Weaving God's Severe Mercy into Your Story
Big idea: God tests us so that His heart of compassion and reconciliation can be revealed in our lives.
We must see the severe mercy of God testing us to reveal and grow our love for Him and others.
We must see the heart of compassion God has for us in the midst of testing.
We must see how Jesus’ love for His Father initiated our reconciliation.
Both Joseph and Judah prefigure Jesus Christ. With regard to Joseph, the father’s favorite son is sent to his brothers. They sell their guiltless brother for twenty pieces of silver, and he becomes their lord. The Joseph story also provides a remarkable parallel of Christ’s death—God decides beforehand that through wicked hands he will nail Christ to the cross and so save the world (see Acts 2:23; 4:28).
Judah, on the other hand, is the first person in Scripture who willingly offers his own life for another. His self-sacrificing love for his brother for the sake of his father prefigures the vicarious atonement of Christ, who by his voluntary sufferings heals the breach between God and human beings. Joseph gets the double portion, but Judah gets eternal kingship.