’s be honest, yes. How about loving?
Why was Paul so harsh toward the magician?
Paul was full of zeal for God and love for men, not hate
He sees thru to the Satanic forces operating through the man
It was intended to help the magician repent and be saved
Hindering someone’s salvation is a serious thing
And we should assume that the magician probably did repent and come to the Lord. But we know Paul’s response worked. God used it. The word of God triumphed over the forces of darkness, because the proconsul heard the message, trusted Christ savingly, and was born again.
Friends, some people will be open to God’s word. Even in the last days of the last days there will be lost who are saved. Church hear me on this: what happens in Washington, DC is not in the slightest a hindrance to God and the progress of His gospel. When the gospel goes out from the church, those who hear it are divided into two groups: those who ultimately respond to it with faith, and those who do not. So it has always been, and so it will always be until the end. Why do I remind you of this? We need balance. Too many of us talk about things in our world and in our country as if they’re so bad that not even God can do much to work against it. Friends, those thoughts and those words are idolatrous for us and they are unworthy of God.
Listen to what the prophet Isaiah has to say about the power of God’s word. Notice in this text that there is not a hint of uncertainty.
“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven
and do not return there but water the earth,
making it bring forth and sprout,
giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,
so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;
it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.
Not a hint of uncertainty. It’s not conditional. There are no maybe’s or hopefully’s. It shall not return to me empty, it shall accomplish what i purpose, it shall succeed in the thing for which I went it.
When the world opposes us, we MUST choose to see that opposition from a Christian perspective. Though opposition may prevail for a while, God will triumph over the forces of darkness by His word.
That’s good news. But there’s even better news.
#4: Nothing will stop God from entering and keeping a relationship with anyone who sincerely believes the gospel
#4: Nothing will stop God from entering and keeping a relationship with anyone who sincerely believes the gospel
Despite Satanic opposition, we read in verse 12: “Then the proconsul believed, when he saw what had occurred, for he was astonished at the teaching of the Lord” (Acts 13:12 ESV).
When the world opposes us, we MUST choose to see that opposition from a Christian perspective.
Maintain your Christian confidence:
Maintain your confidence in the uniqueness of Christianity
Maintain your confidence in the ability of God to save
Maintain your confidence in the power of the gospel
Church, maintain your confidence in the uniqueness of Christianity.
Exalting Jesus in Acts Some People Will Oppose God’s Word (13:8–11)
“Christianity has nothing to do with the magic and superstition of this world; its power, the power of the Word and Spirit, overcomes them all”
Church, maintain your confidence in the power of God to save.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
God is bigger than Satan. His word is more powerful than Satan’s most clever schemes. He is up to the task. Nothing can stop God from entering and keeping a relationship with anyone who sincerely believes the gospel.
Conclusion and call for response
Conclusion and call for response
So let me give you three things as we wrap this up. Three very specific things. Let me give you two warnings and a comfort.
First the warnings.
If the Bible is being preached rightly, then you can be confident that Satan is opposing it with all his might. And if that is true, what does that tell us about how important this time right now is? Not because it’s me preaching. There are far better preachers out there. This time is important because it is the word of God being preached. Eternity hangs in the balance. Eternal destinies are decided in this room. And what are we concerned about so often while eternal destinies are being decided? What occupies our minds? Search your heart, church.
Here’s the other warning. When we are opposed by unbelievers, be on guard against becoming self-righteous. The fact that we are being opposed by unbelievers does not automatically make us holy and good and them monsters. We are still sinners, so be humble. They are being used by Satan, so be compassionate. Jesus reserved his most severe criticism for self-righteous Pharisees. Don’t let it happen.
Those are the warnings. Now the comfort. What about the prodigals? Those who made professions of faith and seemed to grow for a while and now they’re walking away?
How many of you here this morning — raise your hand if you love someone who is a prodigal or you know and love someone who loves a prodigal? Let’s apply what we’ve learned this morning. This is what we can known.
God wants a relationship with people from every nation, so he wants a relationship with your son or daughter or grandson or granddaughter, even if they’ve walked away. They are important to Him.
The forces of darkness oppose the preaching of the word to keep people out of relationship with God. This may be why your prodigal has walked away. They’ve made their own decision, it’s true, but there are spiritual forces at work to keep them away from God.
That’s the bad news. Remember the good news.
Though opposition may last for a while, God will triumph over the forces of darkness with His word. In his time and way, but He will do it. If your prodigal belongs to Jesus, God will bring them home.
And lastly, nothing will stop God from entering a relationship with anyone who sincerely believes the gospel. Does your prodigal know Jesus? Do you believe they’re sincere Christians? If you do, there are three things you can do: 1) pray for them, 2) show them you love them, 3) don’t nag them, and 4) wait. God will come through.