Dont Take the Bait
Prov. 1:8-19
I think every parent is aware that part of their job description is to teach their children and help them at every stage of life. Some understand this better than others.
But don’t you think it is rather important that our child understand our instruction or the reason we tell them to do something.
I can illustrate this by retelling the story of the mother who heard her children playing in the barn. When she walked through the doors they all exclaimed, “Look what we found.” The children thinking they were playing with a family of kittens had actually stumbled across a family of skunks.
The mother, shocked at what she saw said, “Run children run.” And they all grabbed their skunk and ran.
In the next section of Proverbs 1we find a man’s son being spoken to and admonished to not forsake the things that he has learned from his father and mother.
This warning comes because the wise person – in this case the parent – is very aware of the dangers that lie out there – specifically the path of the foolish and what will happen if that path is followed.
There are three sections in these verse indicated by the expression – “My Son” – Do you see them? Vs 8 – vs 10 – vs 15
The first section is an plea, most likely from the dad, for the son to listen up. Pay attention to what you have been taught
The 2nd section is more of an admonition – don’t give in
And the 3rd is a description of where it will lead
Don’t turn from the wisdom you have been given by others
Listen up.
Here it is the teaching of the parents that is in focus. However, we may get wisdom from a lot of sources.
The Bible – the aged – friends
The assumption is that what a parent has taught you is wise. This should be especially true if those parents are believers who attempt to help their children walk in the way of the Lord.
Proverbs 14.27
The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, that one may avoid the snares of death
The fear of the Lord leads to life
So that one may sleep satisfied untouched by evil
Life will not go on without it temptations
Entice – comes from the same word we saw last week translated naïve
To leave oneself wide open
Sin is attractive – but deadly
Do not consent
You don’t have to give in
Think of us today as New Testament Christians
Dead to sin
Bondage is broken
Holy Spirit to help us
Notice here in Old Testament language terminology that describes what we call “peer pressure.”
Plan ahead
Illus: Several years ago now I went to the public school at the Jr High level to a meeting for parents.
The subject: The upcoming section on sex education
I was impressed with what I heard. Those leading made it very clear that abstinence was the best policy because teen pregnancy is just not a good thing.
Mind you, they didn’t carry it far enough for me but if the kids got the message they were trying to communicate it would be a good thing.
In the course of explaining what they were going to teach they informed us of some role plays they would be doing. One was how to be prepared for the occasion when you may be put into a situation that would compromise your decision to be abstinent.
That was good. What are you going to say? Think ahead. Be prepared.
Essentially they were saying, “Do not consent.”
There was one problem though, one of the role plays was about what to do when you were alone with a friend of the opposite sex and their parents weren’t home. They were trying to help them be prepared.
Of course I had to ask them why they wouldn’t be telling Jr Higher that you shouldn’t be home alone!
Remember from last week – the wise thing is don’t put yourself in these types of situations.
Either way – when under the pressure – do not consent
Not only is it wrong to disobey God – or unwise to ignore wise counsel – it is really foolish because of where it leads.
Don’t go down that path.
Look where it leads
If a bird sees a trap being set,
it knows to stay away.
18 But these people set an ambush for themselves;
they are trying to get themselves killed.
Fools are dumber than birds!
Years ago my friend took me crow hunting
Look at the consequences
Hear, my son, and accept my sayings
And the years of your life will be many.
See vs 20 and 33