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you for being here with us and I'm very grateful to be Out Of Reach here tonight and I'll be back with you this evening second, Kings, chapter 13, I said it's not a lot of wildlife left in Vietnam and it's all been killed and eaten.
Unfortunately, that was the day that I was with my interpreter and it was the red one of the red signs that a pigeon fly, landed nearby.
We saw this is Pigeon sitting there and then you do it for me.
Hehehe awesome.
Have you ever eaten one of those?
And I said I said all that delicious.
Another time I was in the park with him in these big trees with little squirrels that live in them and so out of curiosity and kind of mob.
I said the people here at 8:30 Is like a stupid questions.
Of course I hate them if you're going to eat it.
Is an animal in Vietnam called the seller.
It's a kind of deer and they call it the Asian unicorn, because it's so rare.
They believe that today, there are perhaps less than 100 remaining.
They inhabit.
The mountains between Vietnam and Laos and they were only recently discovered in 1992 is winning Western countries.
First discover these animals are in, Vietnam me read you.
This is from a wildlife conservation website.
Only recently, discovered the cell light is already extremely threatened at a time.
When species Extinction on the planet has accelerated, we can work together from the edge of Extinction.
We know that Extinction is a reality in nature and there are species of animals that have disappeared from the face of the Earth.
They no longer exist today.
That's all I want to use that idea to highlight a spiritual truth tonight.
And then he said, Extinction is possible also in the kingdom of God.
I remember those a time when we were still here, in Maryland, was talking to an elderly lady one day about her church hearing merrylands.
These are her words.
Not mine.
She said my church is full of old people.
She said, I look out over the congregation and I only see gray headed people, her words, not mine, one day, there will be no one left in out Church.
It is possible that a move of God becomes extinct.
It is possible that within your family within your city.
Christianity becomes extinct and the only hope of stopping that is what we call discipleship.
I'll text that we're going to read from 2nd Kings mocks, the end of an era.
It's the death of Elijah.
The sad reality of his story is that prophetic Ministry, died with Elisha, it became extinct and the reason that was sold is because there was no one to receive from Elijah.
What God was wanting to pass through that, man of God, tonight about resisting Extinction from 2nd, Kings, chapter 13, we're going to read just two verses of scripture here.
Verse 20 verse 21, the Bible says Ben Elijah.
I lied.
They buried him in the writing bands from Moab invaded the land in the spring of the year.
So it was as they were burying.
A man that suddenly they spied a band of Raiders.
They put the man in the Tomb of Elijah and when the man was let down and touch the bones of Elijah, he revived and stood on his feet.
What a story.
Let's talk about resisting Extinction.
Let's begin with Van Elijah died.
It's a fascinating story.
Some people are burying.
We don't really know who it is.
That bearing?
A loved one that had the funeral.
Everybody said the final farewells and they've, they've gone to this place to bury the body and no doubt this family members, their their weeping about this and suddenly, they realize there are so many me nearby.
There are some dangerous people nearby.
And so they look around and for some reason, this is this grave.
It's open.
It's the grave of Elijah.
And so they take the body and they, they just dump it into.
This grave is like our, let's get out of here.
Imagine being that guy, that died.
The last thing that you remember before you died with something like you're lying, babe, you're on life support.
And then the other families there and you'll sing Uncle Joey that I stole that $100.
Everybody's there that weeping over him and he's in heaven, he's in the glory of God, he's enjoying himself and then all of a sudden he comes back and then he has to run for his life again because these people there they want to kill him, just it's such a bizarre.
But it's something more significant here than just a dead person coming back to life.
What we are reading is a missed opportunity.
We are reading about untapped potential.
I'll text you says in verse 20, then Elijah died.
After this time, there will not be another prophet in Israel for the next 40 years.
Because at this time in history, Elijah died when Elijah was taken to Heaven by the fiery Chariot.
Ally, she was there to pick up Elijah's Mantle and continued on his ministry.
Elijah would go on to have Twice The Miracles, credited to his ministry, then to Elijah's, but then Elijah died and was buried and there was no one to pick up his mantle.
There was no one available to take the Baton from Elijah and continue running in Ministry.
There was no prophetic and prophetic Ministry in Israel for the next three years because Elijah died and there was no one there to continue on his legacy.
And the reason I say that this is a tale of untapped potential is because we have this picture of the power and the anointing invested into Elijah.
That went to the Grave with him.
This dead man, that is hastily lowered down into the grave.
And when he came into contact with Elijah's corpse, he was resurrected.
When Elijah was taken to heaven the power and the anointing in the ministry was passed on to Elijah when Elijah.
It was not passed on.
God's plan for reaching the Earth and God's plan for developing people is discipleship.
Discipleship is simply investing who you are as a disciple of Jesus Christ into another person.
It is causing another person to know Jesus and know his will for their life and to follow him and fulfill the calling that God has for their life.
Discipleship is not that you cut your hair, the same way you dress, the same, or you share the same Hobbies.
Discipleship is a passing on of spirit when Elijah was taken, people looked at Elijah, and then they said, the spirit of Elijah rests upon Elijah.
Something was passed on more than what he looked like more than how he spoke.
There was a spiritual Dimension who like it was.
As a man of God was received by Elijah.
We have the famous words in the New Testament of the Apostle, Paul 2nd Timothy 2 verse 2, And the things that you've heard from me among many witnesses.
Commit, these two Faithful Men Who will be able to teach others.
Also, holy saying to Timothy, you must be intentional about discipleship.
You must be intentional about something being passed on.
And he mentioned, Faithful Men, that there are people who have positioned themselves to receive from another Jesus said, go therefore and Make Disciples of all the nations, this is God's plan, that something would Supernatural be passed to you and that you would To another.
And what we see now text that this opportunity to receive from another will not be there forever.
Then Elijah died.
There's an opportunity to receive from another but it's a window of opportunity.
I mentioned yesterday, if in Vietnam is a very strong belief in ghosts, I mentioned yesterday doing my interpreter, he has an auntie who gets possessed by a spirit who she claims is his dead uncle and the neighbors gather around and she begins to speak as if she is this man.
And she Strokes her imaginary beard and smoke cigarettes.
And she speaks and people gather around to listen because what she's saying is accurate,
Is this belief that when someone dies for round a month, 12 something getting prepared for them in the afterlife.
And for about a month, they going to be present, I'll be in their familiar places.
I'll be in the whole minutes in that time that you might see them again, you might be able to speak to them again.
And it's this idea, they have more left, the site so they come back.
But that's not reality.
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