The Portrait of the Kingdom of God
Luke • Sermon • Submitted
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· 4 viewsJesus, along with Petr, James, and John ascend to the mountain to pray. While on the mountain, Peter, James, and John are introduced to the glory of God.
Nestled between the birth of our Lord and Savior and our anticipation of the Parousia, the Second Coming of Jesus; today we are afforded a peak, an eye witness account at the Mount of Transfiguration of Jesus reflecting His glory and the kingdom of God awaiting for the believer. Oh, we can only imagine such a glorious scene. Turn in your Bible this morning to Luke 9:28-36.
Luke 9:28-36
Luke 9:28-36
Now it came to pass, about eight days after these sayings, that He took Peter, John, and James and went up on the mountain to pray. As He prayed, the appearance of His face was altered, and His robe became white and glistening. And behold, two men talked with Him, who were Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of His decease which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. But Peter and those with him were heavy with sleep; and when they were fully awake, they saw His glory and the two men who stood with Him. Then it happened, as they were parting from Him, that Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah”—not knowing what he said.
While he was saying this, a cloud came and overshadowed them; and they were fearful as they entered the cloud. And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!” When the voice had ceased, Jesus was found alone. But they kept quiet, and told no one in those days any of the things they had seen.
As your pastor and one who has been called to exhort the Word, I submit to you that I feel so inadequate and attempting to expound today such an event of wondrous, glorious, and majestic grandeur as this scene we study today at the Mount of Transfiguration. To God truly be the glory that He provides His words this day.
As we are reminded of the background before such a climactic event, two weeks ago the disciples made a forward leap in deepening their understanding of who Jesus was and who Jesus is. Peter stated, “you are the Christ of God”.
Jesus totally understands our inadequacies in grasping all that He is. You and I do not have it in our mortality to totally understand the fullness of God in one introduction. Our life journey called sanctification is the process of growing each day more like Him, but also gaining a deeper understanding of who He is with each passing day. He is more than our minds and hearts can fathom. And, the reason I make that statement is that Jesus chose to have another teaching time between the next revelation of Himself to Peter, James, and John. Jesus was going to reveal His glory to these men.
I ask myself this question: why did Jesus only reveal Himself to Peter, James & John? I wonder if because they inner circle, because they enjoyed more intimate time around Him, were they more prepared for the next phase of revelation of who this Jesus is? Interesting thought.
Last Sunday’s message, let’s reflect for a moment on the background as we transition to today’s text:
Luke 9:23 “Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.”
And, we discussed the cost of discipleship last week.
And we closed with this verse:
Luke 9:27 “But I tell you truly, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the kingdom of God.””
And, I gather from that transitional text that Jesus was referring to Peter, James, & John. Through the words of Luke the physician, and the lens of Peter, James, & John, recorded in the Word of God we read the eye witness account of what the Kingdom of God will be like when He comes again or we are called home.
Can you imagine? Oh my goodness, it must have been something to behold. So many times these men had circled up with Jesus at all times of the day and night. They had sat around fires, come to the close of days together over the last three years. These men had conversed and journeyed together many occasions and were directly engaged in seeing the great miracles, listening to the great sermons, experiencing the love of Jesus first hand.
Peter, James & John we refer to as Jesus’ inner circle.
Luke 8:51 “When He came into the house, He permitted no one to go in except Peter, James, and John, and the father and mother of the girl.”
I do not know how many times I have seen the handiwork of God in the hospital and wondered if someone was going to make it out of the hospital alive. And in those times plagued with emotion, the Lord chooses to breath life into someone to live another day. On those days I will admit I experience a seesaw of emotions.
In Luke 8:51, that is the story of the miraculous healing, bringing back Jairus’ daughter from the dead. Can’t you sense the anguish over these disciples as they were experiencing the hurt of all the loved ones in the house? Each day as they were around Jesus and Jesus was beginning to transform their lives, their love deepened like Jesus and they hurt over the tremendous loss of this beautiful little innocent girl. All of the brokenness in that room at Jairus’ house must have been overwhelming. I can just see their humility. I can imagine their heads bent over in respect and grimacing at the thought of loss and all of a sudden, Jesus says to the young girl, “little girl arise” and she arose, “get her something to eat.” Oh my goodness to see the transformation of that room from tears of anguish and pain to tears of joy and overwhelming emotion to the goodness of God.
We know from other places in the Word of God that this inner three, Peter, James & John were privy to some overwhelming scenes in the life of Jesus. Peter, James, & John were so blessed to have a seat front and center to see what the future ultimately held by being in relationship with Jesus. They were eye witnesses to the glory of God displayed in Jesus Christ.
Mark 14:33 “And He took Peter, James, and John with Him, and He began to be troubled and deeply distressed.”
If you read the various versions of the Bible, you read that Jesus’ radiance was “dazzling white, white as lightning, glistering, gleaming, and one commentator described it in this fashion:
Jesus’ radiance was whiter than “the whitest garment you have seen that had been bleached.”
This morning as we gaze into the splendor of this scene, I want us to extract three important themes that can be a great takeaway from our time together:
Culmination Theme VV. 28-29
Culmination Theme VV. 28-29
Luke 9:28-29 “Now it came to pass, about eight days after these sayings, that He took Peter, John, and James and went up on the mountain to pray. As He prayed, the appearance of His face was altered, and His robe became white and glistening.”
The transfiguration is recorded in the synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark & Luke that we read today. In Luke’s account, He states 8 days and In Matthew & Mark’s accoount the Scripture states 6 days. I do not contend that there is errancy in the Word of God. Each gospel writer by the direction of the HOly Spirit wrote with different emphasis and audiences in mind. No other gospel emphasizes the humanity of Jesus as Luke does. I believe that when you get to splitting hairs of whether it was 6 or 8 days, I believe we miss the point. In God’s perfect timing, if we meet in the middle at a weeks time or seven being found perfect in the Word of God, we quickly realize that in God’s perfect timing, He revealed Himself in His glory to Peter, James & John.
This culmination, this preparation time for something to culminate required prayer and a meditative time.
Exodus 24:15-16 “Then Moses went up into the mountain, and a cloud covered the mountain. Now the glory of the Lord rested on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days. And on the seventh day He called to Moses out of the midst of the cloud.”
There is a culmination theme mounting in these first verses because when we read of Jesus praying in the Word of God, great things follow. I shared that thought a couple of weeks ago so I want to spend time recognizing that Jesus revealed Himself in His glory, majesty, and splendor on top of the mountain.
We know of so many mountaintop experiences that highlight God’s handiwork. We think of the great fire from heaven that God brought down at Mount Carmel against the Baal prophets, 450 men and God reigned victorious.
We think of Moses, the deliver of Israel, that was called to the Burning bush on Mt. Sinai and received the law for the people of Israel. Our very Lord and Savior went to Golgotha, the culmination of all that Jesus came to accomplish so that we may live. Mountaintop experiences are a culmination of preparation in seeking the presence and the glory of God.
Dearly beloved, the mountain represents a journey to the Lord, those times we term mountaintop expereinces and if you have ever encountered real revival, you do not want it to end. You do not want to leave His presence. This morning let’s consider journeying to the mountain.
The mountain means for us an ascent. the Mountain represents an uninhabited, isolated location. A mountain represents a place free of distraction. And if you have ever spent any time climbing some steep mountains, you quickly realize it becomes a battle of one and one with the mountain. The climb represents a drain and emptiness of self and energy until you have reached the crest.
I believe so much is conveyed in those pause moments that Robert Redford, in the movie, Jeremiah Johnson, who was a mountain man as his character in the movie, was nomadic traveling the mountain ranges and he passed a fellow mountain man named Bear Claw who was played by Will Geer who was grandpa in the show The Waltons. These two men were men who passed in the journey and they would have thier own ideas of where they were journeying as they navigated those mountains. A mountain gives you a lookout point, a place of reflection and when you are at the crest, you have the choice of which direction you are heading.
WE read later in verse 32 that Peter wanted to make tents or shelters and abode there in that grand expereince of looking upon the radiance of Jesus. The encounter face to face with God Himself was one that caused a blotting out of the world. Nothing else at that moment mattered or was even considered.
Let me ask you to look deep within your being this morning. Do you want to have a real deep encounter with God and step into His glory? REalize for it to happen it is a culminating sequence of events. It begins with real prayer. It begins with those things that the mountain represents. It is an scent with nothing allowing you to be distracted from the journey. It represents and emptiness and a drain in allowing all the baggage, the past sins, the guilt to be left along the climb to God. And, when you reach that crest, be prepared to go in whatever manner He calls you to go.
Clarification Theme VV. 32-33
Clarification Theme VV. 32-33
Luke 9:32-33 “But Peter and those with him were heavy with sleep; and when they were fully awake, they saw His glory and the two men who stood with Him. Then it happened, as they were parting from Him, that Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah”—not knowing what he said.”
How many times were the disciples sleeping when the Savior wanted them alert?
Matthew 26:40 “Then He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “What! Could you not watch with Me one hour?”
Matthew 26:45 “Then He came to His disciples and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners.”
My prayer for each of us is that we are not caught sleeping spiritually when God wants to reveal Himself to us. I have to wonder how much I have missed by sleeping. Do you believe there have been times you were spiritually asleep and missed a signal from God?
I defend the disciples in those times because there is great rest in knowing God’s in control. But besides the rest He offers, His Father revealed an important understanding of His Son to us.
Within this story is a clarification theme revealed. We read that Peter made a statement and did not know what He was saying, “let us make three tabernacles, one for YOu, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” And, we know that His heavenly Father spoke up. Only two times in the NT have we known the Heavenly Father to speak out, the first being at Jesus’ baptism, “this is my Son in whom I am well pleased”. And here, “this is my beloved Son. Hear Him!” and note that we see an exclamation point on the end of God’s words.
The Father made His point clear. Oh listen dear church,God Himself, the Heavenly Father speaks with great clarity to us this morning and it should cause us to come out of oour spiritual slumber. MOses represented the law. Moses represented the law brought down from God, the first five books of the Bible that the Jews refer to as the Torah. Just as Moses broke the tablets of the law on his first descent dwon the mountain as he saw the Israelited dancing and them worshipping the golden calf, he broke the tablets in his anger.
Dearly beloved, the Scriptures state that if:
James 2:10 “For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.” Mose represented in and of itself the law and the law can not save you.
Elijah represented the OT prophets. The prophets bellowed the need of a Messiah, a need of a deliverer, and need for God’s Son to come. But listen, If God’s Son had never came, the law and the prophets would have been fruitless without a Savior.
The Heavenly Father stated to those men at that time, “Listen to my Son”.
Alteration Theme vv. 29, 31, 36.
Alteration Theme vv. 29, 31, 36.
Listen dearly beloved, if you want to expereince the glory of God, it requires those items mentioned before, but ultimately it calls for a choice. For you see, on that occasion, Jesus made one of the most important choices He could have made for you and me. He lived on earth for 30 years for the most part in obscurity, but began His public ministry at age 30. He served His Heavenly Father’s mission here on earth for three years. He was days from going to the cross. He at that moment revealing the glory og God, His righteousness, His pruity, His holiness and all of the brilliance of white reflecting the goodness of God, at that point He met all the criteria of perfection to ascend back to the Father. That holiness was revealed at that moment. Peter, James, and JOhn representing the world saw God in His fullness.
Hebrews 4:15 “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.”
Remind us that God was tempted in all manner that we were, yet He never committed a sin.
At that very moment, He could have easily said, to hell with all of you. I lived my life here sinless, I am perfected and I am out of here and He had that right to choose to do so. And dearly beloved, at that moment, but that was decided before we know life to have began, He altered the world with the greatest gift, the cross, that He could give to all mankind for the choosing.
Verse 29 describes the appearance of Jesus as transfigured. Matthew and Mark’s account actually use the word, transfigured which means a metamorphosis. One of the things we learned in school to understand the word, metamorposis is the changing of a catepillar into a butterly. Something that is not very unsightly changing into something of great beauty.
Oh listen dearly beloved, do you want to encounter the glory and the radiance of God today? Pray and ascend up the moutain leaving everything behind as you make the ascent. When you get there, do not go with any preconceived notions of what the next steps hold. Be clear on an important aspect of the journey, your goodness and obedience to the laws of this land are not sufficnet for you to find a place in heaven, nor could you keep every law if you wanted, because God’s Words says, “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Furthermore, you can know about Jesus as many prophets and preachers and teacher may have shared over these many years, but until you accept Him as Lord and Savior, it is all for naught. Oh dearly beloved, if you’ve never accepted jesus, do it today.
Let’s pray.