God's Judgment and the Law
The Book of Romans • Sermon • Submitted
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Romans 2:6 He will judge everyone according to what they have done. 7 He will give eternal life to those who keep on doing good, seeking after the glory and honor and immortality that God offers. 8 But he will pour out his anger and wrath on those who live for themselves, who refuse to obey the truth and instead live lives of wickedness. 29 No, a true Jew is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law; rather, it is a change of heart produced by the Spirit. And a person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people.
Romans 2:6 He will judge everyone according to what they have done. 7 He will give eternal life to those who keep on doing good, seeking after the glory and honor and immortality that God offers. 8 But he will pour out his anger and wrath on those who live for themselves, who refuse to obey the truth and instead live lives of wickedness. 29 No, a true Jew is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law; rather, it is a change of heart produced by the Spirit. And a person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people.
Well saints, here it is.
We say that God is good — and He is.
We say that God is merciful — and He is.
We say that God is patient — and He is.
We say that God is kind — and He is.
But I must tell you the other side, and there is another side. It would be irresponsible of me not to let you know there is another side.
The title of today’s message is God’s Judgment and the Law.
There is a judgment side of God. There is a side that allows you to choose sin, if that’s what you want to do. Last week Pastor Ed told you that sin is sin, there is no big sin or little sin and there is a consequence for all sin, and that consequence is eternal death.
In this chapter Paul goes from speaking in general terms to speaking directly to the Jews and Gentiles who knew the law. They knew what they were and were not supposed to do, but that evidently wasn’t happening and Paul is now calling them out.
Anyone ever been in a situation or room and you got called out specifically? It’s not a comfortable feeling is it? Well sometimes the Word of God is not about comfort and consoling, because sometimes there is something else that’s needed.
And because this book is perfectly knitted together because while it has many writers, there’s just one author. So over in 2 Tim 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for [here it is] doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: [why, so glad you ask verse 17 says] 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. Good works, you’re going to hear those words again.
So, with that being said, we imply that you should go home and study or read more about the message because there’s not time to tell you everything before you’re eyes would glaze over and your stomachs would start growling so today I’m going to say to you directly you have homework. Your homework is to read chapter 2 of the book of Romans. It’s good to know the whole story, we can often only give the cliff notes. So make time to read all of Romans, chapter 2 this week. There will be a test.
Again, this is for the believer, Paul was talking to those who knew the law, but were not following it. Today, it’s for those who claim Jesus as their Lord and Savior, but fail to live a holy life.
When we talk about God’s judgment, the first thing you need to know is that it’s righteous.
His judgment does not come from a place of anger or vengeance or hate or envy or jealousy or malice. In fact, God is sad when his children choose death over life. And make no mistake, when you choose sin, you are choosing death over life; you are choosing judgement.
But be sure of this, God is the judge not us. Paul is talking to those who judge others and commit the very sin they are judging others for, themselves.
What does it look like when those in positions of leadership at the church are telling the saints to not do something and they are doing that very thing? There’s a word that’s pretty freely thrown around when that happens and it would be accurate; that word is hypocrite.
The dictionary defines hypocrite as, 1: “a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion and 2: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.
My, my, my. To break it down, are you living what you preach? Are you who you’re trying to make me be? Does your walk match your talk? Some want to try to say, “Don’t do as I do, do as I say do”.
Now there is a bit of truth in that statement and it’s about lessons learned, but that would be stated differently. That would be said, this way, “Don’t do as I did, do as I say do because the consequences were not good. “
When your life becomes a testimony, good or bad, share with others, talk about it. Words have power and you story of victory and overcoming may be just what that person needed to hear.
When a person walks into the church, many times they’re looking for something, they’re looking for something different.
They’re looking for answers
They’re looking for acceptance
They’re looking for forgiveness and
They’re looking for a listening ear and
a hug
They’re looking — for love
They’ve been beat up, look down on and rejected long enough and when they come through the doors of the church they want to and should see something different.
But the problem many times is when someone walks into the church, they see the same behavior they saw in the world? And when that happens where is there hope? We who profess to be disciples of Jesus are to be the light of the world to light the way to Christ and the salt of the earth to give it seasoning. But when the salt loses it’s savor, or effectiveness then what? The word says it’s thrown out to be trampled on.
This for all disciples, but especially for those in leadership, walking around saying one thing and doing another, God’s got a message for you, call it a warning, call it being put on notice, call it correction, call it reproof, but whatever you call it, listen up.
Do you think you’re going to escape God’s judgement? Do you think you’re going to avoid his wrath? Bishop, pastor, deacon, deaconess, Sunday school teacher, minister of music, do you think God is going to wink at your sin because you lead?
God is patient and he is kind and he is tolerant, if Jesus hasn’t returned, and he hasn’t, if you haven’t died, if you’re hearing me now, you haven’t, God is waiting for you to change your disobedience to obedience.
But, somebody say but, there’s always a but, but if you choose to continue living a life that’s not pleasing to Him, one that goes against what and who you say you are, a day of anger is coming. God’s righteous judgment will be revealed.
How many of you have told your children stop, I said stop, alright now I’m not going to tell you again, and then it happens—punishment, in whatever form you use. God is saying stop, I said stop…
God may indeed delay Jesus’ return, but He may not delay your departure. I must work the works of him who sent me while it is day, for night cometh when no man shall work. Our time here is limited, but it’s just a vapor compared to eternity and here’s the thing. That vapor is a very important vapor, because it’s during that vapor when you determine where you will spend eternity.
God is going to judge everyone, there are no exemptions, nor exceptions and he will judge according to what you have done. Not anyone else. Mama’s prayers don’t get put on your account. Daddy’s deeds are not stored up for you. No my child, you got to get your own.
So…based on what you’ve done; He will either give you eternal life. Let’s stop right there for just a moment and talk about eternal life. Eternal life is forever, it never ends.
So how do we get eternal life? Well here’s those words I told you, you would hear again.
Keep doing good — Good is what God defines as good.
You feed the hungry,
you clothe the naked.
You’re obedient in doing the will of God.
You walk in your calling.
You go forth and make disciples
You seek the glory, not vain glory but the glory God gives
and honor, not honor with a haughty spirit or the honor due God, but the honor God has for you
and immortality that’s that life that you will live after death, that God offers to you.
It’s an offer because you have the ability to accept or decline the offer. It’s kind of like in real estate, when a person is selling a house, a buyer makes an offer, the seller has the choice whether or not they will accept the offer.
God has made you an offer, and unlike the godfather, it’s an offer you can refuse, but why would you?
This glory or honor or immortality is not for those committing the sins in chapter one. You can go back and read them and it’s not an exhaustive or complete list. And remember one key thing, there is no rack and stack to sin, sin is sin and the penalty for all sin is death.
There is a scientific law that says for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The opposite in this case, is God will pour out his anger and wrath on those who live for themselves.
For those that believe, the sun, moon, and stars rotate around their wants, wishes, and whims, I’m here to tell you this morning—it’s not so.
If you have heard the truth and refuse to obey; glory, honor and eternal life in heaven are not yours. When you decide to not allow Jesus to be the Lord and Savior of your life, you have declined God’s offer.
You have chosen to live a life of wickedness. And it’s not about just coming to church and hearing the message, it’s about doing the will of God. Be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only.
For those who are teaching in any capacity, start with yourself. How can you tell someone else not to steal and you steal? How can you tell someone else not to commit adultery, yet you’re being unfaithful to your spouse?
There are those who have memorized the whole Bible, they can quote it and it would seem so impressive, if not for the fact they aren’t living what they’ve memorized.
It’s better to know 10 scriptures by heart and live a life that’s holy and acceptable to God, than have the whole Bible memorized yet live a sinful life before the Lord and the people of God.
It’s not just about what you say with your mouth, it’s about what you’re modeling with your life. Because you may be the only Bible someone reads and what is it you’re saying with your body, not with your mouth?
Are you praise God during service, then cussing out your neighbor or the person who just cut you off in traffic?
Are you praying and asking God to bless you, but you won’t bless the server who brought your food at the restaurant?
Are you telling your children don’t lie and even punishing them for it and having them tell the bill collector on the phone or at the door, you’re not home?
Are you demanding recognition for what you do, yet fail to give honor to whom honor it due?
Are you doing what you’re telling others they’re supposed to be doing? If you were the 67th book of the Bible, how would it read?
It’s not the circumcision that makes you saved.
It’s not going on fb and praying, or praying the loudest or longest that makes you saved.
It’s not being at the church every time the doors open or on zoom for every meeting, that makes you saved.
It’s not crying Lord, Lord and declaring that you preached in his name, or healed in his name, or fed the hungry in his name that makes you saved.
Jesus said, there is only one way to the Father and that is through him. There is no way to God without knowing and receiving the Son as your personal Lord and Savior.
If you have been trying to just obey the letter of the law? If you believe you’re saved because you’re momma, daddy, aunt, uncle, or cousin is a preacher, or because grandmama prayed, it’s time to reevaluate, it’s time to realign your thinking. It’s time to get real.
True circumcision is not just obeying the letter of the law, it’s about your heart a heart that’s been changed by the Spirit of God.
How do you know when the Holy Spirit has changed your heart? You stop looking for man’s approval, man’s accolades, man’s pat on the back, man’s affirmation, man’s awards…and all you want— is praise from God. All you want— to hear is well done though good and faithful servant, enter into the glory of the Lord.
When you are more excited about the reward being stored up for you in heaven than you are having your name called from the pulpit at the end of the program…that’s when you know, that you know, that you know, you’re on the right track.
What track are you on? What direction have you chosen? If your not on the path that leads to everlasting life, and you hear the sound of my voice, it’s not too late to turn around.
If you’ve never accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, you should be looking for a change and today is your day to make that change.
If want Jesus to be Lord of your life, pray this prayer with me. “Lord God I come to you now admitting I’m a sinner, I believe that Jesus is your Son, I want you Jesus to be Lord of my life. I give You my life, I give my heart, Lord use me for your service. In your name I pray, amen.
If you are watching on an online platform and prayed that prayer for the first time today, congratulations and welcome to the family, now find a Bible believing, Bible teaching church in your area to be amongst the saints and learn what it is to be a disciple.
If you live in the Douglasville, GA area please consider Love Christian Center as that place for you. We’re located at 3500 Hwy 5, Ste 101. You can contact us through our website at www.lovechristianctr.org and if you’ve contacted us for prayer, please no we are praying for you.
If you are here this morning and you’ve never received Christ
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God is looking for true worshippers and they that worship him must do so in spirit and in truth. When you know better, you do better.