Feed The Flock Of God
Feed the flock of god
ACTS 20:28
Recite Jeremiah 29:11-13.
We seek God by seeking to know and understand His will with undivided hearts.. The Lord’s will is that we become all that He intended us to be. His grace is for our growth. God has programmed us for greatness. He did this through sanctification. Sanctification means growth in holiness. Sanctification is a word we use far too little, and we need to reclaim it. Holiness is belonging to the Lord and being remade in His image. The word “saint” also has its root in the word “holy.” It means to be set apart, called, chosen, belonging to the Lord. The Lord’s purpose for us is that we grow intellectually, emotionally, and volitionally. He means for us to grown up in our sainthood!
A boy learned the true definition of the word “saint” in his Sunday School class. He pondered what that meant in practical living. During lunch he asked his dad what it is like to be a grown-up saint? His father answered, “It means I’m not what I used to be; I’m not what I ought to be; but praise the Lord, I’m on my way to becoming all that I was intended to be.”
Paul’s charge to the Ephesian elders is intended to encourage them to do their diligence to cause their congregations to be able to truthfully say, I’m not what I used to be; I’m not what I ought to be; but praise the Lord, I’m on my way to becoming all that I was intended to be.”
In order live up to this charge, they must guard themselves and the church. This means the minister must first look after his own life, his character and conduct, before he can look after the flock of God. He must give attention, concentrate upon, focus upon, attend to, watch after, and guard his life.
I. The minister must guard himself.
A. He must guard against an unforgiving spirit.
B. He must guard against self-indulgence, drunkenness, and the possessions of this life.
C. He must fuard against fables, myths, speculations, ideas and false doctrines of men.
D. He must watch and give himself to reading, encouragement and doctrine.
E. He must especially give himself to doctrine, the teaching of the scripture.
Chuck Swindoll, in his book Tales Of The Tardy Ox Cart, said “My Word to those of us engaged in ministry is, keep a healthy balance. If you teach, also remain a good student. Be teachable. Read. Listen. Learn. Observe. Be ready to change. And do change! Admit wrong where you are wrong. Stand firm where you know you are right. Since you are called to be a leader, follow well. You cannot do it all, so delegate. You have a big job to do, let others help you do it. Moreover, when they do it well, give them credit. You have a serious work, so keep a good sense of humor.
II. In addition to guarding himself, the minister must guard all the flock of God – Scripture stresses three reasons for this.
A. Sheep can wander about and get lost in five ways – Lk 15:4
1. The sheep is attracted by something in the wilderness, away from the flock of the shepherd. What the sheep sees is more attractive and appealing than life in the church.
2. The sheep is aimless, not paying attention to what is going on; he wanders off not realizing that he is getting lost.
3. The sheep refuses to to heed the warnings of the shepherd and the example of other sheep – the pride of life.
4. The sheep is not attached enough to the shepherd or to the other sheep.
5. The sheep does not trust the shepherd. It does not think the shepherd will take care and see that there is satisfying food. It goes searching for greener pastures.
B. Sheep can be seized by wild beasts – false teachers of the world and within the church (Acts 20:29-30)
1. False teachers can come out of the world
2. False teachers can come from inside the church
3. The church must expect false teachers
C. Sheep without a shepherd are in a pathetic condition (Mk 6:34)
1. Sheep without a shepherd are bewildered and wander about, not knowing where they are going.
2. Sheep without a shepherd go hungry; they do not have adequate nourishment.
3. Sheep without a shepherd cannot find shelter or safety. They are exposed to the dangers of the wilderness.
In luke 15, Jesus tells a parable of a sheep that wandered away from the flock. The ships only means of deliverance was through the shepherd who searched for it until he found it. Jesus is speaking of the members of the body that will stray away if not looked after by their pastors. Paul, Gof’s flock, Therefore the ministers are to Feed The Flock Of God.
III. The minister must feed the church (Acts 20:28-31)
A. The minister must feed the church because Jesus paid the supreme price to purchase it.
1. He purchased it with His blood
2. He commands under-shepherds to feed his church
B. The church must be fed because false teachers come in among believers and seduce them.
C. The church must be fed because of Paul’s supreme example od faithfulness.
1. He sets a dynamic example for all church leaders
2. He was a mere man, yet he was able to please God
3. He was able to feed the church exactly as God wished
CONCLUSION: God has a plan for shepherds and He has a plan for sheep…