Let Your Light Shine
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Verse 14 — You ARE a light (IDENTITY)
God speaking something is reality.
Matthew 4 — “This is my Beloved Son”. Jesus’ trust in God’s Word over His life gave Him victory.
In the same way, Pathfinders, You ARE a light.
Verse 15 — Give yourself permission to shine (COURAGE)
Lights cannot be hidden. They must be shown.
Sometimes, we are afraid to express who we are because we are ashamed.
Shame — identifying with your past.
Courage — the ability to trust in God’s truth over the enemy’s lies.
Joshua 1:9.
Verse 16a — Shine YOUR light. (UNIQUENESS)
Notice the text tells you to shine YOUR light. Not your mom’s light. Not your dad’s light. Not your pathfinder director’s light. Not your pastor’s light. YOUR light.
God has given you a unique personality, story, and gifting. In fact, shining YOUR light is so important that it helps the body function better.
1 Corinthians 12:12-27 — YOU MUST BE YOU. Because its tiring trying to be like someone else.
Let YOUR light shine.
Verse 16b — Shine for God (SERVICE)
Our light must not give attention to ourselves, but to give glory to the Light of the World.
1 Peter 2:9 — Proclaim the excellencies of Him who gave you this light.
Don’t hide, but shine.