Re-focus (2)
Matthew 14 22-31
Losing one's focus can be costly. In the 100 meter dash in the 1984 Summer Olympics a stunning exampleof how costly it can be to lose focus. The number 1 and number 2 ranked sprinters in the world were in the race and all eyes were on them, for they were very evenly matched. The gun sounded and they raced towards the finish line. The number 1 sprinter was slightly ahead as they approached the finish line; but as they crossed the finish line the number 2 runner edged in front and won the race by the tiniest fraction of a second. I will never forget the announcer saying that just before runner number 1 crossed the finish line he looked to his side to see where his competitor was positioned; but in doing so it took something off his stride and allowed runner number 2 to edge in front. He lost his focus and it cost him the race.
My brothers and my sisters we are living in a day and age were there is so many things going on around us that it can sometimes become difficult to stay focused.
We have distractions everywhere we turn
We have distractions on our job, we have distractions in our homes , we have distractions sometimes even in church and if we are not careful we lose sight of what we really should be focused on.
It’s often times like that in the Christian life. Most of start off being faithful to God.
We start out going to bible study. We start of reading out bibles, we start out coming to church but what happens when life throw different things our way our eyes become focused on our problems instead of the promise.
As we get to the selected text we find in Mathew the 14 chapter 22-31 versus The Disciples and Jesus were Just leaving the place were they fed 5000 with only 2 fish and five loaves of bread. But Jesus immediately urged the disciples that now they must get on a boat and go to the other side. He did not allow them to celebrate. He did not allow them to stick their chest out in victory. He immiedialty dismissed the people. He himself went up to the mountain and prayed while the disciples got on the the boat. Many people believe that the reason Jesus told them to get on the boat was because he did not want to become so focused on the miracle that they forget the miracle worker. He wanted them to understand that although they had one victory does not mean that the work was done.
He tells them to travel through the Sea of Galilee which was known for its huge waves and storms. Many of disciples where experienced fisher men so they knew what they were getting themselves in but nevertheless they stepped out and got on the boat to go the other side.
My brothers and sister when you make up on your mind that you going to obey the voice of God, you can expect a storm. When your making up in your mind that your going to go to the other side, you can expect a.
However, my brothers we must understand ’sthat while they were in the storm Jesus was in the mountain praying at the same time. he was moved to go and check on the disciples because of the storm.
The Sea of Galilee is well known for its sudden storms Many of us remember when the storm came and Jesus was in the bottom of the boat sleeping however this particular time and during this storm Jesus wasn’t in the boat with the disciples.
He came saw them struggling to make it, and came to their rescue….The Bible said that he came in the fourth watch of the night. The fourth watch is considered to be the last watch of the night. It is considered to be the darkest of the night normally from 3-6am. isn't that just like God, he often waits until it is the darkest moment of our life, he often waits when it seems as though our ship is sinking. He waits until it seems as though all hope is lost and shows up walking on the water, bringing us out of a storm that we can’t get out on our own, as the saying goes. He may not come when we want him but he will be there right on time.
Don’t give up when you are in the middle of the storm. Don’t lose focus in the midst of the storm because sooner or later you have a savior that can bring you out of any storm you may face in life.
In this particular situation the disciples needed a miracle, a miracle that no one else could provide but God. I believe Im talking to somebody her today that can say I’ve been in some situations that I tried to talk to others about. Ive been in situations where I tried to bring myself out of, However, It was not until God shows up Walking on the Water.
The disciples because of the magnitude of the storm could not recognize who Jesus was, here we have the men who walked with him talked with him didn't recognize him. Do I anyone that can be honest and say I've been some spiritual storms and the winds of the storm was so boisterous, the waves of the storms was so rough in your life that sometimes it was difficult to recognize the voice God. Jesus quickly responds be not afraid it is me, and only one disciple responded and that was Peter, he said Lord if t's you bid me to come.
Sometimes my brothers and sisters we have to be like peter and say Lord if its you bid me to come. In other words God Im about to step out of the boat, God I about to take a chance, God Im about to do something that may cost my life, but if its you Im willing to step out of the boat. If its you Im willing to trust and depend on your word.
Let's just look at Peter for a moment. He was the disciple that was not afraid to take chances. He was the disciple that was willing to drop everything he had to follow Jesus, which signifies that he had full trust in Jesus. Although he had full trust in God he still had his own failures when it came to the faith. This is the same Peter that denied three times. However, one thing about Peter is that no matter how many times he fell he recognized his savior and he got up.
He says "lord of its you bid me to come."
Jesus says to Peter "Come"
Peter starts of walking on the water.
I have to take a moment and make this picture clear because often times when I think of Peter walking on the water we picture the water being calm the sun shinning. However, my brothers and sisters that was not the scene, He was walking on water in the midst of the storm.
I believe I'm talking to some people who have learned how to walk on the water in the middle of the storm.
In other words you've learned how to go through the storm without letting the storm consume you.
I'm talking to someone that can say it's not that I don’t have any baggage. I just carry it well.
My brothers and sisters as long as Peter was focused on Jesus, He was able to walk through the storm. However, when he lost focused and started to focus on the winds of the storms he begin to sink.
He is focused, he begin to sink when he takes his focus off of Jesus and on the storm.
However, he recognized his sinking and says Lord save me.
Immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and pulled him up out of the water.
Anybody ever been to the place when you needed Jesus to reach down and pull you out of the boisterous storms of life. I believe the writer understood this when he wrote the song. I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore, very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more, But the Master of the sea, Heard my despairing cry, From the waters life me, Now safe am I.
My brothers and sisters all of us has had the same experiences that Peter had in this moment. We are all at one of the three places in our life even at this very moment. Some of us maybe at the place where we are on the boat and God is urging us to get out of the boat and come to him, if that’s you Im praying that you get out of the boat and come to him and remained focused on him. Some of us maybe out of the boat and we are walking on water with our eyes on Jesus, if that’s you Im praying that God will give you the strength to remain focused and continue to walk towards him. However, there maybe some of us who have lost focused and now we are sinking. If that you praying that you understand that he is able to reach down wherever you maybe and bring you to shore. As the song says if he has to reach way down. Jesus will pick you up.
There are a couple of points that I can get from this text and Im going to my seat.
If you are focused no matter what kind of storm you’re facing you can walk through it.
Because Peter was focused he was able to on water even while the wind and rain was on the sea.
My brother and sisters a couple weeks ago I preached a message about life’s storm. Storms are something that we can't dodge. Here we find in the text the disciples were facing a physical storm. However, in life we face spiritual storms, storms of sickness, storms of marital issues storms of family problems, financial storms, storms of grief, these storms if we are anchored and focused will consume us and cause us to sink.
Don't focus on the size of the storm but focus the size of your God.
As long as Peter was focusing on Jesus he was walking on water, it was at the moment when he lost focused and begin to focus in the winds that he begin to sink.
You can have faith but not focused
In the midst of the storm they begin to see a spirit and they became afraid of the spirit..
Jesus responds be not afraid it is me…
Peter responds Lord if its you BID me to come…
Although Peter had the faith to get out of the boat he didn't have the focus stay afloat.
It takes your faith and your focus.
Your faith will get you there but your focus will keep you there.
No matter how low you get, no matter how unfocused you become. You serve a God that can save you and allow you re-focus.
It was David that fell down with batheseba-
But he went to God and said I'm going to re-focus
Create in me a clean heart oh God and renew the right spirit within me.
Prodigal son-
It Jesus who tells the story of a son who had lost focus. He had everything he needed at his house. He decided to ask his father to give him his portion. He went out and squandered. He found his self into the hog pen and he finally said it's time for me to re-focus.
He said I'm going back to fathers house.
stay focused