Doctrine: Grace

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Text: 2 Kings 2–3 Lesson 8 Doctrine: Grace Bridge to Doctrine: God showed grace to the rebellious kings and kingdom of Israel by sending His prophets Elijah and Elisha to warn them and call them to repentance. Key Points and Insertion of Doctrine into Passage: 2 Kings 2–3 God’s grace is the favor He freely gives to undeserving people. By nature, God is gracious – inclined to offer goodness and salvation to those who only deserve His judgment. God’s persistent reach to rebellious people like the Israelites – and us – offers evidence of His grace. God’s grace to sinners came with a price that was paid by His Son. Jesus became a man and died a death He did not deserve to save sinners from eternal judgment. Because of His grace, believers can walk joyfully in restored fellowship with God. The salvation that Christ offers believers is entirely a gift of God’s grace. We contribute nothing to our salvation. Jesus’ righteousness is graciously attributed to us when we put our faith in Him. Not only are we saved by grace, but God also sustains believers in the present and for eternity through His unending supply of grace.
When I do not believe in the necessity of God’s grace, my only choice is to try and please God based on my merits. This is impossible. If I fail to see God’s intentions toward me as kind and generous, I think wrongly of God. I pull away from Him rather than turning to Him in utter gratitude.
When I believe God is gracious and I am in utter need of His grace, I see His work in my salvation and every aspect of my life. I run to Him with confidence that He knows and will meet my deepest needs. I give Him all the glory for my salvation and every good thing in life.
Possible Applications for Leaders: The following concepts can be developed into applications specific to your leaders: Believers live in and depend on a steady stream of God’s grace.
o God’s grace to you did not end when you received Christ as Savior. We are in constant need of God’s grace. o God extends grace to us in more ways than we can imagine or count. o How precious and amazing is God’s grace to you?
Even when we know that salvation is by grace through faith, we can wrongly try to earn God’s favor. o When have you tried to please God simply by trying harder to do better? o Our salvation is by grace, but our sanctification, or spiritual growth, also depends on God’s grace. o How have you experienced God’s tender ongoing grace to strengthen your faith? God’s grace is deeper, wider, bigger, and stronger than our sin. We can trust Him. o How confident and secure are you in God’s generous grace toward you when you mess up? o God is naturally gracious – He is inclined, by His very nature, to give you what you do not deserve. o What specific expression of God’s grace to you leads you to praise and thank Him today?
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