Fully Committed Wk. 3
From the very words of Christ, we have this mission stated clearly that ours is the opportunity to glorify his name through telling the world around us of the passion we have in Christ. Everyone of us has been challenged and changed through exposure to his name and it now becomes our exquisite opportunity to demonstrate that love, devotion and passion to someone, anyone around us that we have been changed and you too can experience change. I WANT TO CHANGE. I want to experience the difference. It all begins with the question Jesus started with in this dialog- What do people say about me?” Naturally Jesus was walking on a path leading the disciples straight to the heart of the matter (and they were fools if they didn’t see it coming) Who am I to you? Naturally, we’re presented with the same question today in our looking at this passage. Who is this Jesus to me? Question→ What options do we have that he could be to us? Most HIgh God. Creator. Bully. Healer. Distant. Counselor. Friend. Father. Peace. We can’t speak of the change in our hearts and lives until we know exactly who this change is and what it is capable of. Once we take that initial step, we can now take the sequential step of speaking that change to someone else.