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We will talking for the next few weeks on who the Holy Spirit is. And why we need the Holy Spirit.
And the truth is today, We need the Holy Spirit.
Who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is The Co-equal and co-eternal spirit of God the Father and God the son Jesus.
God the father sent us the savior in Jesus. And Jesus came to this earth, and sent us the precious gift of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit inspires scripture and brings new life to the People of God.
The Holy Spirit is often portrayed in Scripture in terms of “breath”, “life” or “wind”, “Fire” indicating his role in sustaining and bringing life to God’s creation.
Spurgeon said: Without the Holy Spirit we are like ships without sails. We are like chariots without horses.
We can’t do anything without the Holy Spirit of God.
If you are born again. You can’t breath a breath unless he exhales out.
It is in him you live, it his in him you move, it is in him you have your being.
Over the next few weeks. We are going to explain the truth of the Holy Spirit. And the truth about God’s spirit found in scripture.
We are not talking about something that is fake. or something that is made up. This is real.
Sermon Illustration:
(Play Three rounds of fake news Game.)
Just how you searched through the game to figure out what was real and fake news. Today we are going to search through scripture, seek God and Learn about the Truth of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus first begins to speak on the Holy Spirit in John ch. 14. He starts out in verse 15 by saying this.
John 14:15-17 NKJV
15 “If you love Me, [d]keep My commandments.
Jesus says if you love him then we should keep his commandments.
Anybody in the room love Jesus? Anyone want to keep his commandments?
Because loving Jesus is not really love unless it’s followed by keeping his commandments.
Its about caring for the things he cares about for your life. It’s about doing things he wants you to do.
The world is trying to pull you in all sorts of different directions. Trying to keep you away from following God and his truth. Disney plus aint helping that. Media aint helping it. Nothing is.
And we have to come to realization as a christian. As a follower of Christ. When you believe and adhere to what you are watching and what you are listening to more than God’s word and the truth that he says then there is an issue.
There is no black and white it is clear. If Jesus says this is what I should do then im going to do it. If the word of God says this is the truth the im going to adhere to that truth.
Do you adhere to Christian principles?
If the Bible says that I won’t engage in sexual activity until im married then that’s what im going to do.
If the Bible says that marriage is between one man and one woman. Then that’s what Im going to live by.
If the Bible says I was created in his image male or female. And I know my anatomy. Then that’s what Im going to live by.
If the Bible says don’t get drunk. We can through don’t get high in their. Because I will be a danger to myself and to others. Then I won’t do it.
Because if Gods says its the truth then I want to follow that truth.
You may say Pastor Sam that harsh. No its not. Its doesn’t mean that we are not going to love everyone. Because we are. It doesn’t mean we are going to judge. Because we are not going to judge.
Because it is our job to love, and its God’s job to convict and judge.
I will love more than anybody, but I never comprise the truth. (He is the way the truth and the life.)
And we do not comprise the truth when we love Jesus. It’s about loving him. When you love him you will keep his commandments.
I could tell you all sorts of ways on how not to sin. But instead of me giving you a book on what not to do. I would rather you fall so deeply in love with Jesus. And by the work of his spirit in you through your relationship to him- you will keep follow him and obey him.
If you love him and want to keep his commandments. Jesus said he is going to do something for you.
He is going to pray for you, and if Jesus prays for you there is not one thing you can do to stop that prayer.
16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another [e]Helper, that He may abide with you forever—
He is going to give you your helper. The Holy Spirit.
How do you obey Jesus and live for him it is by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is our helper.
Pastor Sam. So you are telling me that I have a helper to help me to live this thing out called being a follower of Jesus?
Yes! You have a helper, and his name is the Holy Spirit of God!
The word Helper translates the ancient Greek word “parakletos.” (para-oc-lee-toss) This means “a person summoned to one’s aid.
That means in your darkest hour.
In the time when you are in need.
When you are so full of the lie of the devil.
When you are bound to weight of comparison.
When the world has bogged you down with depression and insecurity.
When you have experienced loss and heartache.
You were never meant to handle it alone.
It was the Holy Spirit. The very spirit of God who is the one who helps you overcome in your time of need.
The greek word helper is the word “parkaletos” which means Advisor and mediator.
It’s the Holy Spirit that convicts you of sin, and gives you wisdom to make the right Godly choices.
He is mediator- He convicts you of that sin and brings you to Jesus. When you lay it all down to Jesus. Jesus begins to work in you by his Holy Spirit making the wrong things right so you can do what Jesus is calling you to do.
It also means legal defender and intercessor.
It’s the Holy Spirit that works on your behalf. When you feel weak God makes you strong through his spirit.
Its the Holy Spirit that is fighting your battles as you worship, pray, and praise the Lord! Its supernatural! God works it out by his spirit!
17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.
The “world” Being those who have not received Jesus Christ. Cannot understand or receive the spirit because he is holy and he is true.
Before you are born again you are the world.
The only thing that changes you from being the world is being born again.
And once you are born again you have steeped into the possibility, plausibility and the probability, that God is going to pour his spirit out on you and give you an acts ch. 2 experience. Where he baptizes you in the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said: For he dwells with you and will be in you.
Romans 8:11
11 The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.
When you give your life to Christ. When you repent and lay down all of your sin. When you say Yes to him. Jesus now lives in you. The old you is dead. The old way of thinking, the old way of living Paul says Romans 6:5 has been crucified with Christ. And he says we have also been resurrected with Christ. Meaning when I said Yes to Jesus my sin hung on that cross with him, When he was buried my sin was buried. And when he got out of that grave. I came out of my sin. I Came out of my depression. Because I'm am no longer the old person. I have been made new by the death and resurrection of Jesus and the holy spirit now lives and reigns in me. And will work out his salvation through us. Because he is not only with you but he is in you!
Jesus said: For you know him. He dwells with you and will be in you.
There is a difference between with you and in you.
It means Jesus who walked up the shore of Galie.
This Jesus who went up and down the Judean Hillside.
Who was there and the disciples saw him take the blindness out of Bartimaus eyes.
They saw him heal the women with the issue of blood
They saw him Walk on the water.
They saw him command the seas to be still with his voice.
They Watched the demonic of gaddera become like wimp animal who cast of the feet of the son of God.
He was with the disciples.
But youth he’s not just with you. He is in you!
The same spirit that raised Christ from dead lives in me!
He lives in my mortal body!
Because greater is he that is in me that he that is in this world!
Paul said in Ephesians ch. 1 that the holy spirit is our down payment of heaven.
We understand In heaven there is no sickness and there is no pain.
Maybe the reason why we are seeing more pain and sickness than we ever have before, is because the sons and daughters don’t quite know yet who dwells in them. It has not yet been revealed to them who they are in Christ!
But I believe that is all about to change.
My prayer for your generation has been: Romans 8:19 ESV: 19 For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.
There is a revealing, an awakening happening in this generation. Son and daughters are being awakened to who they really are in Christ.
And once you receive the revelation of who you are in Christ. You begin to walk with Christ.
Now Heaven no longer seems so far away. But heaven dwells so close, that it is in you.
And when you begin to understand that His spirit is on the inside of you. Heaven has no choice but to be released through you.
And when heaven is released through you, Sickness begins to go.
You begin to lead people in your sphere of influence to Jesus.
People begin to get up out of hospital beds because of the spirit that dwells in you.
Just like Peter the shadow that is on your life begins to fall on people and they are healed. Because he dwells in you!
The depressed and suicidal person has no choice but to approach you and seek help because they can see the Joy of the holy ghost in your countenance.
The person who is angry towards you, or persecuting you. Begins to ask God to forgive them. Because of the kindness, and goodness of God that dwells on the inside of you.
Demonic strongholds over our country begins to shake and tremble. And demons begin to flee when they see Jesus on the inside of you.
Heaven begins to come and interrupt a lost and dying generation that is going through hell. Because sons and daughters are being awakened into who they are in Christ, and how dwells on the inside of them!
They will realize that the solution they carry is bigger than any issue that exists in the world around them!
Jesus said in verse 17 that the holy spirit is the Spirit of truth.
Meaning the holy spirit knows all things.
The holy spirit knows what God wants for your life. He knows what is best for your life. He knows the truth and is the truth.
I believe everyone in this room would say that I want what’s truly best for my life.
If that is the case you need to receive the holy spirit and follow his guidance.
How do we do that?
First of all Jesus said in verse 14 if you don’t know him then you can’t receive the holy spirit. In order to receive God’s spirit you have to give your life to Jesus.
Secondly when we are saved. God’s spirit now lives in us.
Since he lives in us how do we allow him to move through us and guide us in our life?
Next week be here because we are going to talk about how to walk with the spirit how to say no to sin, and live this thing out for Jesus. Fruits of the spirit, and more. Its going to be great.
But not to get to ahead of what I want to talk about next week. Which is in Galatians. Which says to walk with the spirit. To follow his guidance and allow God to move in our lives. How do we do that once we are saved?
To walk in the Spirit, or to allow him to guide you is simple.
First you have to understand that the Holy Spirit lives in you.
Second, you have to be open and sensitive to the influence of the Holy Spirit.
Third, you have to pattern your life after the influence of the Holy Spirit.
(First do alter call with first time being saved, and secondly alter call being I want everything God wants for me. I want to follow the guidance of the holy spirit. I want the helper in my life. I want to say no to temptation and yes to God. And I want to walk by his spirit and trust in him.