Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
We looking at Mission for the month of November and Simon's going to come and share with us.
I'll just pray and then I'll hand over to slimy.
Father God.
Thank you that we can get round.
Your words will be looking forward to your word today.
Other thank you for the time that Simon is given to Preparing and download from you.
I got father I pray that you feel him.
Unload, you speak to us.
O god father, I pray that you do you change us?
I'm sorry for all the way.
He's be open or we saw is open a hot.
So ready to hear from you.
I've got speak ago.
We pray in Jesus name.
What is the challenge?
so, it's nice that The subject of this month is Mission.
And smart this morning, we're going to be talking about Mission walking in the power of God.
Mission walk in the power of God.
If I said, so everyone mission.
Tell me what scripture pops into your mind, what, popped into my mind was Mark 16.
Which size?
She say and you can get it, then you can James version, go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
You believe about ties will be saved.
But he does not believe we come then, and these signs will follow those who believe.
In my name.
Don't cast out demons.
I will speak with new tongues.
That's Mark 16:15.
217 Noticed Jesus.
Call dish to go.
To share the good news the gospel.
When we go.
Need to go in his power and his strength.
Ellipse mom come to nothing.
The work of God last forever.
Zechariah 4 and the 6s.
Not by might.
Nor by power.
But by my spirit, says the Lord.
Not by might.
Not by power, but by my spirit says the Lord.
Jeans with a full up control lead and direct deposit.
Holy Spirit.
And that's how we need to be.
When we go.
What will be the quit but not quitting comes through the Holy Spirit.
We need to be like Jesus and he was fully equipped for like connected.
You need ID.
What you saw, the father do?
So they asked me to think about it, was it 11 hours?
You know, not ready to listen before we speak.
But the flow of the Holy Spirit, we need to listen and then to speak.
And that's something they need to learn.
I need to grow inside.
It's all about relationship.
How do you say in relationship is the power of the relationship?
A relationship?
No power.
so, what I want to do today, what we going to do today is 6.
I'm just going to read John 6.
Read from the new King James version.
I'm waiting for the one about the feeding of the 5000.
After these things.
He just went over the Sea of Galilee which of the Sea of tiberias.
Then a great book should follow him because they saw his signs, which he performed on those two with disease.
Jesus went up on the mountain.
And that you sat with his disciples.
Not the Passover feast of the Jews.
Angie's of the Philippines eyes.
I'm seeing a great mood shoot coming.
So I called him, he said to Philip, why should we buy bread.
He's my age.
But you said to text him.
He knew what he would do.
Fountain 200.
WeatherBug is not sufficient for them, but every one of them may have a little 150 Cypress.
Andrew Simon Peter's brother set to him?
As a lot here was 550's into smoked fish for today on them so many.
Jesus said, make the people sit down.
That was much grass in the place.
So, the men sat down in number about 5,000 Jesus Took the Lowe's making plans, you should shoot them to the disciples.
On the side.
Sitting down.
Unlock, was it?
The fish?
Much as they wanted.
so, when they were filled, Is that his disciples gather up the fragments that remain?
So that nothing is lost.
That's why they got a 12-pack case.
but the fragments of the five father levels, which you left over by those, Huntington.
So, let's have a look at verse 2. John 6, verse 2. NG don't you follow him?
Because they saw the signs, which he performed on those with his aged.
When we walk in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, as Jesus is signs and wonders will follow.
And that will draw people.
Never got shaped hole in our lives.
I'll try to fill it with other things.
Nothing satisfies.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9